5 research outputs found

    Identification of Durum Wheat Cultivars and Their Tetraploid Relatives with Low Cadmium Content

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    U ovom su radu okarakterizirani genotipovi 71 kultivara tvrde pšenice (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 kultivara dvozrnca (Triticum dicoccum L.) i 11 kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice (Triticum dicoccoides L.) u svrhu pronalaska alela povezanih s većim udjelom kadmija. Nakon toga je uzgojem u posudi ispitan fenotip 14 odabranih kultivara s malim i velikim udjelom kadmija, radi potvrde genotipskih podataka. Identificirana su 32 genotipa tvrde (durum) pšenice, jedan kultivar dvozrnca i četiri kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice koji sadržavaju alele povezane s velikim udjelom kadmija, te 68 genotipova koji sadržavaju alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija, i to 39 kultivara durum pšenice, 21 dvozrnca i 7 divlje dvozrne pšenice. Povrh toga, fenotipske karakteristike uočene nakon uzgoja u posudama potvrdile su rezultate molekularne analize. Marker je uspješno upotrijebljen za klasifikaciju kultivara durum pšenice u one s velikim ili malim udjelom kadmija, pa je zaključeno da se može upotrijebiti u programu uzgoja novih kultivara durum pšenice koja sadržava alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija. Zbog rutinske primjene fosfornih gnojiva na poljoprivrednim površinama i utjecaja ostalih antropogenih čimbenika što dovode do akumulacije toksičnog kadmija, treba čim prije razviti nove kultivare durum pšenice s malim udjelom kadmija za sigurnu proizvodnju makarona i ostalih tipova pšeničnih proizvoda za prehranu ljudi i ishranu stoke.In this study, 71 durum wheat cultivars (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum L.) and 11 wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides L.) genotypes were genetically characterized to determine the alleles associated with high cadmium (Cd) content. After genotypic characterization, 14 cultivars selected among all genotypes with low and high Cd content were phenotyped by a pot experiment to verify the genotypic data. Identification of 32 durum wheat, one emmer wheat and four wild emmer genotypes showed that they have alleles associated with high Cd content, while 68 genotypes of which 39 durum wheat, 21 emmer wheat and 7 wild emmer cultivars had alleles associated with low Cd content. Moreover, phenotypic data obtained from pot experiment were similar to the molecular data. To sum up, the marker successfully classified durum wheat cultivars into either high or low accumulators and these results can be safely used in breeding programs to improve new durum wheat cultivars with alleles associated with low Cd content. Due to routine use of phosphorus fertilizers in agricultural areas and other anthropogenic factors related to Cd toxicity, new durum wheat cultivars with low Cd content should be urgently developed for safe production of macaroni or other types of wheat products for human and animal consumption

    Determination of soil fertility status of highland greenhouse tomato production: A case Elmalı region

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    This study aims to investigate the soil fertility status of highland greenhouse tomato production in Elmalı region of Antalya. Soil samples from two different depths (0-20 and 20-40 cm) were taken from 30 different tomato greenhouses. Soil analysis was performed at each depth for the following parameters; texture, CaCO3, organic matter, EC, pH, total N, plant available P, exchangeable K, Ca and Mg, plant available Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu. Most of the soils had texture of clay loam, loam and sandy loam; slightly alkaline and alkaline and high level of CaCO3 that possibly affects plant growth negatively, and low in organic matter; while no salinity problem was recorded. Soil total N, extractable Ca and Mg status were generally adequate in two depths (0-20 and 20-40 cm); extractable K low, medium and high however, plant available P status were found to be highly good enough. For micronutrients; while plant available Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu were sufficient. In conclusion, it was determined that the greenhouse soils have high soil pH, high lime content and low organic matter content that can cause some problem with regards to plant nutrition

    Taxonomic data supporting differences between Allium elmaliense and Allium cyrilli

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    The first specimens of Allium elmaliense were collected in Elmal? (Antalya/Turkey) in 2001 and were described as new species in 2004. However, Allium elmaliense was claimed as synonym of Allium cyrilli in 2006. This study was undertaken to reveal the differences between these taxa utilizing morphological, palynological, and chromosome characters and genomic differences based on the DNA analyses along with the ecological preference studies conducted during 2006 and 2011. The results clearly indicated differences between these two taxa in terms of morphological characters, pollen, seed surfaces and niche preferences. Chromosome morphology and Td-DAMD-PCR fingerprinting studies revealed that Allium elmaliense Deniz & Sumbul is a distinct species and not a synonym of A. cyrilli Ten