250 research outputs found

    Connected Weak Edge Detour Number of a Graph

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    Certain general properties of the detour distance, weak edge detour set, connected weak edge detour set, connected weak edge detour number and connected weak edge detour basis of graphs are studied in this paper. Their relationship with the detour diameter is discussed. It is proved that for each pair of integers k and n with 2 <= k <= n, there exists a connected graph G of order n with cdnw(G)=k. It is also proved that for any three positive integers R,D,k such that k >= D and R < D <= 2R, there exists a connected graph G with radD (G) = R, diamD G = D and cdnw(G)=k


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    Fetal heart abnormalities are the most common congenital anomalies and are also the leading cause of infant mortality related to birth defects. More than one-third of all malformations found after delivery are congenital heart defects. The prenatal detection of fetal cardiac structure is difficult because of its small size and rapid movements but is important for the early and effective diagnosis of congenital cardiac defects. A novel method is proposed for the detection of fetal cardiac structure from ultrasound sequences. An initial pre-processing is done to remove noise and enhance the images. An effective K means clustering algorithm is applied to the images to segment the region of interest. Finally an active appearance model is proposed to detect the structure of fetal heart

    Partial characterization of toxins associated with stem end rot of mango caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae

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    In this study, the toxicity of liquid culture media from different isolates of Lasiodiplodia theobromae was characterized and some properties of the toxic metabolites were distinguished. In this work toxin producing ability of L. theobromae was revealed by studying the physical parameters viz., osmotic potential, toxin concentration, pH, temperature and biological parameter like host specificity and wilting index. The obtained results showed that the optimal toxin-production conditions for L. theobromae in potato dextrose broth under pH 6.0, at 25-35°C for 7 days. The liquid culture from all isolates were toxic to mango plants and induced the rapid wilting. The toxin obtained from the liquid culture has thermal, acid base stability and a broad range of toxicity to main host and non-host plants. Moreover, the direct bioassay for two components of the liquid filtrates precipitated by ethanol showed that the active ingredient of the toxin is a kind of non protein substance, which was further endorsed by the papain hydrolysis analysis. Our results confirmed the chemical nature of toxic compound elucidating the favorable environmental conditions for toxin production of L. theobromae and proved potential role of toxic metabolites in the mechanism of disease development


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    ABSTRACT A Biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system that makes use of biometric traits to recognize individuals. Systems which are built upon multiple sources of information for establishing identity which are known as multimodal biometric systems can overcome some of the limitations like noisy captured data, intra class variations etc… In this paper a Bi modal biometric system of iris and palm print based on Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT), gabor filters and a neural classifier implemented in FPGA is described. Iris is the unique observable visible feature present in the detailed texture of each eye. Palmprint is referred to the textural data like principal lines wrinkles and ridges present in the palm. The visible texture of a person's iris and palm print is encoded into a compact sequence of 2-D wavelet packet coefficients constituting a biometric signature or a feature vector code. In this paper, a novel multi-resolution approach based on WPT for recognition of iris and palmprint is proposed. With an adaptive threshold, WPT sub image coefficients are quantized into 1, 0 or -1 as biometric signature resulting in the size of biometric signature as 960 bits. The combined pattern vector of palm print features and iris features are formed using fusion at feature level and applied to the pattern classifier. The Learning Vector Quantization neural network is used as pattern classifier and a recognition rate of 97.22% is obtained. A part of the neural network is implemented for input data of 16 dimensions and 12 input classes and 8 output classes, using virtex-4 xc4vlx15 device. This system can complete recognition in 3.25 microseconds thus enabling it being suitable for real time pattern recognition tasks

    Vibrational Spectroscopic [IR and Raman] Analysis and Computational Investigation [NMR, UV-Visible, MEP and Kubo gap] on L-Valinium Picrate

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    Abstract: In the present methodical study, FT-IR, FT-Raman and NMR spectra of the L-Valinium Picrate are recorded and the fundamental vibrational frequencies are tabulated and assigned. The Gaussian hybrid computational calculations are carried out by HF and DFT (LSDA, B3LYP and B3PW91) methods with 6-311++G(d,p) basis sets and the corresponding results are compared with experimental values. The existence of vanderwals interaction between L-Valine and picric acid is investigated. The Zwitterionic motion of hydrogen atom from phenol group of Picric acid to amino group of L-Valine is studied. The impact of this occurrence of motion in the molecular structure is also discussed. The vibrational sequence pattern of the weak interaction molecule is analyzed. Moreover, 13 C NMR and 1 H NMR are calculated by using the gauge independent atomic orbital (GIAO) method with B3LYP methods and the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set and their spectra are simulated and the chemical shifts related to TMS are compared. A study on the electronic and optical properties; absorption wavelengths, excitation energy, dipole moment and frontier molecular orbital energies, are performed by HF and DFT methods. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies (kubo gap) are displayed in the figures which show that the occurring of charge transformation within the molecule. Besides frontier molecular orbitals (FMO), molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) was performed. NLO properties related to Polarizability and hyperpolarizability is also discussed
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