99 research outputs found

    Potensi Jigsaw IV sebagai Strategi Pembelajaran Biologi yang Memberdayakan Keterampilan Metakognisi pada Kemampuan Akademik Berbeda

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    This study aims at finding out the effect of the learning strategy Jigsaw IV toward the metacognition skill and the effect of the academic ability toward the metacognition skill This study was quasi experimental design with factorial 4 x 2. The procedure of the experimental study was pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. This study included independent and dependent variables. Independent variables was learning strategy Jigsaw, lower and upper acadmic ability.. Dependent variables were the metacognition skill The metacognition skill was measured through rubric. Findings showed that the Jigsaw IV learning strategy affected toward the metacognition skil

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga Dan Lingkungan Pergaulan Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Siswa

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the influence of family environment and social environment toward students' achievement for Economics subject at the XI Social Studies students in SMA N 3 Jambi in the academic year of 2012/ 2013. The data were collected by questionnaire and documentation. Then, the data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and regression. The result of the study showed that simultaneously, family environment and social environment influenced significantly toward students' achievement for Economics subject at the XI IPS students in SMK N 3 Jambi. In detail, family environment had more dominant influence than social environment to influence students' achievement

    Pemberdayaan Kecakapan Berpikir Kreatif dengan Asesmen Portfolio pada Perkuliahan Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Bidang Studi (Ehb) Biologi

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    Asesmen portofolio adalah asesmen yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui kompetensi seseorang. Asesmen harus dapat mengungkapkan seoptimal mungkin kelebihan setiap individu, oleh karenanya asesmen harus berpusat pada pebelajar. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengungkap tentang pemberdayaan kecakapan berpikir kreatif khususnya pada perkuliahan evaluasi hasil belajar bidang studi Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Pretest-Postest Non equivalent Control Group Design. Data kecakapan berpikir kreatif dianalisis dengan analisis kovarian Analisis kovarian dilakukan dengan SPSS for Window. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asesmen portofolio dapat memberdayakan kecakapan berpikir kreatif secara signifikan pada perkuliahan EHB mencakup aspek: (1) fluency (2) flexibility, (3) originality, dan (4) elaboration

    Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Peninggalan Sejarah Hindu Di Indonesia Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Sosial Di Kelas V SDN 2 Buga Kabupaten Tolitoli

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    Permasalahan utama pada penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN 2 Buga Kecamatan Ogodeide Kabupaten Tolitoli pada mata pelajaran IPS. Salah satu Faktor yang menyebabkan kemampuan siswa rendah adalah metode mengajar yang selama ini digunakan oleh guru cenderung membuat siswa pasif dan berpusat pada guru (Teacher Oriented). Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa maka peneliti menerapkan strategi pembelajaran inkuiri sosial dalam mengajarkan IPS di kelas V SDN 2 Buga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan tiga siklus dengan jumlah siswa 20 orang. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Dari hasil tindakan siklus I diperoleh ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 59%. Hasil tindakan siklus II diperoleh ketuntasan belajar klasikal 65% dan hasil tindakan siklus III diperoleh ketuntasan belajar 95%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran inkuiri sosial dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN 2 Buga

    Preliminary Study Of Larval Development Oryzias Javanicus In Indonesia

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    Java medaka Oryzias javanicus potentially developed as test organism, represents the coastal region because it has a high adaptability in freshwater, brackishwater and marine environments. Utilization of it as a test organism has some obstacles such as lack of number of test organisms with same size or age. The fulfillment of number can be solved if the test organism is cultivated exclusively in the laboratory. This study was a preliminary study to get information about suitable salinity for spawning and hatching. Parameter observed were spawning ability in 0 and 20 ppt and hatching rate of egg among 0. 15 and 30 ppt and development of larval fish in 0 ppt. Result indicated that the fish was be able to spawn in 0 and 20 ppt. Eggs were hatched within 9 days in 30 ppt, faster than in freshwater and 15 ppt. In general, O. javanicus was be able to spawn either in freshwater or seawater, but there are differences in the behavior of fish in the laying of egg. Fish will carried their eggs in the abdomen in freshwater, while 20 ppt salinity fish tends to release the eggs. O. javanicus be able to live and lay eggs on freshwater and seawater. Selection of salinity is adjusted to test requirement in egg phase, pascalarva or adult. In general, breeding of fish easier and faster done in fresh water while hatching eggs take place more quickly in high salinity

    Determinants Analysis of Turnaround: Empirical Study on Manufacturing Company Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    This study examines the corporate turnaround which occurred in the company experiencing financial distress listing on the stock exchanges of Indonesia from 2010 to 2015. The purpose of this study is to prove the influence of company size, free assets, expenses retrenchment to corporarte turnaround. Company size, free assets, and expenses retrenchment moderated by CEO turnover. While Company Size, free assets and expenses retrenchment moderated by independent audit committee. The sample used in this study is 21 companies after going through the sampling process purposive sampling. The research method in this research is using logistic regression and moderated regreression analisys (MRA). The result shows the size of the company and free assets significant positive effect on the turnaround. Expenses retrenchment does not affect the turnaround process. CEO Turnover does not have a significant influence on the process of turnaround. Independent Audit Committee only affect or reinforce the results for the size of the company and free asset in conducting corporate turnaround, while at the expense retrenchment does not have a significant influence.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v16i1.479

    Value Relevance Dan Ifrs Adoption Di Indonesia: Investigasi Pada Perusahaan Lq-45 Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Value relevance is being defined as the ability of information disclosed by financial statements to capture and summarize firm value. earnings per share (EPS) and book value of shares (BVS) and stock market price (SMP), both before and after IFRS adoption. Based on theresult,test there the valuerelevancebefore and after IFRS adoptio. The value relevance after IFRS adoption decreased. These findings differ from the findings in several countries have adopted IFRS. In many countries have adopted IFRS tends to increase the value relevance

    Value Relevance dan IFRS Adoption di Indonesia: Investigasi pada Perusahaan LQ-45 Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Value relevance is being defined as the ability of information disclosed by financial statements to capture and summarize firm value. earnings per share (EPS) and book value of shares (BVS) and stock market price (SMP), both before and after IFRS adoption. Based on theresult,test there the valuerelevancebefore and after IFRS adoptio. The value relevance after IFRS adoption decreased. These findings differ from the findings in several countries have adopted IFRS. In many countries have adopted IFRS tends to increase the value relevance
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