95 research outputs found

    A new Time-of-flight detector for the R3 B setup

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    We present the design, prototype developments and test results of the new time-of-flight detector (ToFD) which is part of the R3 B experimental setup at GSI and FAIR, Darmstadt, Germany. The ToFD detector is able to detect heavy-ion residues of all charges at relativistic energies with a relative energy precision σΔE/ΔE of up to 1% and a time precision of up to 14 ps (sigma). Together with an elaborate particle-tracking system, the full identification of relativistic ions from hydrogen up to uranium in mass and nuclear charge is possible

    Neutron-proton pairing in the N=Z radioactive fp-shell nuclei 56Ni and 52Fe probed by pair transfer

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    The isovector and isoscalar components of neutron-proton pairing are investigated in the N=Z unstable nuclei of the fp-shell through the two-nucleon transfer reaction (p,3He) in inverse kinematics. The combination of particle and gamma-ray detection with radioactive beams of 56Ni and 52Fe, produced by fragmentation at the GANIL/LISE facility, made it possible to carry out this study for the first time in a closed and an open-shell nucleus in the fp-shell. The transfer cross-sections for ground-state to ground-state (J=0+, T=1) and to the first (J=1+, T=0) state were extracted for both cases together with the transfer cross-section ratios σ(0+, T=1)/σ(1+, T=0). They are compared with second-order distorted-wave born approximation (DWBA) calculations. The enhancement of the ground-state to ground-state pair transfer cross-section close to mid-shell, in 52Fe, points towards a superfluid phase in the isovector channel. For the “deuteron-like” transfer, very low cross-sections to the first (J=1+, T=0) state were observed both for 56Ni(p,3He) and 52Fe(p,3He) and are related to a strong hindrance of this channel due to spin-orbit effect. No evidence for an isoscalar deuteron-like condensate is observed.The authors are very grateful to GANIL staff, particularly Vincent Morel for assistance with the set-up. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union under Seventh Framework Programme FP7 Infrastructures project ENSAR, grant agreement No. 262010. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (LBNL). A.O. Macchiavelli thanks the Université Paris-Sud for support as an invited professor

    A clear signature of the breakup modes for 9Be on a proton target at 5.6 MeV/nucleon

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    The breakup of 9Be is studied via an inelastic scattering experiment on a proton target at 5.6 A MeV in inverse kinematics. Two of the three cluster constituents (α and α) as well as the proton target recoil were recorded in a triple coincidence mode allowing a full kinematics approach analysis. In this respect relative α - α and α - n, Q-value and 9Be excitation spectra, energy spectra for all fragments as well as the energy spectrum of the recoil proton were reconstructed. A clear signature of the two breakup sequential modes (5He + 4He and 8Be + n) was identified via the recoiling proton reconstructed spectra together with the direct breakup decay. A strong 5He + 4He mode was observed compatible with previous beta decay experiments

    Simultaneous analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction 11Li + 208Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier

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    We present a detailed analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction of 11Li on 208Pb at incident laboratory energies of 24.3 and 29.8 MeV, measured at the radioactive ion beam facility of TRIUMF, in Vancouver, Canada. A large yield of 9Li fragments was detected by four charged particle telescopes in a wide angular range. The experimental angular and energy distributions of these 9Li fragments have been compared to coupled-reaction-channel and continuum-discretized coupled-channel calculations. The large production of 9Li fragments at small angles can be explained by considering a direct breakup mechanism, while at medium-large angles a competition between direct breakup and neutron transfer to the continuum of the 208Pb target was observed

    Test Bench for Highly Segmented GRIT Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detectors: A Detector Quality Control Protocol

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    This work deals with the characteristics of highly segmented double-sided silicon detectors. These are fundamental parts in many new state-of-the-art particle detection systems, and therefore they must perform optimally. We propose a test bench that can handle 256 electronic channels with off-the-shelf equipment, as well as a detector quality control protocol to ensure that the detectors meet the requirements. Detectors with a large number of strips bring new technological challenges and issues that need to be carefully monitored and understood. One of the standard 500 μ m thick detectors of the GRIT array was investigated, undergoing studies that revealed its IV curve, charge collection efficiency, and energy resolution. From the data obtained, we calculated, among other things, the depletion voltage (110 V), the resistivity of the bulk material (9 kΩ·cm), and the electronic noise contribution (8 keV). We present, for the first time, a methodology called “the energy triangle’’ to visualize the effect of charge sharing between two adjacent strips and to study the hit distribution with the interstrip-to-strip hit ratio (ISR).This research was partially supported by the MICINN of Spain, Grant No. EQC2018-004395-P, and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) 2014-2020 and “Consejería deTransformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de Junta de Andalucía”, under Project No. IE17_5380_UHU

