2 research outputs found

    Connaissances des Anomalies du Tube Neural, Attitudes et Pratiques de PrƩvention chez les Femmes vues en Consultation prƩnatale, RƩgion de Niamey-Niger, 2017: Knowledge, Attitudes and Prevention Practices of Neural Tube Anomalies in Women attending Prenatal Consultation in the Niamey-Niger Region 2017

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    Introduction: Les anomalies congeĢnitales sont des anomalies fonctionnelles, structurelles ou meĢtaboliques se produisant en intra-uteĢrin et identifiables avant ou apreĢ€s la naissance. Au Niger, le domaine des anomalies congeĢnitales n'a pas eĢteĢ suffisamment exploreĢ. Notre objectif eĢtait de deĢcrire les connaissances des anomalies du tube neural (ATN), les attitudes et les pratiques de preĢvention chez les femmes vues en consultation preĢnatale (CPN). MĆ©thodes: Nous avons meneĢ une enqueĢ‚te transversale de FeĢvrier aĢ‚ Mars 2017 chez les femmes enceintes vues en CPN1 dans les materniteĢs de Niamey. L'eĢchantillon, calculeĢ avec Open Epi eĢtait de 421. Les femmes enceintes ont eĢteĢ intervieweĢes sur leurs connaissances des ATN, leurs attitudes et pratiques de preĢvention devant ces anomalies. Les donneĢes ont eĢteĢ collecteĢes avec un questionnaire aĢ€ travers les 5 districts sanitaires de la region de Niamey. Le nombre de femmes aĢ€ enqueĢ‚ter par district a eĢteĢ alloueĢ en tenant compte de l'importance relative des femmes en age de procreĢer (FAP) selon le district. Dans chaque district, il a eĢteĢ choisi par commoditeĢ, l'hoĢ‚pital de district (HD), 2 materniteĢs urbaines et 2 materniteĢs rurales. Le nombre de femme par materniteĢ a eĢteĢ deĢtermineĢ selon le meĢ‚me proceĢdeĢ que dans les districts. A la materniteĢ, les participantes ont eĢteĢ choisi de manieĢ€re aleĢatoire. Des analyses univarieĢes, bivarieĢes et multivarieĢes ont eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢes. Des ratios de preĢvalence (RP), OR de preĢvalence (POR) aĢ€ 95% ont eĢteĢ calculeĢs. Les variables avec p<0,25 en analyse bivarieĢe, ont eĢteĢ inteĢgreĢes dans le modeĢ€le logistique multiple. RĆ©sultats: L'aĢ‚ge meĢdian des enqueĢ‚teĢes eĢtait de 25 ans. Il y avait 60,81% de scolariseĢes et 24,33% de primigestes. Environ 30,65% connaissaient les ATN ; 15,92% avaient de bonnes attitudes ; 41,81% avaient utiliseĢes l'acide folique (AF). La tranche d'eĢ‚ge de 25-49ans a eĢteĢ un facteur indeĢpendant de la connaissance des ATN (p=0,0008) ; pour les attitudes : il s'agit de l'aĢ‚ge (25-49ans) (p=0,03), la prise d'AF (p=0,0002) ; pour la pratique : le niveau d'instruction (p=0,01), l'information par les agents de santeĢ (p< 0,0001), la connaissance d'autres sources d'AF (p=0,04). Conclusion: Il y avait une insuffisance de connaissances, d'attitudes et de pratiques de preĢvention devant les ATN chez les femmes enceintes. L'eĢducation continue, une politique d'enrichissement en AF de certains aliments s'impose. Background: Congenital anomalies are functional, structural or metabolic abnormalities occurring in the uterus and identifiable before or after birth. In Niger, the field of congenital anomalies has not been sufficiently explored. Our objective was to describe the knowledge of neural tube defects (NTDs), attitudes and prevention practices in women seen in antenatal care (ANC). Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey from February to March 2017 among pregnant women seen in CPN1 in maternity hospitals in Niamey. The sample, calculated with Open Epi, was 421. Pregnant women were interviewed on their knowledge of NTDs, their attitudes and prevention practices in the face of these anomalies. The data were collected with a questionnaire across the 5 health districts of the Niamey region. The number of women to be surveyed by district was allocated taking into account the relative importance of women of reproductive age (FAP) by district. In each district, it was chosen by convenience, the district hospital (HD), 2 urban maternities and 2 rural maternities. The number of women per maternity unit was determined using the same procedure as in the districts. In the maternity ward, the participants were chosen at random. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes were performed. 95% prevalence (PR), OR prevalence (POR) ratios were calculated. Variables with p <0.25 in bivariate analysis were included in the multiple logistic model. Results: The median age of the respondents was 25 years. There were 60.81% of school children and 24.33% of primigravidae. About 30.65% were familiar with ATNs; 15.92% had good attitudes; 41.81% had used folic acid (FA). The age group of 25-49 years was an independent factor of knowledge of NTDs (p = 0.0008); for attitudes: it is about age (25-49 years) (p = 0.03), AF intake (p = 0.0002); for practice: level of education (p = 0.01), information by health workers (p <0.0001), knowledge of other sources of FA (p = 0.04). Conclusion: There was a lack of knowledge, attitudes and prevention practices towards NTDs among pregnant women. Education continues, a policy of fortifying certain foods with AF is required

    Etiology and risk factors for meningitis during an outbreak in BatiƩ Health District, Burkina Faso, January-March 2016

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    Introduction: On 16 March 2016, BatiĆ© Health District notified the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health Surveillance unit of 12 suspected cases of meningitis. During the same period, BatiĆ©Ā“s neighboring districts in CĆ“te d'Ivoire and Ghana were experiencing a meningitis epidemic. We investigated to establish the etiology and risk factors for the disease and to recommend prevention and control measures. Methods: We conducted unmatched case control study. A case was any person living in BatiĆ© with fever (temp. ā‰„ 38.5Ā°C) and any of the following: neck stiffness, neurological disorder, bulging fontanelle, convulsion during January to April 2016 with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) positive to PCR. Controls were non sick household members, neighbors or friends to the cases. We analyzed the investigation and laboratory records. We included all confirmed cases and two neighborhood controls per case. We used a standard questionnaire to collect data. We analyzed data by Epi info 7 and calculated odds ratio (ORs),adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence interval. We proceeded to univariate, bivariate, multivariate and logistic regression analysis. Results: We interviewed 93 participants including 31 meningitis cases and 62 controls. The median age of cases was 8 years old [2 months-55 years] and 6.5 years old [5 months-51 years] for controls. Streptococcus pneumoniae 16(51.61%), Neisseria meningitidis W 14(45.16%) and Haemophilus influenzae b 1(3.23%) were the identified germs. The independent risk factors identified were travel to meningitis affected areas (Adjusted odd ratio(AOR)=12[2.3-60],p=0.0029); >5 persons sharing bedroom (AOR=5.7[1.5-22],p=0.012) and rhinopharyngitis (AOR=26[1.8-380],p=0.017). Conclusion: Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis W caused the outbreak in BatiĆ©. The risk factors were overcrowding, travel to affected areas, and rhinopharyngitis. We recommended reactive vaccination against Neisseria meningitidis W, limited travel to affected areas and ventilation of rooms