9 research outputs found

    Notched multiaxial fatigue of Al7050-T7451: on the need for an equivalent process zone size

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    The aim of this work is to investigate stress gradient effects on the fatigue life estimation of notched Al 7050-T7451 specimens under combined torsion and push-pull loading conditions. Initially, simple push-pull and torsion fatigue tests in plain and notched specimens were independently conducted not only to obtain the material properties necessary to calibrate a standard multiaxial critical plane based model, but also to raise the critical distance versus life curves in tension (L? – Nf) and in torsion (L? – Nf). This latter step also required a Finite Element Elastic Stress Analysis of the notched specimens tested in the medium high-cycle fatigue regime. Then, proportional multiaxial fatigue tests were carried out using this same notched geometry. The combination of a multiaxial model with the theory of critical distance (TCD) was applied to estimate fatigue lives. For this aluminium alloy, neither the use of the L? – Nf nor L? – Nf combined with the predictive multiaxial model was able to estimate lives in an accurate way

    Suplementação de taurina em dietas com duas concentrações proteicas para pós-larvas de camarão-branco-do-pacífico

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    Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a possibilidade de reduzir a concentração proteica da dieta para pós-larvas de camarão-branco-do-pacífico (Litopenaeus vannamei) por meio da suplementação do aminoácido taurina. Seis dietas práticas, isoenergéticas (15,48 kJ EM/g), foram formuladas para conter duas concentrações de proteína (35% e 45% proteína bruta, PB), com três níveis de suplementação de taurina (0, 5 e 10 g/kg), em arranjo fatorial 2 × 3, com quatro repetições. Cem pós-larvas (peso inicial de 0,14 ± 0,01 g) foram estocadas em cada um dos 24 tanques de 45 litros conectados a um sistema de recirculação de água marinha. As dietas experimentais foram distribuídas aos camarões (10% da biomassa) três vezes ao dia, durante 30 dias. A concentração proteica da dieta não influenciou o crescimento nem a utilização alimentar das pós-larvas, mas o efeito benéfico da suplementação das dietas com taurina foi evidente em ambos os níveis proteicos testados. As póslarvas alimentadas com as dietas com maior concentração de taurina (10 g/kg) alcançaram maior peso final, ganho em peso e taxa de crescimento específico e melhor conversão alimentar em comparação àquelas alimentadas com as demais dietas. A taxa de sobrevivência média foi superior a 92% e não foi afetada pelas dietas experimentais. O nível de 35% de PB na dieta (22,58 mg PB/kJ EM) é suficiente para promover o crescimento adequado de pós-larvas de L. vannamei, e o desempenho dos camarões pode ser melhorado com a suplementação de 10 g taurina/kg de ração.The present study aimed to evaluate the possibility of reducing the dietary protein content for post-larvae of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) through diet supplementation with taurine amino acid. Six practical isoenergetic (15.48 kJ ME/g) diets were formulated to contain two protein concentrations (35% and 45% crude protein, CP) and 3 levels of taurine supplementation (0, 5 and 10 g/kg) in a 2 × 3 factorial scheme, with four replicates. One hundred postlarvae (initial weight 0.14 ± 0.01 g) were stocked in each of twenty-four 45–L tanks, connected with recirculating marine water system. Shrimps were fed the experimental diets (10% biomass) 3 times a day for 30 days. Dietary protein concentration did not influence growth neither feed utilization of the post-larvae, but a benefic effect of the diet supplementation with taurine on both protein levels tested was evident. Post-larvae fed diets with the highest taurine supplementation (10 g/kg) achieved significant higher final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate and better feed conversion than those fed the other diets. Average survival rate was greater than 92% and it was not affected by experimental diets. Crude protein level of 35% in the diet (22.58 mg CP/kJ ME) is enough to promote adequate growth of L. vannamei post-larvae and shrimp performance can be improved with supplementation of 10 g taurine/kg of ration