82 research outputs found

    Investigating the relationship between stress and self-rated health during the financial crisis and recession in 2008: The mediating role of job satisfaction and social support in Spain

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    Background: the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent recession had a strong impact on employment and certain health indicators, such as mental health. Many studies carried out with diverse samples attest to the negative influence of stress on health. However, few studies focus on stress and self-rated health among the Spanish workforce, or analyse which variables can act as a buffer against the negative effects of stress on self-perceived health. Aim: to analyse the mediator role of social support and job satisfaction in the relationship between work-related stress and self-rated health among the Spanish working population between 2006 and 2017. Method: repeated cross-sectional study using Spanish Surveys from 2006 to 2017, a total of 32.105 participants (47.4% women) aged 16 years and over (M = 42.3, SD = 10.7) answered a series of questions about work-related stress (PV), self-rated health (CV), job satisfaction, and social support (mediator variables) through the National Health Survey (NHS) prevalences of work-related stress, self-rated health, job satisfaction, and social support were calculated (standardised by age). We performed mediation/moderation analysis with Macro Process for SPSS to analyse the role of social support and job satisfaction in the relationship between self-rated health and work-related stress among the Spanish working population. Results: three mediation analyses were conducted, one for each time point in the study period. The results revealed a significant direct association between stress and job satisfaction. In the 2006 model, both job satisfaction and social support acted as mediators between stress and self-rated health, while in the 2011 and 2017 models, only job satisfaction acted as a mediator. The data reveal that the working population in Spain has a good capacity for resilience, since no drop in health indicators was observed. Conclusion: following the economic recession, employment has partially recovered. However, social and employment policies are required to help the population face the recent situation triggered by the Coronavirus crisis. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Influencia de la posición socioeconómica en la morbilidad de la población laboral activa en España. Análisis del impacto de la crisis económica de 2008.

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    El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de la morbilidad sufrida por la población activa ocupada en España entre los años 2006 y 2017, es decir, antes, durante y tras la crisis económica de 2008.Para estudiar la morbilidad se han empleado las Encuestas Nacionales de Salud de España de los años 2006, 2011 y 2017 (n = 31.412) y el software estadístico STATA 15.Los principales resultados muestran que la morbilidad aumentó durante el periodo estudiado, aunque se han encontrado diferencias en la prevalencia de las enfermedades de acuerdo con las diferentes características socioeconómicas estudiadas.La carga de morbilidad observada entre la población ocupada en España pone de manifiesto la necesidad de elaborar políticas de empleo orientadas a la mejora de la salud en el trabajo y a erradicar las desigualdades sociales en salud.<br /

    Programa de Educación para la Salud dirigido a familias con un hijo/a diagnosticado con Fibrosis Quística

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    Introducción: La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad genética y multisistémica que afecta principalmente a los pulmones y al páncreas exocrino. Los pilares básicos de su tratamiento son conseguir un buen estado nutricional y respiratorio, por lo que es necesario educar sobre estos aspectos. Su diagnóstico no solo afecta al paciente, si no que afecta también a la familia, a quienes genera reacciones de miedo o ansiedad. Ayudarles a afrontar la situación y educarles sobre el manejo de la enfermedad favorece un correcto desarrollo del menor. Objetivo: Diseñar un programa de educación sanitaria dirigido a familias con un hijo/a con fibrosis quística que haya sido diagnosticado de forma reciente. Metodología: Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Cuiden, Science Direct, Dialnet y Pubmed, con el objetivo de diseñar sesiones de educación para la salud sobre el manejo de la fibrosis quística. Conclusiones: La educación sobre las medidas nutricionales y respiratorias permiten que las familias conozcan cómo manejar la enfermedad de su hijo/a. Además, Enfermería ayuda al afrontamiento de la enfermedad por parte de las familias, que poco a poco aceptan y normalizan la nueva situación en sus vidas. Palabras clave: “fibrosis quística”, “cuidados”, “enfermería”, “psicosocial”, “tratamiento domiciliario”, “pediatría”, “nutricional”, “digestivo”, “respiratorio”.<br /

    Buenas prácticas en violencia de género en coordinación interinstitucional. El caso de Aragón

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    Las estrategias de coordinación interinstitucional como la desarrollada en Aragón posibilitan agilizar y garantizar una AI segura en casos de VG. Pese a todas las actividades de sensibilización y formación realizadas en los centros sanitarios, la cumplimentación de PL sigue siendo baja. Son necesarias sesiones de formación continuada y sensibilización especializada en VG para garantizar en el correcto abordaje de la VG a través del conocimiento de los recursos asistenciales, así como una adecuada coordinación y derivación a los servicios asistenciales correspondientes, junto con el establecimiento de un plan de seguridad efica

    Social support as a mediator in the relationship between technostress or academic stress and health: analysis by gender among university students

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    IntroductionThis research aims to study the role of social support as a mediator in the relationship between technostress or academic stress and health in university students.MethodsA descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study has been carried out through a self-reported survey answered by 389 students during March and April 2022. The current level of health was the outcome variable. Technostress and academic stress were the criterion variables. Perceived social support was the mediator variable. The sociodemographic variables and ICT use at the educational level were the independent variables.ResultsWomen have higher levels of technostress and academic stress than men. Social support significantly and positively mediates the relationship between academic stress and self-perceived health in men.DiscussionThere is a clear need to develop new social management strategies that assist students in developing stable and long-lasting social networks, which can reduce stress during the student period and provide personal tools for later working life


