13 research outputs found

    The Impact of Cloud Computing on Academic Libraries

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    With the introduction of computers and other forms of communication technology, library services have undergone a significant transformation. Libraries have been automated, networked, and are currently being converted into virtual or paperless libraries. This article is dedicated to many aspects of cloud computing, including different kinds and applications. There is a discussion about the advantages and drawbacks of cloud computing in academic libraries. The article also includes recommendations for professional librarians and academic libraries across the globe on how to take advantage of cloud computing resources. This article may be of use in the development of cloud-based services for university libraries. The article claims that cloud providers\u27 high quality of service, the expansion of Internet bandwidth, and the rapid transfer of information should all contribute to improving academic library services in the future. Cloud computing is essential for today\u27s information innovation, and it is vital for university libraries

    Academic Libraries\u27 Content Management Trends

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    The Content Management System (CMS) is a mixture of large databases and file systems used to store and retrieve vast data. The ACS preserves and maintains the PSNCET e-documents, newspapers, e-journals, e-book, and other resources to let college students and faculty members utilize the content in various ways. It is used to organize and facilitate collaborative material creation. The basic idea behind a CMS library is to separate content management from design. Page designs are saved in templates, and the contents may be stored in a database or separate files. For website administrators and authors alike, the benefits of a CMS library include. A CMS library allows students and instructors to access resources quickly and easily. A CMS library offers specific publishing processes and specific publishing rights for various individuals. All these features help users save time for training and enable more people to access the materials wherever they want


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    The virus coined in chimpanzees, flying interested in humans a few million years back. Around two-thirds of the human people are diseased through on minimum single herpes simplex virus. Now this research, we aimed to make a complete scientometric analysis of herpes collected works. We collected data by using four databases provided by Web of Science using the keywords “Herpes”. The study is informative in categorizing and sympathetic trends, including core study areas, author, type of documents, journals, institutions, and countries, and just how these are related, within the existing body of collected works on herpes. A total of 8012 articles were founded of which 66.00 percent were unique articles. The Co-Occurrence relationships of all keywords networks analysis, Cluster1 repressed (Yellow, 173 Items) involves of illustration from herpes-simplex-virus, infection, cell, HSV-1, type-1and replication. The most productive journals on the subject of herpes were the Journal of virology with 4.20 percent. The highest publication year for herpes literature was 2016 with 1953 papers. To the greatest of our information, our research is the leading scientometric and analysis in herpes collected works. Linkage research presented that involving several hospital studies was very occasionally in this area

    Academic Libraries support E-Learning and Lifelong Learning: a case study

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    E-learning has proven to be the best method for corporations, primarily when MNCs conduct training programmes for their workforce worldwide. In e-learning, a teacher no longer directs students; instead, a step-by-step guide has replaced the teacher. The idea of web 2.0, life-long learning, open education, and social constructivism is often linked with this term. Librarians can benefit from e-learning as well as students and researchers. Staff training through additional online programmes assists employees in learning the latest ideas, handling new challenges, and meeting reader demands. E-learning is becoming more and more popular each year at universities across Canada. E-learning is a practical and effective option to practice on-the-job abilities, such as web searching, and address problems that stem from Internet resources. E-learning programmes can be custom-tailored to the profile, requirements, and collection features of academic libraries. Using e-learning in an academic library may provide many genuine benefits for users and instructors while also helping the institution. According to a new study by the University of Guelph\u27s Department of Library and Information Technology, E-learning is essential for the growth of library facilities. India has 35 million students enrolled in higher education, compared to China\u27s 51.6 million. The government is dedicated to achieving inclusive education, which necessitates an e-Learning system. Online learning must be prioritised to achieve the NEP 2020 goal of 50% GER by 2035. Some conventional institutions have twice the amount of ODL courses registered. The UGC must simplify its laws and streamline rules, says Naveen Thakur-Ganjibayyan

    Mucormycosis (Black Fungus) Maiming Covid Patients: Scientometrics analysis through prism of Biblioshiny

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    This study analyses the global level outlook of research publications on Mucormycosis output between the period of 1923 to 2021 (May) on different limitations including contribution of authors, communication channel, publications on Institutions, countries, Journals, cited articles and mode of languages. 4451 data was downloaded from core collection of Web of Science bibliographic database using the search term ‘Mucormycosis’ and limited the publications 1900 to 2021, first publication was started in 1923 onwards. 3798 institutions and 8562 different disciplines contributed and 2808 records are in Articles. 4451 records published by 17320 authors and 23552 collaborated authors, documents per author are 0.257, authors per document are 3.89 and co-authors per document are 5.29. First article in German language with two authored in 1923, single authored documents are 287 and 74 authors contributed a single article in this topic. Total records published in 1161 journals with 11 languages from 95 countries in the Globe and 1504 are open access and 12 articles are highly cited in this field

