3 research outputs found

    Morphometric study of the meningeal sheath of the oculo motor nerve in the latero-sellar lodge: Neuro surgical interest

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    The meningeal sheath of the oculomotor nerve is also known that the latero-sellar lodge. It has both dural and extra-dural components. This sheath  contains vascular elements including the carotid and nervous siphon, the motor nerves of the eye to which are added the division branches V1 and V2 of the trigeminal nerve. The oculomotor nerve runs through this lodge wrapped in its meningeal sheath. The purpose of this study was to document the dimensions of the different segments of the nerve as it crosses the lodge. Eight pairs of lodges were the subject of this study. Dead bodies fixed with 10% formalin for two to three weeks underwent a craniotomy. After removal of the brain, nerve III and its meningeal envelope were dissected and exposed. The different segments of the nerve were measured in both sides. The entrance orifice of the porus of the oculomotor nerve III was located behind the anterior clinoid process to 7.2 mm (extreme from 3 to 13mm) on the right and to 7.40mm (extreme from 4 to 12) on the left. The meningeal cul-de-sac represented the intra-conical segment and was either 5.2mm long (extreme from 4 to 6.5mm) or short 3.25mm (extreme from 2 to 3.5mm). The supra-cavernous segment measured on the right 5.2 mm (extreme from 2 to 8 mm) and on the left 4.6 mm (extreme from 3 to 7 mm). The latero-sellar lodge, a complex and narrowed region is crossed by nervous elements each in its meningeal sheath. This deserves an approach by surgical microdissection. Key words: Oculomotor nerves - meningeal cone - measurement – cadaver – latero-sellar lodge

    Morphology and microcirculatory structure of the urethra of the pig: Urologic surgical interest

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    The urethra of the sow can play an important role in the surgical revascularization or in the reconstructive surgery. However, the urethra can be easily injured if it possessed well architecture and vascularization. We investigated the morphological structure and vasculature features of the urethra to improve surgical results. Eight pelvises of sow were investigated. The block was cuts according to the segments of the urethra. They were made transparent according to the sagittal and transvers planes and examined trough Chinese ink agar injection. The adventia of both portions of the urethra of the sow (pelvic and perineal) were dependent on the collaterals of the internal iliac arteries and internal pudendal arteries. The veins of the periphery of the urethra derived from the muscle layers and the chorion and ran into a network in contact with arteries. The arteries of the striated muscle layer originated from the adventitial arteries of the anterior and lateral regions of the urethra. The chorion was depended on long vessels from the adventitious network and the terminal branches of the vessels of the inner longitudinal muscle layer. The arteries of the urethrovaginal septum were thin and came from the branches of the vaginal artery. The urethra of the sow was sheathed by the pelvic fascia lined with the elevated muscle of anus. They were well vascularized and can be safety exposed and preserved during experimental surgical dissection with careful drilling.Keys words: Sow urethra, morphology, structure, microvascularization