6,126 research outputs found

    Recent ASDEX Upgrade research in support of ITER and DEMO

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    Recent experiments on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak aim at improving the physics base for ITER and DEMO to aid the machine design and prepare efficient operation. Type I edge localized mode (ELM) mitigation using resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) has been shown at low pedestal collisionality ( ν ∗ ped < 0 . 4 ) . In contrast to the previous high ν ∗ regime, suppression only occurs in a narrow RMP spectral window, indicating a resonant process, and a concomitant confinement drop is observed due to a reduction of pedestal top density and electron temperature. Strong evidence is found for the ion heat flux to be the decisive element for the L–H power threshold. A physics based scaling of the density at which the minimum P LH occurs indicates that ITER could take advantage of it to initiate H-mode at lower density than that of the final Q = 10 operational point. Core density fluctuation measurements resolved in radius and wave number show that an increase of R/L T e introduced by off-axis electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) mainly increases the large scale fluctuations. The radial variation of the fluctuation level is in agreement with simulations using the GENE code. Fast particles are shown to undergo classical slowing down in the absence of large scale magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) events and for low heating power, but show signs of anomalous radial redistribution at large heating power, consistent with a broadened off-axis neutral beam current drive current profile under these conditions. Neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) suppression experiments using electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) with feedback controlled deposition have allowed to test several control strategies for ITER, including automated control of (3,2) and (2,1) NTMs during a single discharge. Disruption mitigation studies using massive gas injection (MGI) can show an increased fuelling efficiency with high field side injection, but a saturation of the fuelling efficiency is observed at high injected mass as needed for runaway electron suppression. Large locked modes can significantly decrease the fuelling efficiency and increase the asymmetry of radiated power during MGI mitigation. Concerning power exhaust, the partially detached ITER divertor scenario has been demonstrated at P sep /R = 10 MW m − 1 in ASDEX Upgrade, with a peak time averaged target load around 5MWm − 2 , well consistent with the component limits for ITER. Developing this towards DEMO, full detachment was achieved at P sep /R = 7MWm − 1 and stationary discharges with core radiation fraction of the order of DEMO requirements (70% instead of the 30% needed for ITER) were demonstrated. Finally, it remains difficult to establish the standard ITER Q = 10 scenario at low q 95 = 3 in the all-tungsten (all-W) ASDEX Upgrade due to the observed poor confinement at low β N . This is mainly due to a degraded pedestal performance and hence investigations at shifting the operational point to higher β N by lowering the current have been started. At higher q 95 , pedestal performance can be recovered by seeding N 2 as well as CD 4 , which is interpreted as improved pedestal stability due to the decrease of bootstrap current with increasing Z eff . Concerning advanced scenarios, the upgrade of ECRH power has allowed experiments with central ctr-ECCD to modify the q -profile in improved H-mode scenarios, showing an increase in confinement at still good MHD stability with flat elevated q -profiles at values between 1.5 and 2.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053

    Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results

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    The ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) programme is directed towards physics input to critical elements of the ITER design and the preparation of ITER operation, as well as addressing physics issues for a future DEMO design. Since 2015, AUG is equipped with a new pair of 3-strap ICRF antennas, which were designed for a reduction of tungsten release during ICRF operation. As predicted, a factor two reduction on the ICRF-induced W plasma content could be achieved by the reduction of the sheath voltage at the antenna limiters via the compensation of the image currents of the central and side straps in the antenna frame. There are two main operational scenario lines in AUG. Experiments with low collisionality, which comprise current drive, ELM mitigation/suppression and fast ion physics, are mainly done with freshly boronized walls to reduce the tungsten influx at these high edge temperature conditions. Full ELM suppression and non-inductive operation up to a plasma current of Ip = 0.8 MA could be obtained at low plasma density. Plasma exhaust is studied under conditions of high neutral divertor pressure and separatrix electron density, where a fresh boronization is not required. Substantial progress could be achieved for the understanding of the confinement degradation by strong D puffing and the improvement with nitrogen or carbon seeding. Inward/outward shifts of the electron density profile relative to the temperature profile effect the edge stability via the pressure profile changes and lead to improved/decreased pedestal performance. Seeding and D gas puffing are found to effect the core fueling via changes in a region of high density on the high field side (HFSHD). The integration of all above mentioned operational scenarios will be feasible and naturally obtained in a large device where the edge is more opaque for neutrals and higher plasma temperatures provide a lower collisionality. The combination of exhaust control with pellet fueling has been successfully demonstrated. High divertor enrichment values of nitrogen EN 10 have been obtained during pellet injection, which is a prerequisite for the simultaneous achievement of good core plasma purity and high divertor radiation levels. Impurity accumulation observed in the all-metal AUG device caused by the strong neoclassical inward transport of tungsten in the pedestal is expected to be relieved by the higher neoclassical temperature screening in larger devices.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053

    Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. as a promising source of pullulan and Mn(II)-pullulan complexes for Mn-deficiency remediation in winter cereals

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    Pullulan, a water-soluble polysaccharide consisting of maltotriose units used in the preparation of edible films and drug delivery, is generally produced from starch by Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Löwenthal) G.Arnaud fungus. In this article, the characterisation of an alternative pullulan source - the stromata of Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. fungus - by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis techniques is reported. With a view to a possible valorisation of this pullulan and its derivatives as bioactive formulations in agriculture, low-molecular-weight pullulan (<7 kDa) complexes with Mn(II), suitable for the remediation of Mn-deficiencies in winter cereal by foliar application, were synthesised and characterised by mass spectrometry

    Optimal classification of Gaussian processes in homo- and heteroscedastic settings

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    A procedure to derive optimal discrimination rules is formulated for binary functional classification problems in which the instances available for induction are characterized by random trajectories sampled from different Gaussian processes, depending on the class label. Specifically, these optimal rules are derived as the asymptotic form of the quadratic discriminant for the discretely monitored trajectories in the limit that the set of monitoring points becomes dense in the interval on which the processes are defined. The main goal of this work is to provide a detailed analysis of such optimal rules in the dense monitoring limit, with a particular focus on elucidating the mechanisms by which near-perfect classification arises. In the general case, the quadratic discriminant includes terms that are singular in this limit. If such singularities do not cancel out, one obtains near-perfect classification, which means that the error approaches zero asymptotically, for infinite sample sizes. This singular limit is a consequence of the orthogonality of the probability measures associated with the stochastic processes from which the trajectories are sampled. As a further novel result of this analysis, we formulate rules to determine whether two Gaussian processes are equivalent or mutually singular (orthogonal)The research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness—State Research Agency, Projects MTM2016-78751-P and TIN2016-76406-P(AEI/FEDER, UE), and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, Project S2017/BMD-368

    Short term visual outcomes of a new trifocal intraocular lens

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    Background: Today, patients often expect to achieve spectacle independance after cataract surgery. New trifocal intraocular lenses have been developed to try and fullfill this demand. The purpose of this study is to report the short-term visual outcomes of a new trifocal intraocular lens (AcrySof PanOptix™). Methods: Consecutive adult patients undergoing cataract surgery with bilateral implantation of the study intraocular lens in a private practice clinic were considered for inclusion. Exclusion criteria were the presence of other ocular pathologies or preoperative astigmatism >1.5 diopters (D). Patients with intraoperative complications were excluded from analysis. One month after surgery patients underwent: monocular defocus curve; monocular and binocular uncorrected visual acuity in photopic and mesopic conditions, for far (4 m), intermediate (60 cm) and near (33 cm) distances and binocular contrast sensitivity. Patients completed a visual satisfaction questionnaire between 9 and 12 months after surgery. Results: One hundred and sixteen eyes of fifty-eight patients receiving bilateral implantation of the study intraocular lens were analysed. Mean binocular uncorrected visual acuity in photopic conditions was 0.03 LogMAR for far, 0.12 for intermediate and 0.02 for near distances. All patients achieved a binocular uncorrected visual acuity better than 0.3 LogMAR (20/40 Snellen equivalent) for distance and near vision and 94.8% of patients for intermediate vision. Mesopic binocular uncorrected visual acuity values were similar to photopic values. The monocular defocus curves showed that the best visual acuity was reached at a vergence of 0.00D. Visual acuity dropped slightly at −1.00D and peaked again at −2.00D. Visual acuities better than 0.2 LogMAR were maintained between −2.50D and +0.50D. Contrast sensitivity was high and similar in photopic and mesopic conditions. As regards patient-evaluated outcomes, only 2 patients (3.4%) were fairly dissatisfied with their sight after surgery. Three patients (5.1%) reported the need for spectacle correction for certain activities. All other patients (94.8%) reported never using spectacle correction. Conclusions: The PanOptix trifocal IOL provides good short-term visual outcomes, with good intermediate performance and excellent patient-reported satisfaction. The similar values achieved in mesopic and photopic conditions in binocular uncorrected visual acuity and contrast sensitivity suggest low pupillary dependence for light distribution. Trial registration number: ISRCTN60143265 , retrospectively registered on the 24th of April 2017

