5 research outputs found

    Algoritmo de reconstrucción analítico para el escáner basado en cristales monolíticos MINDView

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    [ES] La tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET, del inglés Positron Emission Tomography) es una técnica de medicina nuclear en la que se genera una imagen a partir de la detección de rayos gamma en coincidencia. Estos rayos son producidos dentro de un paciente al que se le inyecta una radiotrazador emisor de positrones, los cuales se aniquilan con electrones del medio circundante. El proceso de adquisición de eventos de interacción, tiene como unidad central el detector del escáner PET, el cual se compone a su vez de un cristal de centelleo, encargado de transformar los rayos gamma incidentes en fotones ópticos dentro del cristal. La finalidad es entonces, determinar las coordenadas de impacto dentro del cristal de centelleo con la mayor precisión posible, para que, a partir de dichos puntos, se pueda reconstruir una imagen. A lo largo de la historia, los detectores basados en cristales pixelados han representado la elección por excelencia para la la fabricación de escáneres PET. En está tesis se evalúa el impacto en la resolución espacial del escáner PET MINDView, desarrollado dentro del séptimo programa Marco de la Unión Europea No 603002, el cual se basa en el uso de cristales monolíticos. El uso de cristales monolíticos, facilita la determinación de la profundidad de interacción (DOI - del inglés Depth Of Interaction) de los rayos gamma incidentes, aumenta la precisión en las coordenadas de impacto determinadas, y disminuye el error de paralaje que se induce en cristales pixelados, debido a la dificultad para determinar la DOI. En esta tesis, hemos logrado dos objetivos principales relacionados con la medición de la resolución espacial del escáner MINDView: la adaptación del un algoritmo de STIR de Retroproyección Filtrada en 3D (FBP3DRP - del inglés Filtered BackProjection 3D Reproyected) a un escáner basado en cristales monolíticos y la implementación de un algoritmo de Retroproyección y filtrado a posteriori (BPF - BackProjection then Filtered). Respecto a la adaptación del algoritmo FBP, las resoluciones espaciales obtenidas varían en los intervalos [2 mm, 3,4 mm], [2,3 mm, 3,3 mm] y [2,2 mm, 2,3 mm] para las direcciones radial, tangencial y axial, respectivamente, en el primer prototipo del escáner MINDView dedicado a cerebro. Por otra parte, en la implementación del algoritmo de tipo BPF, se realizó una adquisición de un maniquí de derenzo y se comparó la resolución obtenida con el algoritmo de FBP y una implementación del algoritmo de subconjuntos ordenados en modo lista (LMOS - del inglés List Mode Ordered Subset). Mediante el algoritmo de tipo BPF se obtuvieron valores pico-valle de 2.4 a lo largo de los cilindros del maniquí de 1.6 mm de diámetro, en contraste con las medidas obtenidas de 1.34 y 1.44 para los algoritmos de FBP3DRP y LMOS, respectivamente. Lo anterior se traduce en que, mediante el algoritmo de tipo BPF, se logra mejorar la resolución para obtenerse un valor promedio 1.6 mm.[CAT] La tomografia per emissió de positrons és una tècnica de medicina nuclear en la qual es genera una imatge a partir de la detecció de raigs gamma en coincidència. Aquests raigs són produïts dins d'un pacient a què se li injecta una radiotraçador emissor de positrons, els quals s'aniquilen amb electrons de l'medi circumdant. El procés de adquición d'esdeveniments d'interacció, té com a unitat central el detector de l'escàner PET, el qual es compon al seu torn d'un vidre de centelleig, encarregat de transformar els raigs gamma incidents en fotons òptics dins el vidre. La finalitat és llavors, determinar les coordenades d'impacte dins el vidre de centelleig amb la major precisió possible, perquè, a partir d'aquests punts, es pugui reconstruir una imatge. Al llarg de la història, els detectors basats en cristalls pixelats han representat l'elecció per excellència per a la la fabricació d'escàners PET. En aquesta tesi s'avalua l'impacte en la resolució espacial de l'escàner PET MINDView, desenvolupat dins el setè programa Marc de la Unió Europea No 603.002, el qual es basa en l'ús de vidres monolítics. L'ús de vidres