9 research outputs found

    Breakdown of within- and between-network resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging connectivity during propofol-induced loss of consciousness.

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    BACKGROUND: Mechanisms of anesthesia-induced loss of consciousness remain poorly understood. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging allows investigating whole-brain connectivity changes during pharmacological modulation of the level of consciousness. METHODS: Low-frequency spontaneous blood oxygen level-dependent fluctuations were measured in 19 healthy volunteers during wakefulness, mild sedation, deep sedation with clinical unconsciousness, and subsequent recovery of consciousness. RESULTS: Propofol-induced decrease in consciousness linearly correlates with decreased corticocortical and thalamocortical connectivity in frontoparietal networks (i.e., default- and executive-control networks). Furthermore, during propofol-induced unconsciousness, a negative correlation was identified between thalamic and cortical activity in these networks. Finally, negative correlations between default network and lateral frontoparietal cortices activity, present during wakefulness, decreased proportionally to propofol-induced loss of consciousness. In contrast, connectivity was globally preserved in low-level sensory cortices, (i.e., in auditory and visual networks across sedation stages). This was paired with preserved thalamocortical connectivity in these networks. Rather, waning of consciousness was associated with a loss of cross-modal interactions between visual and auditory networks. CONCLUSIONS: Our results shed light on the functional significance of spontaneous brain activity fluctuations observed in functional magnetic resonance imaging. They suggest that propofol-induced unconsciousness could be linked to a breakdown of cerebral temporal architecture that modifies both within- and between-network connectivity and thus prevents communication between low-level sensory and higher-order frontoparietal cortices, thought to be necessary for perception of external stimuli. They emphasize the importance of thalamocortical connectivity in higher-order cognitive brain networks in the genesis of conscious perception

    Méningite à Haemophilus Influenzae chez un enfant de deux ans

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    A reemergence of severe infections due to Hib has been identified in the last few years, due to different factors including a reduction in indirect protection or herd effect, a decrease in antibody titers among children vaccinated before 1 year of age who did not receive a booster dose, and the emergence of more virulent, contagious strains. In our patient, we concluded that the meningitis was a consequence of the loss of immunity in light of the lack of vaccine booster. Antibody titers in children vaccinated before one year of age have a tendency to decrease more rapidly. Any bacterial meningitis and in particular meningitis due to Hib infection requires a careful ENT examination to detect early signs and symptoms of complications due to damage in the inner ear. An initial ENT evaluation must be performed and reassessed on a regular basis during and after treatment. One of the most feared complications is the cochlear ossification which - if it goes undetected - becomes irreversible and does not allow cochlear implant

    Multifocal tuberculosis despite immunocompetence.

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    editorial reviewedTuberculosis is one of the deadliest infectious disease. Its annual incidence was 10 million cases in 2019. We report the case of a 40 years old immunocompetent patient presenting with two large subcutaneous masses in his back. The diagnosis work-up will reveal multifocal tuberculosis with pulmmonary, vertebral, muscular and lymph node lesions. This case is unusual due to its presentation in an immunocompetent patient. Several laboratories have conducted experiments to isolate characteristics of the host that would allow the infection to spread despite the absence of an immunosuppressive medical condition. We also analyze the role of the PET scanner in the initial assessment and its interest in the monitoring of extra-pulmonary disease under anti-tuberculosis treatment. Multifocal tuberculosis cases are no longer the preserve of the immunocompromised and can be found in our industrialized countries. We must enonciate this diagnosis in front of unusual presentations. The delay in consultation, but also the delay of treatment, allows more widespread infections.La tuberculose est une des maladies infectieuses les plus mortelles. Son incidence annuelle était de 10 millions de cas en 2019. Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient immunocompétent de 40 ans qui se présente avec deux volumineuses masses sous-cutanées au niveau du dos. La mise au point révélera une tuberculose multifocale avec une atteinte pulmonaire, vertébrale, ganglionnaire et des collections abcédées musculaires plurifocales. Ce cas est atypique de par sa présentation chez un patient immunocompétent. Plusieurs laboratoires ont essayé d’isoler des caractéristiques de l’hôte qui permettraient à l’infection une extension disséminée malgré l’absence de condition médicale immunodépressive. Nous analysons également le rôle du PET scanner dans le bilan initial et son intérêt dans le suivi des foyers extra-pulmonaires sous traitement anti-tuberculeux. Les cas de tuberculose multifocale ne sont plus l’apanage des patients immunodéprimés et peuvent se rencontrer dans les pays industrialisés. Le diagnostic doit pouvoir être évoqué devant des présentations atypiques. Le retard du diagnostic et de la prise en charge thérapeutique favorise des infections plus étendues