17 research outputs found

    Supplemental irrigation in farming systems : history of a practice and outlooks for Burkina Faso

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    The paper briefly outlines research which indicates that effective participation of farmers through a participatory approach, and involvement of NGOs alongside research institutions, would be a prerequisite for the successful extension of supplemental irrigation, which is already practiced in the region, but not widespread. In Burkina Faso, agriculture is mainly rainfed, and highly dependent on climatic conditions, therefore particularly vulnerable to climate change

    Supplemental irrigation in farming systems : history of a practice and outlooks for Burkina Faso

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    The paper briefly outlines research which indicates that effective participation of farmers through a participatory approach, and involvement of NGOs alongside research institutions, would be a prerequisite for the successful extension of supplemental irrigation, which is already practiced in the region, but not widespread. In Burkina Faso, agriculture is mainly rainfed, and highly dependent on climatic conditions, therefore particularly vulnerable to climate change

    Design and implementation of runoff harvesting basins for supplemental irrigation in the Burkinabe Sahel

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    Climate change in the Sahel will mean frequent droughts and larger dry spells, where farmers who benefit from dams and irrigated areas is less than 2%. The present study proposes a methodology for design and implementation of low-cost runoff water harvesting basins, using an approach based on community mutual aid. Soil structure has a strong influence on the need for labour for excavation, waterproofing, and choice of materials for stabilization of the walls. Excavation must be made immediately after the harvest season, when the weather is relatively mild, the soil is still moist enough, and food is not a limiting factor

    Acceptance and popularization of supplemental irrigation in the bam province, Burkina Faso

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    peer reviewedL’agriculture burkinabè est principalement pluviale et donc très dépendante des conditions climatiques. La variabilité du climat au cours de ces dernières décennies a montré la grande vulnérabilité des systèmes de production se traduisant par des répercussions importantes sur les récoltes. Des enquêtes menées dans trois villages de la province du Bam en zone sahélienne ont permis de recueillir les avis des différents acteurs sur la pratique de l’irrigation de complément et son intérêt pour la sécurisation de la production. Les résultats indiquent qu’ils sont suffisamment informés de la pratique de l’irrigation de complément, sont tous prêts à se l’approprier, mais regrettent que peu de paysans aient pu jusqu’à présent bénéficier des formations sur cette pratique et la gestion des eaux de ruissellement. L’étude révèle également que la femme constitue un canal important pour l’acceptation et la vulgarisation de cette pratique. Les groupements féminins déjà très impliqués dans le maraîchage et l’entraide villageoise en ont manifesté un grand intérêt pour l’irrigation de complément