77 research outputs found

    Use of Alternative Wood for the Ageing of Brandy de Jerez

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    The use of alternative types of wood has arisen for the aging of the Brandy de Jerez, on a pilot plant level. In particular, besides the use of American oak, two more types of oak have been studied, French oak and Spanish oak, allowed by the Technical File for the ID Brandy de Jerez, and chestnut, which, though it is not officially allowed, is a type of wood which had been traditionally used in the area for the aging of wines and distillates. All of them have been studied with different toasting levels: Intense toasting and medium toasting. The study of the total phenolic composition (TPI), chromatic characteristics, organic acids, and sensory analysis have proven that chestnut leads to distillates with a higher amount of phenolic compounds and coloring intensity than oak. This behavior is the opposite as regards the toasting of the wood. Among the different types of oak, Spanish oak produces aged distillates with a higher phenolic composition and a higher color intensity. Regarding tasting, the best-assessed samples were those aged with chestnut, French oak, and American oak, and the assessors preferred those who had used a medium toasting level to those with an intense leve

    Analytical Characterization and Sensory Analysis of Distillates of Di erent Varieties of Grapes Aged by an Accelerated Method

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    The wine spirits used for the elaboration of Brandy de Jerez are mainly obtained from wines produced from the Airen type of grape, which comes from the vineyards located in the region of La Mancha (Central Spain). This entails a limitation when achieving a product classified as "protected geographic designation". For that purpose, it is necessary that the grape used for the wine spirit comes from the area and not from Castile la Mancha, as has happened until now. Due to this fact, it is necessary to search for a possible alternative grape variety which allows the produced brandy to be eligible for a "protected geographic designation". For that purpose, an accelerated ageing process has been implemented with a method previously optimized to distillates obtained from wines from different varieties of grapes (Airen, Colombard, Corredera, Doradilla, Garrido Fino, Jaen blanco, Moscatel de Alejandria, Palomino Fino, Ugni Blanc, and Zalema) grown in the Jerez Area. They were evaluated, both from the analytical and sensory points of view. The distillates made from Jaen Blanco and Zalema have properties that make them interesting for future development and incorporation into oenological practice

    Discriminant ability of phenolic compounds and short chain organic acids profiles in the determination of quality parameters of Brandy de Jerez

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    Brandy de Jerez is the most produced spirit in Spain. The rules of its Regulatory Council require the spirit to age in American oak casks that have previously contained any kind of sherry wine. This use, called seasoning, releases wine compounds into the spirit. Because of the differences among sherries, the organoleptic features of a brandy will be significantly different from any other depending on the seasoning. In addition, its specific features make it different from any other spirit. The chromatographic profiles of Brandy de Jerez are reported to be different depending on the seasonings through their ageing process. Different types of Brandy de Jerez have been characterised, regarding their seasoning, using chromatographic techniques. Applying statistical analysis, correlations between the chromatographic profiles and the seasonings have risen up. In addition, the profiles have demonstrated to possess a high degree of correlation with the ageing time of the samples

    Sistema de Salud en Guatemala y Trabajo Social en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19

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    Las autoras de este artículo inicialmente presentan una descripción del sistema de salud en Guatemalay datos que reflejan el bajo nivel de inversión pública en salud, comparado con otros países de Centro América.Asimismo, como presentan las características generales e indicadores del perfil epidemiológico a nivel nacional.El artículo presenta además un análisis del sistema de salud frente a la crisis sanitaria Covid-19 queafronta Guatemala, retomando algunas disposiciones gubernamentales que afectan a las instituciones del áreade salud, personal y población que demanda los servicios.En la segunda parte de este artículo las autoras describen los niveles de atención en salud en dondeintervienen los profesionales de Trabajo Social en Guatemala y continúan con una narración del trabajo querealizan en un Centro de Salud del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social y un Hospital del Instituto deSeguridad Social donde laboran actualmente.En la parte final de este artículo se pone de manifiesto algunos desafíos, problemas y limitantesencontradas desde el quehacer profesional de Trabajo Social y la reflexión final que presenta algunas accionesnecesarias para el desempeño profesional en el área de salud

    Chemical content and sensory changes of Oloroso Sherry wine when aged with four different wood types

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    Oloroso Sherry Wine is a fortified Sherry wine obtained by oxidation and ageing in American oak barrels of 500 L–600 L. In this work, the study of the suitability of other types of woods for the ageing of these wines was carried out. To compare the characteristics of the alternative woods, an oloroso wine was aged in four groups of 16 L barrels made of French oak, Spanish oak, chestnut, as well as American oak as control, with intense and medium toasting. Phenolic and furanic compounds, organic acids, volatile compounds, color characteristics, total polyphenol index and sensory analysis of wines aged for two months were analyzed. The results confirmed that the aged samples could be differentiated on the basis of their chemical composition, and that the use of alternative woods to age oloroso Sherry wines, and the level of wood toasting, had the potential to provide products with specific differences to the traditional aged in American oak. Furthermore, the organoleptic characteristics of these alternative wines were valued above a standard Sherry wine

    Analytical and Chemometric Characterization of Fino and Amontillado Sherries during Aging in Criaderas y Solera System

