38 research outputs found

    La calidad en la redacción del Proyecto de Arquitectura

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    Técnicas para la rehabilitación de fachadas (I)

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    Técnicas para la rehabilitación de cubiertas (III)

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    Influencia del diseño del muro en el ahorro de energía en régimen variable

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    Fachadas. Transición e innovación tecnológica

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    Técnicas para la rehabilitación de fachadas. Actuaciones desde el exterior

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    Patología y rehabilitación de carpinterías exteriores

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    Variaciones dimensionales de los materiales cerámicos

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    El camino europeo a la excelencia en construcción. Estudio sobre la calidad en el sector en Europa

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    Advances in residential design related to the influence of geomagnetism

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    : Since the origin of the Modern Movement, there has been a basic commitment to improving housing conditions and the well-being of occupants, especially given the prediction that 2/3 of humanity will reside in cities by 2050. Moreover, a compact model of the city with tall buildings and urban densification at this scale will be generated. Continuous constructive and technological advances have developed solid foundations on safety, energy efficiency, habitability, and sustainability in housing design. However, studies on improving the quality of life in these areas continue to be a challenge for architects and engineers. This paper seeks to contribute health-related information to the study of residential design, specifically the influence of the geomagnetic field on its occupants. After compiling information on the effects of geomagnetic fields from different medical studies over 23 years, a case study of a 16-story high-rise building is presented, with the goal of proposing architectural design recommendations for long-term occupation in the same place. The purpose of the present work is three-fold: first, to characterize the geomagnetic field variability of buildings; second, to identify the causes and possible related mechanisms; and third, to define architectural criteria on the arrangement of uses and constructive elements for housing