    Analysis of Quiet-Sun Internetwork Magnetic Fields Based on Linear Polarization Signals

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    We present results from the analysis of Fe I 630 nm measurements of the quiet Sun taken with the spectropolarimeter of the Hinode satellite. Two data sets with noise levels of 1.2{\times}10-3 and 3{\times}10-4 are employed. We determine the distribution of field strengths and inclinations by inverting the two observations with a Milne-Eddington model atmosphere. The inversions show a predominance of weak, highly inclined fields. By means of several tests we conclude that these properties cannot be attributed to photon noise effects. To obtain the most accurate results, we focus on the 27.4% of the pixels in the second data set that have linear polarization amplitudes larger than 4.5 times the noise level. The vector magnetic field derived for these pixels is very precise because both circular and linear polarization signals are used simultaneously. The inferred field strength, inclination, and filling factor distributions agree with previous results, supporting the idea that internetwork fields are weak and very inclined, at least in about one quarter of the area occupied by the internetwork. These properties differ from those of network fields. The average magnetic flux density and the mean field strength derived from the 27.4% of the field of view with clear linear polarization signals are 16.3 Mx cm-2 and 220 G, respectively. The ratio between the average horizontal and vertical components of the field is approximately 3.1. The internetwork fields do not follow an isotropic distribution of orientations.Comment: To appear in APJ, Vol 749, 201

    Participación en la interacción profesor-alumnos al resolver un problema con apartados de distintos dominios cognitivos en primaria

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    La interacción en las aulas es de interés en Educación Matemática, por ejemplo, referido a la participación de los alumnos cuando resuelven problemas conjuntamente con el profesor en el aula de Primaria. Rosales et al. (2008) muestran que es escasa cuando resuelven problemas rutinarios, aunque aumenta en los no rutinarios (Sánchez et al., 2014). Analizamos la participación en la interacción profesor-alumnos cuando resuelven juntos un problema con tres apartados (adaptado de TIMSS 2007, IEA, 2011) ubicados en los dominios de conocimiento, aplicación y razonamiento

    High spatial resolution optical imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkH{\alpha} 262/LkH{\alpha} 263

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    We report high spatial resolution i' band imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkHα\alpha 262/LkHα\alpha 263 obtained during the first commissioning period of the Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI) at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope, using its Lucky Imaging mode. AOLI images have provided photometry for each of the two components LkHα\alpha 263 A and B (0.41 arcsec separation) and marginal evidence for an unresolved binary or a disc in LkHα\alpha 262. The AOLI data combined with previously available and newly obtained optical and infrared imaging show that the three components of LkHα\alpha 263 are co-moving, that there is orbital motion in the AB pair, and, remarkably, that LkHα\alpha 262-263 is a common proper motion system with less than 1 mas/yr relative motion. We argue that this is a likely five-component gravitationally bounded system. According to BT-settl models the mass of each of the five components is close to 0.4 M⊙_{\odot} and the age is in the range 1-2 Myr. The presence of discs in some of the components offers an interesting opportunity to investigate the formation and evolution of discs in the early stages of multiple very low-mass systems. In particular, we provide tentative evidence that the disc in 263C could be coplanar with the orbit of 263AB.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted 2016 May

    Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution

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    Integrating the plasma core performance with an edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) that leads to tolerable heat and particle loads on the wall is a major challenge. The new European medium size tokamak task force (EU-MST) coordinates research on ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), MAST and TCV. This multi-machine approach within EU-MST, covering a wide parameter range, is instrumental to progress in the field, as ITER and DEMO core/pedestal and SOL parameters are not achievable simultaneously in present day devices. A two prong approach is adopted. On the one hand, scenarios with tolerable transient heat and particle loads, including active edge localised mode (ELM) control are developed. On the other hand, divertor solutions including advanced magnetic configurations are studied. Considerable progress has been made on both approaches, in particular in the fields of: ELM control with resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP), small ELM regimes, detachment onset and control, as well as filamentary scrape-off-layer transport. For example full ELM suppression has now been achieved on AUG at low collisionality with n = 2 RMP maintaining good confinement HH(98,y2) 0.95. Advances have been made with respect to detachment onset and control. Studies in advanced divertor configurations (Snowflake, Super-X and X-point target divertor) shed new light on SOL physics. Cross field filamentary transport has been characterised in a wide parameter regime on AUG, MAST and TCV progressing the theoretical and experimental understanding crucial for predicting first wall loads in ITER and DEMO. Conditions in the SOL also play a crucial role for ELM stability and access to small ELM regimes.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053
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