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    Fino and Amontillado are Sherry wines, produced in Marco de Jerez area (southern Spain), and aged in Criaderas y Solera system. Fino Sherry wine follows a biological aging process, under a veil of flor yeasts, while Amontillado Sherry wine shares the same biological aging firstly, followed by oxidative aging, which gives them special features. Organic acids, esters, higher alcohols, phenolic compounds and total dry extract of Sherries evolve during aging due to evaporation processes, physical-chemical reactions, wood contributions and microbiological activity. During aging, Sherry wines improve their organoleptic profile, as could be proved in the tasting sessions. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis with factor extraction using Principal Components of Sherry wines studied were carried out and natural groupings of the wines according to the type of aging and their age were observed. A strong correlation between the parameters analyzed and the aging of each wine has been seen in the Multiple Linear Regression studies, establishing two different models, one for each type of Sherry wine, that, with only four of all the variables studied estimated the wine age with more than 99% of confidence. This constitutes a useful tool to control the age of these Sherry wines in the winery.This research has been supported by the University of Cadiz and Bodegas Fundador, S.L.U. (ref.: OT2019/108, OT2020/128, OT2021/076). The authors wish to thank the University of Cadiz and Bodegas Fundador, S.L.U. for the industrial pre-doctoral contract TDI-8-18, granted to the author Maria Guerrero Chanivet

    Comparative Evaluation of Brandy de Jerez Aged in American Oak Barrels with Different Times of Use

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    Brandy de Jerez is a European Geographical Indication for grape-derived spirits aged in oak casks that have previously contained any kind of Sherry wine and, therefore, are known as Sherry Casks (R). Wood compounds have a substantial influence in the quality of the brandies that are aged in the barrels. In the cellar, the barrels that have been used for many years to keep Sherry wine or other wine spirits are often used for this purpose. When wooden barrels are used for the first time, they release a large amount of compounds into the liquid contained in them. Such amount decreases over time but casks life cycle has remained unexplored until now. The present work has the aim to study the brandies obtained from the same wine spirit after two years ageing in three differently oak casks: namely new, 7 years of use (4 years containing Oloroso wine and 3 years containing wine spirits) and 32 years of use (8 years containing Oloroso wine and 24 years containing wine spirits). According to the results from our experiments, even after 32 years of use, the wood barrels still contribute to modify the organoleptic characteristics of brandy. Moreover, the brandies aged in used barrels were judged more balanced than those aged in new barrels

    Analytical, Chemometric and Sensorial Characterization of Oloroso and Palo Cortado Sherries during Their Ageing in the Criaderas y Solera System

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    Oloroso and Palo Cortado are two types of sherry wines, produced in the Sherry Wine Region in Southern Spain, known as Marco de Jerez, where it is aged following the traditional Criaderas y Solera system. All of them are aged through oxidative ageing, even though the peculiar Palo Cortado Sherry wine is also aged biologically under a veil of flor yeasts in the first stage. Total dry extract, organic acids, aldehydes, esters, higher alcohols and phenolic compounds in these sherry wines evolve during their ageing as a consequence of evaporation and/or perspiration processes, chemical reactions, extraction of compounds from oakwood and microbiological activity. Sherry wines develop their characteristic organoleptic profile during their ageing, as could be proven through their tasting sessions. According to the sherry type, some natural groupings of the wines could be observed after their principal component analysis. Furthermore, by multiple linear regression methods, an important correlation between the parameters that were analyzed and the ageing of each specific wine has been confirmed, which allowed us to establish two different models, each corresponding to the sherry type in question. Only five of the variables that were investigated were required to successfully estimate each wine’s age at over 99% confidence. This represents a rather convenient tool for wineries to monitor the ageing of these sherry wines.29 página

    Influence of alcoholic strength on the characteristics of Brandy de Jerez aged in Sherry Casks®

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    Brandy de Jerez is produced by ageing wine distillates in casks that have previously contained Sherry wine. A Criaderas and Solera system is used according to the corresponding Technical File. However, the alcohol content of the distillate that is subjected to ageing is not specified, even if this is a factor that affects both brandy quality and production costs. This paper studies the influence that alcohol content has on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of aged Brandy de Jerez. Six Criaderas and Solera systems have been characterised with alcoholic strengths between 65% and 80% ABV. The brandies with 65% ABV showed a higher concentration of the polyphenolic compounds extracted from the wood and from the wine used to season the casks, and also a higher colour intensity. In addition, these brandies were preferred by the tasters and were granted better scores for the descriptors that characterize Brandy de Jerez

    A Study on the Influence of the Use of Sulphur Dioxide, the Distillation System and the Aging Conditions on the Final Sensory Characteristics of Brandy

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    Brandy is a unique alcoholic beverage obtained from wine distillates. Numerous studies have been published on its physicochemical traits and the effect of certain elaboration variables on them, but not many studies have been carried out from a sensory point of view or that have followed standardized methods applicable to this discipline. This study intends to determine the effect that certain production variables have on the sensory characteristics of brandy. These variables are the following: The use of sulphur dioxide during the fermentation of the base wine, the subsequent distillation system, the alcohol content during aging, the botanical origin of the aging casks, and their toasting degree. For this purpose, the guidelines provided by the ISO standards for sensory analysis have been followed, and chromatic parameters have also been determined. Heavy extractions from Quercus petraea casks resulted in brandies with widely varying colors, although these were hard to distinguish using the olfactory and gustatory properties associated with the factors under study. Conversely, those brandies aged in Quercus alba casks presented very consistent greenish shades that are not traditionally associated with aged brandy. This lower extraction could explain why the aromatic traits that are found in the fresh spirit are better preserved when this type of oak is used. The spirit obtained through the distillation of SO2-free wines aged in Quercus robur presented average sensory characteristics: Good color, smooth in the mouth, and medium-intensity oak notes. The distillates that were aged at 55% ABV were later perceived as more aromatically intense with a greater oak note on the palate. On the other hand, the brandies obtained from wines without SO2 added were perceived as less alcoholic, sweeter, and more balanced, with a softer oak note.26 página
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