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    Los factores de riesgo cardiovascular han estado presentes desde los comienzos de la actividad industrial en España. Concretamente, este estudio se desarrolla en una cohorte de trabajadores de la empresa Opel, en Figueruelas.Tras analizar los diferentes datos clínicos extraídos de los trabajadores que prestan sus servicios por cuenta ajena dentro de esta organización, se ha podido observar cómo influyen los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en la salud física y mental de estos, lo cual nos hace poner el foco en este tema y centrar nuestra atención y recursos para desarrollar el siguiente estudio que se expone a continuación, con la finalidad de encontrar diferentes medidas, acciones y /o iniciativas a llevar a cabo por parte de las empresas para reducir, disminuir y/o minimizar los diversos factores presentes que influyen de forma negativa en la salud y bienestar de los empleados.<br /


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    Los factores de riesgo cardiovascular han estado presentes desde los comienzos de la actividad industrial enEspaña. Concretamente, este estudio se desarrolla en una cohorte de trabajadores de la empresa Opel, enFigueruelas.Tras analizar los diferentes datos clínicos extraídos de los trabajadores que prestan sus servicios por cuentaajena dentro de esta organización, se ha podido observar cómo influyen los factores de riesgo cardiovascularen la salud física y mental de estos, lo cual nos hace poner el foco en este tema y centrar nuestra atención yrecursos para desarrollar el siguiente estudio que se expone a continuación, con la finalidad de encontrardiferentes medidas, acciones y /o iniciativas a llevar a cabo por parte de las empresas para reducir, disminuiry/o minimizar los diversos factores presentes que influyen de forma negativa en la salud y bienestar de losempleados.<br /

    Clinical characterization and factors associated with quality of life in Long COVID patients: Secondary data analysis from a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Long COVID patients suffer a negative impact on their quality of life, as well as their functioning, productivity or socialization. There is a need to better understand the individual experience and circumstances surrounding these patients. Objective: To characterize clinical picture of Long COVID patients and to identify factors associated with quality of life. Methods: A secondary data analysis from a randomized clinical trial (RCT) was carried out with 100 Long COVID patients treated by Primary Health Care and residents in the territory of Aragon (northeast of Spain). The main variable of the study was quality of life, evaluated using the SF-36 Questionnaire, in relation to socio-demographic and clinical variables. In addition, ten validated scales were used that contemplated their cognitive, affective, functional and social status, as well as personal constructs. Correlation statistics and linear regression model were calculated. Results: Long COVID patients suffer a decrease in their levels of physical and mental health. On the one hand, the higher number of persistent symptoms (b = -0.900, p = 0.008), worse physical functioning (b = 1.587, p = 0.002) and sleep quality (b = -0.538, p = 0.035) are predictors of worse quality of life, physical subscale. On the other hand, higher educational level (b = 13.167, p = 0.017), lower number of persistent symptoms (b = -0.621, p = 0.057) and higher affective affectation (b = -1.402, p&lt;0.001) are predictors of worse quality of life, mental subscale. Conclusion: It is necessary to design rehabilitation programs that consider both the physical and mental health of these patients, thus obtaining an improvement in their quality of life

    Self-rated health impact of COVID 19 confinement on inmates in Southeastern of Europe: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the implementation of various measures within closed institutions like prisons to control the spread of the virus. Analyzing the impact of these measures on the health of inmates is crucial from a public health perspective. This study aimed to explore inmates’ subjective perception of the COVID-19 lockdown, the implemented measures, their physical self-perception, and their views on the vaccination process. Method Between April 2021 and January 2022, 27 semi-structured individual interviews and 1 focus group were conducted with inmates in a prison located in northwest Spain. The interviews were conducted in person and audio-recorded. Thematic content analysis was employed, utilizing methodological triangulation to enhance the coherence and rigor of the results. Results The analysis revealed two main themes and nine subthemes. The first theme focused on inmates’ perception of the implementation of protective measures against COVID-19 within the prison and its impact on their well-being. The second theme explored the pandemic’s emotional impact on inmates. All participants reported negative consequences on their health resulting from the measures implemented by the institution to contain the pandemic. However, they acknowledged that measures like lockdowns and mass vaccination helped mitigate the spread of the virus within the prison, contrary to initial expectations. Conclusion COVID-19 and related measures have directly affected the health of inmates. To improve their health and minimize the impact of pandemic-induced changes, community participation and empowerment of individuals are essential tools, particularly within closed institutions such as prisons

    Enfermería penitenciaria. Una revisión bibliográfica

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    La enfermería penitenciaria es una disciplina de la enfermería que destaca del resto debido al entorno de trabajo y a las características de sus pacientes. Muchas veces se enfrentan a problemas éticos o situaciones difíciles de manejar. Por ello, es importante saber a qué nivel afectan estas circunstancias a la vida del personal enfermero.<br /