541 research outputs found

    Kalibrasi Mikrometer Sekrup Eksternal dengan Mengacu pada Standar JIS B 7502 - 1994 di Laboratorium Pengukuran Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau

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    Activities to determine the truth value of the appointment of a conventional measuring instruments and measuring ingredients by comparing against a standard measure that traceable to a national standard for the unit of measure and Internationally is the purpose of the calibration so that the existing external micrometer screw in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Measurements can be seen Riau University how much difference deviation between the right price with the price indicated by an external micrometer screw. In the external calibration process micrometer screws there are six components , namelymeasurement uncertainty: Uncertainty measuring gauge block, standard uncertainty micrometer resolution , standard uncertainty able to re- reading of the micrometer , standarduncertainty the effect of temperature , standard uncertainty geometric correction , wringing standard uncertainty. As a result of analysis obtained values Value uncertainty of measuringdevices external I micrometer screw at a rate of 95% coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ± 5,8092 mm with a gauge factor correction tool = 0,00025 mm. The uncertainty of the value ofan external measuring instrument micrometer screw II at a rate of 95% coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ± 5,8092 mm by measuring factor correction tool = 0,00025 mm. The uncertaintyof the value of an external measuring instrument micrometer screw III equal to 95% coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ± 5,8092 mm and measuring instrument correction factor = 0,00975 mm

    Analisa Pola Keruntuhan Konstruksi Rangka Atap dengan Menggunakan Profil Baja Ringan

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    Truss light steel is a modern technology of roof truss made of a thin plate of zinc-alum which is designed by computers and manufactured by machines. Truss light steel can be an alternative choice to support the roof to be able to deal with the extreme weather conditions, not to be distracted from termite attack and to be held longer than truss form wood. From its material, there are some weaknesses of light steel, among other are buckling and deflection occurs, so that a review was made of the failure that will occur in some spans and truss forms. SolidWorks is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) 3D program using the Windows operating system. SolidWorks program can provide the simulation and compute the forces that arise in structures which designed by using finite element method. The use of SolidWorks program shows the simulation of failure mode that will occur, so it can be the input for the planning and construction of the better light steel. This analysis used the truss of type pratt and howe with theoretical spans 12 m and 24 m at 300 angle. The components used were profile lip channel 75x32.8x7.95 and tek screw formed in SolidWorks program. The results obtained in the SolidWorks program was the failure occurred because of flexural buckling in A6 rod to the entire spans and forms. Truss pratt type was stronger to resist the loads on the theoretical span of 12 m and the howe type was stronger to resist the loads on the theoretical span 24 m. Diagonal mounting differences affected the strength of each spans

    Perhitungan Gedung 10 Lantai dengan Perencanaan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (Srpmk) di Jalan Sepakat II Kota Pontianak

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    Sebagai perencana suatu struktur bangunan haruslah berdasarkan peraturan yang berlaku, seperti SNI-03-2847-2013 yang membahas tentang Tata Cara Perhitungan Beton Struktural untuk Gedung dan SNI-1726-2012 Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung. Dalam penulisan ini, bangunan yang akan direncanakan adalah bangunan fiktif 10 lantai dengan fungsi sebagai kantor dan apartemen. Perencanaan dan perhitungan struktur gedung ini akan ditinjau terhadap beban mati, beban hidup, dan beban gempa. Untuk analisa struktur bangunan digunakan aplikasi SAP2000. Perencanaan tugas akhir ini merupakan KDS A sehingga pengaruh gempah dapat tidak diperhitungkan ataupun tidak dibatasi untuk diperhitungkan dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK). Digunakan pelat lantai dasar setebal 200 mm dengan tulangan wiremesh M10 – 150 mm dan pelat lantai 1 – 10 serta lantai atap setebal 150 mm dengan tulangan wiremesh M8 – 150 mm. Dimensi komponen struktur gedung sebagai berikut balok 30 x 60 cm2 (bentang 5 m), balok 50 x 100 cm2 (bentang 10 m), kolom 850 x 850 cm2 (lantai dasar – 4), dan kolom 750 x 750 cm2 (lantai 5 – atap)