monolítics, facilita la determinació de la profunditat d'interacció dels raigs gamma incidents, augmenta la precisió en les coordenades d'impacte determinades, i disminueix l'error de parallaxi que s'indueix en cristalls pixelats, a causa de la dificultat per determinar la DOI. En aquesta tesi, hem aconseguit dos objectius principals relacionats amb el mesurament de la resolució espacial de l'escàner MINDView: l'adaptació de l'un algoritme de STIR de Retroprojecció Filtrada en 3D a un escàner basat en cristalls monolítics i la implementació d'un algoritme de Retroprojecció i filtrat a posteriori. Pel que fa a l'adaptació de l'algoritme FBP3DRP, les resolucions espacials obtingudes varien en els intervals [2 mm, 3,4 mm], [2,3 mm, 3,3 mm] i [2,2 mm, 2,3 mm] per les direccions radial, tangencial i axial, respectivament, en el primer prototip de l'escàner MINDView dedicat a cervell. D'altra banda, en la implementació de l'algoritme de tipus BPF, es va realitzar una adquisició d'un maniquí de derenzo i es va comparar la resolució obtinguda amb l'algorisme de FBP3DRP i una implementació de l'algoritme de subconjunts ordenats en mode llista (LMOS - de l'anglès List Mode Ordered Subset). Mitjançant l'algoritme de tipus BPF es van obtenir valors pic-vall de 2.4 al llarg dels cilindres de l'maniquí de 1.6 mm de diàmetre, en contrast amb les mesures obtingudes de 1.34 i 1.44 per als algoritmes de FBP3DRP i LMOS, respectivament. L'anterior es tradueix en que, mitjançant l'algoritme de tipus BPF, s'aconsegueix millorar la resolució per obtenir-se un valor mitjà 1.6 mm.[EN] Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a medical imaging technique, in which an image is generated from the detection of gamma rays in coincidence. These rays are produced within a patient, who is injected with a positron emmiter radiotracer, from which positrons are annihilated with electrons in the media. The event acquisition process is focused on the scanner detector. The detector is in turn composed of a scintillation crystal, which transform the incident ray gamma into optical photons within the crystal. The purpose is then to determine the impact coordinates within the scintillation crystal with the greatest possible precision, so that, from these points, an image can be reconstructed. Throughout history, detectors based on pixelated crystals have represented the quintessential choice for PET scanners manufacture. This thesis evaluates the impact on the spatial resolution of the MINDView PET scanner, developed in the seventh Framework program of the European Union No. 603002, which detectors are based on monolithic crystals. The use of monolithic crystals facilitates the determination of the depth of interaction (DOI - Depth Of Interaction) of the incident gamma rays, increases the precision in the determined impact coordinates, and reduces the parallax error induces in pixelated crystals, due to the difficulties in determining DOI. In this thesis, we have achieved two main goals related to the measurement of the spatial resolution of the MINDView PET scanner: the adaptation of an STIR algorithm for Filtered BackProjection 3D Reproyected (FBP3DRP) to a scanner based on monolithic crystals, and the implementation of a BackProjection then Filtered algorithm (BPF). Regarding the FBP algorithm adaptation, we achieved resolutions ranging in the intervals [2 mm, 3.4 mm], [2.3 mm, 3.3 mm] and [2.2 mm, 2.3 mm] for the radial, tangential and axial directions, respectively. On the an acquisition of a derenzo phantom was performed to measure the spacial resolution, which was obtained using three reconstruction algorithms: the BPF-type algorithm, the FBP3DRP algorithm and an implementation of the list-mode ordered subsets algorithm (LMOS). Regarding the BPF-type algorithm, a peak-to-valley value of 2.4 were obtain along rod of 1.6 mm, in contrast to the measurements of 1.34 and 1.44 obtained for the FBP3DRP and LMOS algorithms, respectively. This means that, by means of the BPF-type algorithm, it is possible to improve the resolution to obtain an average value of 1.6 mm.Sánchez Góez, S. (2020). Algoritmo de reconstrucción analítico para el escáner basado en cristales monolíticos MINDView [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159259TESI

