27 research outputs found

    Future-, outside-, and inside-focused development paths

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    The FOI model developed by the authors measures the future, outside and inside potential of a country. With the help of the model the OECD countries are evaluated, and four typical clusters are found which can represent four typical development models within the club of developed economies

    Oktatási kihívások a technikai forradalom tükrében

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    A számítási kapacitások fejlődését jellemző exponenciális trend a 21. század második évtizedére kézzel foghatóvá és szemmel láthatóvá tette az automatizációban rejlő lehetőségeket. Az automa-tizáció újabb forradalma várhatóan teljesen átalakítja a foglalkoztatás szerkezetét, és már rövid-távon is jelentősen megváltoztatja a munkaerő keresletét. Új készségek kerülnek előtérbe, és új foglalkozások sora jelenik meg. A gyors változásokra az oktatási rendszernek is reagálnia kell, hiszen a szektor hagyományosan döntő szerepet játszik a munkaerőpiaci kínálat formálásában. Tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk a várható folyamatokat, és rámutatunk, hogy az oktatásnak a tár-sas kompetenciák fejlesztésére, a problémamegoldásra fókuszált, egyéni ütem szerinti haladást lehetővé tevő megoldásokra kell koncentrálnia

    The Role of Business Knowledge in the Internationalisation Process of Hungarian Corporations

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the knowledge elements that are crucial in the internationalisation process of Hungarian firms. It uses a two-dimensional model of business knowledge, which separates business knowledge along two dimensions: the tacit or explicit nature; and the codified or uncodified one. This model tells us that tacit and codified knowledge is the most difficult to transfer, while the explicit-uncodified part is the easiest. The five types of business knowledge were measured with a questionnaire. It is non-representative, filled in by 104 Hungarian firms among which the larger and more internationalised ones are overrepresented. Based on this non-representative sample we have found that the organisational beliefs and habits, and the competence of the employees are the two business knowledge elements that are most closely associated with the internationalisation of the firms. This makes it especially difficult to promote internationalisation through the transfer of knowledge, because these key knowledge elements are the stickiest, the hardest to transfer

    Entrepreneurial career: Factors influencing the decision of Hungarian students

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    SME Internalisation Index (SMINI) Based on the Sample of the Visegrad Countries

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    The goal of the chapter is to develop an index (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Internationalisation Index – SMINI) to measure the degree of internationalisation in the SME sector, and to uncover its most important influencing factors. The index was calculated from a data set obtained from a questionnaire conducted among 1,124 firms from the Visegrad (V4) countries, comprised of 270 Polish, 597 Czech, 113 Hungarian and 144 Slovak firms. The relationship between the index value and the influencing factors was also tested using the same dataset. The influencing factors were chosen based on a literature review. We found that the factors suggested by the literature (company size, company age, ownership structure, innovation activity, network participation and sectorial structure) have a significant effect on the SMINI, but the strength of relationship is either weak or weak to moderate. A multiway ANOVA analysis revealed that three of our variables – firm size, family ownership and innovation – have an 11.8% combined effect on the SMINI