8 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan Di Provinsi Lampung (Progress of Community Forest in Lampung Province)

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    Community Forest (HKm) in Lampung Province has to be 14 years of age with its dynamics on implementation. Studies on HKm progres is needed. The study aimed is to know progress of HKm especially distribution, problem and expectation condition. The study was conducted in September to December 2014 in Lampung Province. Data was collected using open ended and semi-structured questionnaire interview and direct observation. Information of HKm distribution obtained through survey and identification of districts in Lampung Province. Problem faced and expectation condition on implementation of HKm were collected through interview with farmer groups and national, provincial or district forestry offices and meeting/socialization about HKm. Data was analyzed using a fishbone diagram and descriptive. The results showed that HKm is a solution on problem of forest management conflict, community around the forest have very high dependence upon the forest, its caused forest conversion in Lampung Province. HKm (licence issues for community forest/IUPHKm, determination of community forest working area/PAK) in Lampung Province distributed on 9 of 15 districts. The main problems on HKm implementation was limited of budget support.. HKm is not a priority program so coaching and mentoring are not maximum. Development of farmer groups, land, and entrepreneurship are keys for increase of local welfare and to maintain the wholeness of forest and their functions

    Komposisi Jenis Dan Struktur Tumbuhan Bawah Pada Hutan Tanaman Jati Bertumbuhan Ketela Pohon Di KPH Ngawi, Jawa Timur

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    The existence of Cassava under the Teak stand, in Ngawi Forest District, have change the undergrowth species composition and their ecological structure. Based on the research results of the different age class of teak plantation forest (II – V) could be concluded that the species composition of undergrowth tend to decrease either species number or individual number of each species. Only 4 species from 21 species of undergrowth that were found in all of the research compartments those are Hoplismenus burmani, Clitoria ternatea, Eupatorium odoratum and Synedrela nudiflora; and their distribution were horizontally aggregated. For vertical structure of the undergrowth community were not different for each compartment with Cassava. The nutrients rate information of the soil under teak stand with cassava showed low enough

    Konservasi Cendana (Santalum Album Linn) Berbasis Masyarakat Pada Sistem Kaliwu Di Pulau Sumba

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    Cendana (Santalum album Linn) merupakan sumberdaya alam hayati yang memilikikandungan santalol, yaitu bahan aromatik bernilai ekonomi tinggi untuk berbagaipenggunaanya bagi manusia. Permintaan minyak cendana yang tinggi mendorongeksploitasi melebihi kapasitas lestarinya, sehingga pemulihannya memerlukan partisipasisemua pihak, terutama masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasiperan masyarakat dalam pelestarian cendana dan merumuskan strategipengembangannya pada sistem Kaliwu di Pulau Sumba. Metode penelitian dilakukansecara observasi, sedangkan analisisnya dengan deskriptif kualitatif dan SWOT.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran serta masyarakat dalam pengembangancendana sangat potensial. Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa sebanyak 30% responden melakukanpemeliharaan cendana secara swadaya dengan strategi memelihara pohon induk,menanam permudaan alam dan biji cendana, serta beberapa diantaranya memperolehbantuan bibit dari Dinas Kehutanan. Partisipasi masyarakat merupakan modal yangperlu difasilitasi melalui penguatan kapasitas masyarakat memelihara danmengembangkan cendana, mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan input program daripemerintah dan lembaga terkait untuk pemeliharaan cendana pada sistem Kaliwu, sertameningkatkan pengembangan dan produksi cendana untuk memenuhi kebutuhan duniainternasional

    Zonasi Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai Berdasarkan Sensitivitas Kawasan dan Aktivitas Masyarakat

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    Kawasan Gunung Ciremai ditetapkan sebagai taman nasional berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No 424/Kpts-II/Menhut/2004 tanggal 19 Oktober 2004. Penetapannya menimbulkan konflik di antara tujuankonservasi hutan dan biodiversitas dan tujuan kesejahteraan masyarakat, karena dinilai tidak disertai olehpenataan batas dan rencana pengelolaan yang memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang zonasi TNGC secara spasial berdasarkan sensitivitas kawasan dan aktivitas masyarakatMetode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis spasial menggunakan tumpangsusun peta berdasarkanperingkat.Sensitivitas kawasan didasarkan pada analisis kondisi biologi dan fisik kawasan, meliputi analisisdaerah bahaya erosi, daerah tangkapan air, dan daerah perlindungan satwa. Aktivitas masyarakat didasarkanpada jenis dan penyebaran aktivitas masyarakat dalam kawasan TNGC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 36,13% kawasan TNGC diperuntukkan untuk zona inti, 9,36% untuk zona rimba, 47,89% untuk zonarehabilitasi, 2,09% untuk zona pemanfaatan wisata alam, 4,32% untuk zona pemanfaatan air, 0,11% untuk zona religi, budaya dan sejarah, dan 0,097% kawasan TNGC dimana terdapat Fasilitas jalan, saranatelekomunikasi dan listrik yang sudah lama ada sebelum kawasan menjadi taman nasional diperuntukkan sebagai zona khusu

    The Influence of Stand Density and Species Diversity Into Timber Production and Carbon Stock in Community Forest

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    Stand density and species diversity are two indicators that are highly related to forest productivity. However, the effect of those variables on the productivity of community forest is rarely documented. This study evaluates the influence of stand density and species diversity on timber production and carbon stock in the community forest. The study area was located in Madiun District. A field survey was conducted in four different community forest sites, i.e. Morang, Kuwiran, Randualas, and Kare. The sampling technique was by quadrat method using a sample plot size of 25 m x 25 m. The number of sample plots used in this study was 64 units, which were evenly distributed in every site. Comparison of stand attributes among sites was examined by Kruskal-Wallis test and followed by Kruskal-Nemenyi test on the effects of stand density and species diversity on timber production and carbon stock were assessed separately for each parameter using the generalized least square regression test. The process of statistical analysis was applied using a significance level of 5%. Results show a significant difference in stand volume, aboveground biomass, and carbon stock among sites (P<0.05). This study also recorded a meaningful effect of stand density and species diversity on timber production and carbon stock of community forest, wherein stand density provided a higher effect (R2 = 0.68; P<0.05) than species diversity (R2 = 0.26; P<0.05)