    Virulensi Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Zingiberi Isolat Boyolali dan Temanggung Setelah Disimpan Enam Tahun dalam Tanah Steril

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    This research aimed to study growth ability and virulence of several Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi isolates originated from Boyolali and Temanggung after being preserved for six years in sterile soils media. Completely Randomized Design was used with 12 treatments and 3 replications. F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi originated from Temanggung consisted of 7 isolates, i.e., TKO1, TKO3, TKO4, TKO6, TKO7, TPO1, TPO5; and from Boyolali consisted of 4 isolates, i.e., BAO2, BAO7, BAC, and BAP. Variables observed were growth on PDA, colony color, colony diameter, macroconidia and microconidia, mycelial dry weight, incubation period, attack area, and difference of fresh weight of rhizome. The result showed that all isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi both from Temanggung and Boyolali were able to grow well on PDA and fully covered the Petridish at 4.75–7.5 days. The most virulent isolate was TKO6 from Temanggung showing the fastest incubation period of 5 days after inoculation and the highest attack area of 420 mm2 or increase for 107.6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas dan virulensi beberapa isolat Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi setelah disimpan selama enam tahun pada tanah steril. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga ulangan dan 12 perlakuan. Isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi yang digunakan asal Temanggung terdiri atas tujuh isolat, yaitu TKO1, TKO3, TKO4, TKO6, TKO7, TPO1, dan TPO5; asal Boyolali terdiri atas empat isolat, yaitu BAO2, BAO7, BAC, dan BAP. Parameter yang diamati adalah pertumbuhan isolat pada medium PDA, warna koloni, diameter koloni, makrokonidium dan mikrokonidium, berat kering miselium, masa inkubasi, luas serangan, dan selisih berat basah rimpang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi asal Temanggung dan Boyolali, yang telah disimpan dalam medium tanah steril selama enam tahun, masih tumbuh de-ngan baik pada medium PDA dan memenuhi cawan Petri pada umur 4,75–7,5 hari. Isolat yang paling virulen adalah TKO6 asal Temanggung dengan masa inkubasi tercepat yaitu 5 hari setelah inokulasi dan luas serangan pada rimpang sebesar 420 mm2 atau ada peningkatan sampai 107,6

    Potensi Pengembangan Kawasan MOI sebagai RTH Hutan Kota dan Kawasan Agroeduwisata Perkotaan

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    RTH or also called green open space is an open space without a building, having certainsize, shape, and geographical boundaries with any status of mastery, in which there are woodyand annual green plants, with trees as the main plant and other plants (shrubs, grasses and othercover plants), as complementary plants and other objects that also complement and support thefunctions of the respective green space. RTH and urban forest found in the city of Makassar hasdecreased and not functioned optimally. In addition, RTH in the city of Makassar has not providedan educational function. Therefore, RTH in Makassar city needs to be developed by creating anarea such as agro-tourism area. One of location that has good potential and has been developedas one of the green open space and urban forest in Makassar is Maccini Sombala Site. MacciniSombala is an area located on Nuri Baru sub-district Tamalate of Makassar. Therefore, a MOIplanning concept is created as an agro-tourism area. This research aims to make MOI areaplanning as edu-agro-tourism area. The usefulness of this research is a consideration for thegovernment in the development of the area and other areas with other similar functions. Theresearch method used is the site design modification that leads to the concept of MOI areaplanning as edu-agro-tourism area

    Kajian Rentang Batas Kewajaran Utilisasi Produksi Kilang Minyak Indonesia

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    Pada kurun waktu awal hingga akhir 2016, terhentinya produksi kilang yang memprodusikan bahan bakar minyak secara tak terduga atau dikenal sebagai “unplanned shutdown” berpotensi menyebabkan penurunan produksi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) secara kseluruhan. Paper ini berupaya menyajikan “Lesson Learnt” yang dapat diambil oleh kilang-kilang di Indonesia dengan bercermin kepada “benchmark” guna memberikan gambaran dimana posisi utilisasi dari kilang-kilang Indonesia tersebut
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