    Web Services in Cloud Computing research: Insights from Scientometric

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    The research is the outcome of the investigation of 4035 papers on web services and cloud study, as covered in the Web of Knowledge core collection database during 2010 - 2019, going through an overall group author contribution of 29.00% during the period, Iosup, Alexandru, et al with a citation impact per paper of 44.10% and a journal impact per paper of 5.768 by Future generation computer systems-the international journal of science. The world\u27s web services and cloud research output is diverse, with the top three open access research journals accounting for 66.59% (All Open Access 44.03%, DOAJ Gold 17.41%, Green Published 14.37%).Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science of global output during different periods. The foremost institutional contribution to web services and cloud research comes from universities, followed by Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, Chinese Academy of Science, and The University of Melbourne, Australia during the periods. During 2004-13, India\u27s global publication share was 5.66%, and it ranked fourth in global publication output. The top ten authors have 188 citations, and Buyya R, (132 citations), Dean J, (97 citations), Zeng LZ, (82 citations), and Mell Peter, (76 citations) share respectively during the periods. This study consequently increases the side by side of the wakefulness of web services and cloud computing and helps structure the knowledgeable success of web services through cloud computing


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    The virus coined in chimpanzees, flying interested in humans a few million years back. Around two-thirds of the human people are diseased through on minimum single herpes simplex virus. Now this research, we aimed to make a complete scientometric analysis of herpes collected works. We collected data by using four databases provided by Web of Science using the keywords “Herpes”. The study is informative in categorizing and sympathetic trends, including core study areas, author, type of documents, journals, institutions, and countries, and just how these are related, within the existing body of collected works on herpes. A total of 8012 articles were founded of which 66.00 percent were unique articles. The Co-Occurrence relationships of all keywords networks analysis, Cluster1 repressed (Yellow, 173 Items) involves of illustration from herpes-simplex-virus, infection, cell, HSV-1, type-1and replication. The most productive journals on the subject of herpes were the Journal of virology with 4.20 percent. The highest publication year for herpes literature was 2016 with 1953 papers. To the greatest of our information, our research is the leading scientometric and analysis in herpes collected works. Linkage research presented that involving several hospital studies was very occasionally in this area

    Disaster Recovery System and Service Continuity of Digital Library

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    This paper will discuss catastrophe recovery and likelihood development for digital library structures. The article establishes a foundation for establishing Library continuity and disaster recovery strategies through the use of best practices. Library continuity development and catastrophe recovery are critical modules of the planning stage for a virtual digital library. Few institutions that experience a catastrophic disaster occurrence are powerless to recover always, but libraries can suggestively boost the possibility of long-term recovery of institutional digital resources by drafting a continuity and recovery strategy in preparation. This article is intended for system designers and administrators, as well as high-ranking library administration, who must strategy for unforeseen organisational disruptions. The document establishes a framework and outlines the process of establishing a library continuity and catastrophe recovery strategy

    Information and attitudes of Women Doctors towards ICT and Digital Resources

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    Using information and communication technology (ICT) means communicating, creating, distributing and managing data. There is no sector of society that does not benefit from the use of information and communication technology. Covid-19 epidemic necessitates the repurposing of ICT systems intended for other distributed purposes to retain social connections, deliver distributed services, and fulfil corporate needs. Next to the IT field, the paradigm shift takes place in the medical field. During the pandemic situation, the usage of ICT tremendously increased in all departments of the medical field. In this situation, the research analyses women doctors\u27 attitudes towards ICT and digital resources for understanding their acceptance. The study\u27s objective is to identify how women Doctors use ICT products and applications. To decide the familiarity of ICT products and applications among women Doctors. To find the frequency of using ICT based health knowledge by the women doctors. Research design and sites used a cross-sectional investigation strategy. Few medical women doctors in government hospitals and private hospitals in Tirunelveli city contributed. The sample size of the study was restricted to 62 in numbers. Secondary data was also used for further information. Descriptive analysis methods, partial correlation and ANOVA tests are used as analytical tools for this study

    Bats are the only flying Mammal: A Scientometric Analysis

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    Objectives: The paper explores five years of global research publications output on ‘Bats’. The research study includes retrievement of various types of publication, authorship pattern; most cited authors with their respective countries and Hirsch index, highly cited publications with total citations and author’s contribution, productivity and blow of leading institutions, identification of major participating countries contribution on bats and separated by continents Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Australia. Methods: The requisite data retrieved from a renowned bibliographic database “Web of Science” published by Clarivate Analytics from 2016 to 2020 by means of searching the keyword ‘bats’, which is united with full records with cited reference. To obtain the scientometric results with citations using the softwares Histcite, VoS viewer and Biblioshiny. Results: The global publications output on Bats research consisted of 10870 records during 2016 and 2020. The research publications inclined from 1778 published in 2016 to 2683 publications in 2020. There are 9826 institutions that contributed 2,585 journals from 162 countries published in 17 languages with a collaboration of 39655 authors. Most of the authors from China published multi authored papers and gained highest citations. Conclusion: Bats are considered as a prime reason to spread some virus diseases like Nipha, Epola etc. so it is very much essential to ascertain the research output on bats to alarm the departments of Research and Development towards the enhancement of research