    QR-Factorization Algorithm for Computed Tomography (CT): Comparison With FDK and Conjugate Gradient (CG) Algorithms

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    [EN] Even though QR-factorization of the system matrix for tomographic devices has been already used for medical imaging, to date, no satisfactory solution has been found for solving large linear systems, such as those used in computed tomography (CT) (in the order of 106 equations). In CT, the Feldkamp, Davis, and Kress back projection algorithm (FDK) and iterative methods like conjugate gradient (CG) are the standard methods used for image reconstruction. As the image reconstruction problem can be modeled by a large linear system of equations, QR-factorization of the system matrix could be used to solve this system. Current advances in computer science enable the use of direct methods for solving such a large linear system. The QR-factorization is a numerically stable direct method for solving linear systems of equations, which is beginning to emerge as an alternative to traditional methods, bringing together the best from traditional methods. QR-factorization was chosen because the core of the algorithm, from the computational cost point of view, is precalculated and stored only once for a given CT system, and from then on, each image reconstruction only involves a backward substitution process and the product of a vector by a matrix. Image quality assessment was performed comparing contrast to noise ratio and noise power spectrum; performances regarding sharpness were evaluated by the reconstruction of small structures using data measured from a small animal 3-D CT. Comparisons of QR-factorization with FDK and CG methods show that QR-factorization is able to reconstruct more detailed images for a fixed voxel size.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under Grant TEC2016-79884-C2 and Grant RTC-2016-5186-1.Rodríguez-Álvarez, M.; Sánchez, F.; Soriano Asensi, A.; Moliner Martínez, L.; Sánchez Góez, S.; Benlloch Baviera, JM. (2018). QR-Factorization Algorithm for Computed Tomography (CT): Comparison With FDK and Conjugate Gradient (CG) Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences. 2(5):459-469. https://doi.org/10.1109/TRPMS.2018.2843803S4594692

    PET detector block with accurate 4D capabilities

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    [EN] In this contribution, large SiPM arrays (8 x 8 elements of 6 x 6 mm(2) each) are processed with an ASIC-based readout and coupled to a monolithic LYSO crystal to explore their potential use for TOF-PET applications. The aim of this work is to study the integration of this technology in the development of clinical PET systems reaching sub-300 ps coincidence resolving time (CRT). The SiPM and readout electronics have been evaluated first, using a small size 1.6 mm (6 mm height) crystal array (32 x 32 elements). All pixels were well resolved and they exhibited an energy resolution of about 20% (using Time-over-Threshold methods) for the 511 keV photons. Several parameters have been scanned to achieve the optimum readout system performance, obtaining a CRT as good as 330 +/- 5 ps FWHM. When using a black-painted monolithic block, the spatial resolution was measured to be on average 2.6 +/- 0.5 mm, without correcting for the source size. Energy resolution appears to be slightly above 20%. CRT measurements with the monolithic crystal detector were also carried out. Preliminary results as well as calibration methods specifically designed to improve timing performance, are being analyzed in the present manuscript.This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 695536). It has also been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad under Grants No. FIS2014-62341-EXP and TEC2016-79884-C2-1-R.Lamprou, E.; Aguilar -Talens, A.; Gonzalez-Montoro, A.; Monzó Ferrer, JM.; Cañizares-Ledo, G.; Iranzo-Egea, S.; Vidal San Sebastian, LF.... (2018). PET detector block with accurate 4D capabilities. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. 912:132-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2017.11.002S13213691

    Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system

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    [EN] We report on benchmark tests of a 3 TW/50 fs, table-top laser system specifically developed for proton acceleration with an intrinsic pump rate up to 100 Hz. In two series of single-shot measurements differing in pulse energy and contrast the successful operation of the diode pumped laser is demonstrated. Protons have been accelerated up to 1.6 MeV in interactions of laser pulses focused on aluminium and mylar foils between 0.8 and 25 mu m thickness. Their spectral distributions and maximum energies are consistent with former experiments under similar conditions. These results show the suitability of our system and provide a reference for studies of laser targets at high repetition rate and possible applications.This project has been funded by Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI, Spain) within the INNPRONTA program, grant no. IPT-20111027, by EUROSTARS project E9113, and by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness within the Retos-Colaboracion 2015 initiative, ref. RTC-2015-3278-1.Bellido-Millán, PJ.; Lera, R.; Seimetz, M.; Ruiz-De La Cruz, A.; Torres Peiró, S.; Galán, M.; Mur, P.... (2017). Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system. Journal of Instrumentation. 12:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/T05001S11212Daido, H., Nishiuchi, M., & Pirozhkov, A. S. (2012). Review of laser-driven ion sources and their applications. Reports on Progress in Physics, 75(5), 056401. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/75/5/056401Macchi, A., Borghesi, M., & Passoni, M. (2013). Ion acceleration by superintense laser-plasma interaction. Reviews of Modern Physics, 85(2), 751-793. doi:10.1103/revmodphys.85.751Ledingham, K., Bolton, P., Shikazono, N., & Ma, C.-M. (2014). Towards Laser Driven Hadron Cancer Radiotherapy: A Review of Progress. 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Enhanced generation of fast protons from a polymer-coated metal foil by a femtosecond intense laser field. Applied Physics Letters, 85(14), 2736-2738. doi:10.1063/1.1803915Nakamura, S., Iwashita, Y., Noda, A., Shirai, T., Tongu, H., Fukumi, A., … Wada, Y. (2006). Real-Time Optimization of Proton Production by Intense Short-Pulse Laser with Time-of-Flight Measurement. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(No. 34), L913-L916. doi:10.1143/jjap.45.l913Nishiuchi, M., Fukumi, A., Daido, H., Li, Z., Sagisaka, A., Ogura, K., … Nakamura, S. (2006). The laser proton acceleration in the strong charge separation regime. Physics Letters A, 357(4-5), 339-344. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2006.04.053Yogo, A., Daido, H., Fukumi, A., Li, Z., Ogura, K., Sagisaka, A., … Itoh, A. (2007). Laser prepulse dependency of proton-energy distributions in ultraintense laser-foil interactions with an online time-of-flight technique. Physics of Plasmas, 14(4), 043104. doi:10.1063/1.2721066Robinson, A. P. 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    Detector block performance based on a monolithic LYSO crystal using a novel signal multiplexing method

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    [EN] Organ dedicated PET devices provide improved imaging performance when compared to whole body systems. The present study summarizes the test carried out to study a new detector block designed for an organ dedicated PET system. This block includes three novel components namely the scintillator geometry and a retroreflector layer coupled to the entrance face, the photosensor and the readout electronics. We used arrays of 12 x 12 SiPM photosensors with 3 x 3 mm(2) active area each and a pitch of 4.2 mm. We are proposing a new readout electronics that permits to reduce the 12 row and columns signals to only 8 without significant detector performance degradation. This approach also allows for resolving radioactive sources in the whole volume of the proposed crystal, significantly reducing the edge effect that typically rejects these events. An overall spatial resolution of about 1.8 mm FWHM is obtained for the whole scintillation volume, with an average energy resolution of 13% FWHM and a photon depth of interaction resolution (FWHM) of 3.7 mm. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad under Grant Nos. FIS2014-62341-EXP and TEC2016-79884-C2-1-R. This project has also received funding from the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 711323. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695536).González, A.; Sánchez, F.; Martí, R.; Hernández Hernández, L.; Aguilar-Talens, A.; Barbera Ballester, J.; Catret Mascarell, JV.... (2018). Detector block performance based on a monolithic LYSO crystal using a novel signal multiplexing method. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. 912:372-377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2017.10.098S37237791