31 research outputs found

    Ubuntu, Anti-corruption Principle, and the Protection of the Right to Health in South Africa during the COVID-19: The Case Study of the Solidarity Fund (SF)

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    In the COVID-19 context, all States had to protect the right to health of their people by implementing emergency measures to mitigate the negative effects of this global pandemic. South Africa declared COVID-19 a National Disaster (March 15, 2020) under the Disaster Management Act, 2002, N°57. The government has full authority to adopt emergency measures, including the creation of a Solidarity Fund (March 23, 2020) to respond to the coronavirus’ “health, humanitarian and social consequences”. In a context of corruption that is familiar to South Africa (the country scored 44 out of 100 points [Transparency International, 2020]), the Presidency has strengthened anti-corruption agencies to investigate any suspicion of abuse of these donations and the arrest of anyone responsible for these criminal acts. Despite these measures, a wave of scandals, affecting the right to health for all, has struck South Africa. From 2020, over 4,780 corruption cases, involving government officials, senior civil servants, and the private sector, were reported. Diversion of food donations, embezzlement of social grants, as well as abuse of the Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) and Unemployment Insurance Fund by businesses or/and public servants, were among these scandals. In 2022, was disclosed that of the 5,467 contracts regarding COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment awarded to 3,066 suppliers (for a total of R14.3 billion), 2,803 were irregular. All these frauds show the urgent need to reclaim African principles in combating corruption at the highest levels of society. In making its case the paper explores several biggest Covid-19-related scandals of corruption. Then it proceeds to examine, how this wrongdoing threatened the right to health and the importance of South African Ubuntu as an anti-corruption principle. It concludes by demonstrating how Ubuntu shall prevent another scandal of corruption in a pandemic context

    Una Sudåfrica ambigua: balance 20 años después

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    En Afrique du sud, le front anti-Zuma s’élargit

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    ContestĂ© depuis quelques jours, y compris dans son propre camp, Jacob Zuma voit les appels Ă  sa dĂ©mission se multiplier alors que son mandat prend fin en 2019. Ce n’est pas la premiĂšre fois que le prĂ©sident sud-africain, empĂȘtrĂ© dans des affaires politico-financiĂšres, fait face Ă  des contestations. Cette fois, l’ampleur est sans prĂ©cĂ©dent

    Jacob Zuma : le plus long “exit” de l'histoire sud-africaine

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    ANALYSE. Avant la crise actuelle, née du refus du président Zuma de démissionner sous la pression de l'ANC, il y a eu le départ anticipé de Thabo Mbeki en 2008. Entre-temps, le systÚme Zuma a prospéré

    Book Review Reawakening and Shaping Africa’s Future in a Globalised World

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    Book Review Reawakening and Shaping Africa’s Future in a Globalised WorldEditors: Vusi Gumede, Alinah Segobye, Shadrack Gutto and Serges Djoyou KamgaISBN: 978-1-569025-2-6 Pages: 576 Publisher: Africa World PressReview by Marianne SĂ©verin

    Afrique du Sud : Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa face Ă  son destin

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    DÉCRYPTAGE. Il a rongĂ© son frein et attendu son heure pendant de longues annĂ©es. Cyril Ramaphosa a eu un parcours hors du commun oĂč syndicalisme, business et politique se sont succĂ©dĂ© et quelquefois cĂŽtoyĂ©s. Qui est-il vraiment

    Nkosazana Dlamini : une ambition mais aussi une assurance pour le clan Zuma

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    À son corps dĂ©fendant, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma appara\ⁱt comme celle qui devra sauvegarder les intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©conomiques du clan Zuma et empĂȘcher la dĂ©route judiciaire qui menace son patriarche, Jacob Zuma

    Conflicts Prevention and Resolution in Bamileke People of Western Cameroon: The Case of the Baleng Community

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    Panel “Uncovening the merits of African approaches to foster democracy, human rights and conflicts resolutions in Africa

    D’une alliance Ă  une «dĂ©s-Alliance tripartite» : ANC-SACP-COSATU

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    L’opposition au rĂ©gime d’apartheid en Afrique du Sud a Ă©tĂ© portĂ©e par l’ANC, le Parti communiste d’Afrique du Sud et l’organisation syndicale COSATU. Cette «Alliance tripartite» s’est poursuivie au-delĂ  de l’accession au pouvoir de l’ANC en 1994. Vingt ans aprĂšs, cette Alliance est questionnĂ©e et pourrait se rompre et reconfigurer le contexte politique sud-africain, d’autant plus qu’elle est concurrencĂ©e sur sa «gauche» par un mouvement politique Ă  tendance populiste et par des syndicats dissidents Ă  tendance plus radicale.SĂ©verin Marianne. D’une alliance Ă  une «dĂ©s-Alliance tripartite» : ANC-SACP-COSATU. In: Recherches Internationales, n°101, 2014. Afrique du Sud : 20 ans de dĂ©mocratie ? pp. 75-91