    Desarrollo de un programa de preparación psicológica con los equipos de un club de fútbol de la primera división española

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    El deporte de base es la cantera de futuros deportistas profesionales, a la vez que el pilar básico donde tiene su implantación social las distintas disciplinas deportivas. Un trabajo metódico y sistemático en la base suele tener, como recompensa posterior, una mejora en el deporte de competición, tanto en la cantidad como en la calidad de sus practicantes. Si cierta es la idea de que para tener buenos deportistas es conveniente comenzar a trabajar en edades tempranas, en el caso de la Psicología aplicada al deporte, este hecho se ve cada vez más apoyado por los trabajos que se realizan con un doble objetivo: conocer más en profundidad determinados aspectos de la iniciación deportiva y posibilitar desde la psicología del deporte una oferta, a técnicos y deportistas, basada en planes y programas serios de actuación psicológica

    Entrenamiento de la atención y concentración. Una propuesta para fútbol

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    La concentración es uno de los aspectos esenciales para alcanzar el máximo nivel para el que cada deportista esté capacitado. El componente principal de la concentración es la capacidad de focalizar la atención sobre la tarea que se está desarrollando y no distraerse por estímulos internos o externos irrelevantes. Los estímulos externos pueden incluir el abucheo de los espectadores, ese error reciente, las conductas antideportivas por parte de los contrarios, etc. Casi todos los acontecimientos externos desencadenarán un cambio cognitivo y emocional en el deportista. Ya que esta interacción se está dando durante todo el tiempo, los entrenadores y psicólogos del deporte deben entrenar a los deportistas en hacer frente a estos eventos bajo situaciones de presión, tal y como es la competición. En un intento de cubrir esas carencias de propuestas prácticas, se aporta una muestra de juegos y ejercicios con los que los niveles de atención y concentración de los jugadores se verán mejorados

    Observation and Spectroscopy of New Proton-Unbound Isotopes 30Ar and 29Cl: An Interplay of Prompt Two-Proton and Sequential Decay

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    Previously unknown isotopes Ar30 and Cl29 have been identified by measurement of the trajectories of their in-flight decay products S28+p+p and S28+p, respectively. The analysis of angular correlations of the fragments provided information on decay energies and the structure of the parent states. The ground states of Ar30 and Cl29 were found at 2.25+0.15−0.10 and 1.8±0.1  MeV above the two- and one-proton thresholds, respectively. The lowest states in Ar30 and Cl29 point to a violation of isobaric symmetry in the structure of these unbound nuclei. The two-proton decay has been identified in a transition region between simultaneous two-proton and sequential proton emissions from the Ar30 ground state, which is characterized by an interplay of three-body and two-body decay mechanisms. The first hint of a fine structure of the two-proton decay of Ar∗30(2+) has been obtained by detecting two decay branches into the ground and first-excited states of the S28 fragment.A. G., S. K., S. R., and P. S. were supported by the Helmholtz Association Grant No. IK-RU-002. L. V. G. was partly supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grant No. NSh- 932.2014.2. A. F., A. G., L. V. G., S. K., P. S., and R. S. were partly supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant No. 14-02-00090-a. This work was partly supported by the Polish National Science Center under Contract No. UMO-2011/01/B/ST2/01943. A. A. C. acknowledges support by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education by Grant No. 0079/DIA/ 2014/43 (Grant Diamentowy). M. P. and X. X. are grateful for a support from the Helmholtz International Center for FAIR (HIC for FAIR). Y. L. was supported by the Helmholtz-CAS Joint Research Group Grant No. HCJRG- 108. J. M. E. acknowledges support from the FPA2009- 08848 contract (MICINN, Spain

    Reaction Dynamics for the Systems 7Be,8B + 208Pb at Coulomb Barrier Energies

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    In this contribution we describe the first results obtained for the investigation of the elastic scattering process in the reactions induced by the Radioactive Ion Beams 7Be and 8B on a 208Pb target at Coulomb barrier energies. The experimental data were analyzed within the framework of the optical model in order to extract the total reaction cross section. The comparison with data available in literature for reactions induced on 208Pb by light ions in the mass range A = 6-8 shows that the loosely-bound 8B has the largest reactivity