16 research outputs found

    Działalność regionalnych organizacji turystycznych (ROT-ÓW) i ich wpływ na rozwój turystyki w regionie na przykładzie podkarpackiej regionalnej organizacji turystycznej (PROT)

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    The paper covers the subject concerning activity of regional tourist organizations (RTOs) in Poland by example of initiatives taken up by the Podkarpacka Regional Tourist Organization (PRTO). The authors of the paper want to focus Readers’ attention on what possibilities of regional development occur thanks to development of tourist economy of the region. The authors used desk research technique with the analysis of the existing data, as well as the analysis of the content of various sources (literature of the subject, scientific journals, legal acts, electronic sources) and case study based on one of regional tourist organizations - the Podkarpacka Regional Tourist Organization (PRTO) by interviewing its representatives


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    The reliability and validity of two alternative systems used for jumping performance measurement was evaluated. Two groups of subjects consisted of 15 male adults and the 16 female volleyball players. We used three different systems of data collection: Optojump Next (optoelectric) referred as the inexpensive system, BTS Smart-E (motion capture) as the expensive system. Concurrent validity of these systems was checked with the use of standard force platform. All systems were used to estimate the height of vertical jumps. Both systems showed highly reliability with the ICCs=0.98 for Optojump and 0.90 for BTS Smart. Their concurrent validity with the force platform data was also very high r=0.99 and r=0.97 respectively. Comparison of these two systems demonstrated distinct differences between the two systems: Optojump system is more suitable for quick and reliable sports testing

    Structure of students’ personality and their tourist preferences and behaviours

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    Celem pracy było ukazanie możliwych powiązań pomiędzy strukturą osobowości respondentów a ich preferencjami turystycznymi. W tym celu przebadano studentów Turystyki i Rekreacji z Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Badania zostały poddane analizie i ukazane w formie tabel. W niniejszej pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem dwóch kwestionariuszy ankietowych.The aim of this study was to show possible links between the structure of the respondents personality and their tourist preferences. Therefore, the students of Tourism and Recreation at the University of Rzeszów were taken as the respondents. The research has been reviewed and presented in the form of tables. In this study the authors used the method of diagnostic survey using two survey questionnaires

    Участие в туризме и двигательной рекреации пожилых людей-жителей Жешува

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    Cel artykułu: ukazanie uczestnictwa osób starszych w turystyce i rekreacji ruchowej oraz motywacje mające wpływ na ich zachowania w wolnym czasie. W tym celu przebadano seniorów w Uniwersytecie Trzeciego Wieku oraz w Klubie Seniora. Rodzaj wykorzystanej metodologii badawczej: metodologia badawcza opierała się na zastosowaniu metody sondażu diagnostycznego przy wykorzystaniu narzędzia badawczego, jakim jest kwestionariusz ankiety. Główne wyniki badań/analiz: wyniki badań dotyczą uczestnictwa osób starszych w turystyce i rekreacji, na przykładzie seniorów, mieszkańców Rzeszowa. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że emerytów do uprawiania rekreacji ruchowej najczęściej motywuje chęć odpoczynku w kontakcie z przyrodą oraz poprawa zdrowia. Przez ruch odczuwają oni radość, odprężenie i spokój, a także, co bardzo istotne, zależy im na efektywnym spędzaniu wolnego czasu i regeneracji sił psychofizycznych. Implikacje praktyczne: analizując wyniki badań można wywnioskować, jakie formy aktywności ruchowej i wyjazdów turystycznych preferują seniorzy z Rzeszowa. Dzięki temu władze miasta mają możliwość dopasowania infrastruktury turystycznej i rekreacyjnej do potrzeb i możliwości osób starszych, aktywnie spędzających swój czas wolny, którego mają dostatecznie dużo. Implikacje społeczne: dzięki uczestnictwu w turystyce i rekreacji ruchowej seniorzy mogą aktywnie spędzać czas wolny. Uprawianie turystyki i rekreacji przyczynia się również do uczestnictwa seniorów w życiu społeczeństwa, a przez to pozytywnie wpływa na ich samopoczucie psychofizyczne, a co się z tym wiąże – przyczynia się do wzrostu jakości ich życia. Kategoria artykułu: badawczyAim of the article: to show participation of elderly people in tourism and physical recreation as well as the motivations affecting their behaviour at one’s leisure. For this purpose, elderly people at the Third Age University and in the Senior’s Club were surveyed. Type of the research methodology used: the research methodology was based on the application of the method of diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire as the research tool. Main findings of research/analyses: the research findings concern the participation of the elderly in tourism and recreation, on the example of senior residents of the city of Rzeszów. The carried out surveys show that pensioners are most often motivated to exercise physical recreation by the desire to rest in the contact with nature and to improve one’s health. Through movement they feel joy, relax and peace of mind as well as, what is very important, they matter an effective spending their free time and regeneration of their psychophysical strengths. Practical implications: analysing the research findings one may conclude which forms of physical activity and tourist trips are preferred by seniors from Rzeszów. Owing to that, the urban authorities have an opportunity to match the tourism and recreational infrastructure to the needs and abilities of elderly people spending their free time which they have sufficiently much. Social implications: owing to their participation in tourism and physical recreation, seniors may spend their free time actively. Exercising tourism and recreation also contributes to the seniors’ participation in the society’s life what positively affects their psychophysical frame of mind and, what is related thereto, contributes to an increase in the quality of their life.Цель статьи: указать участие пожилых людей в туризме и двигательной рекреации, а также мотивировки, влияющие на их поведение на досуге. Для этого обследовали пожилых людей в Университете третьего возраста и в Клубе для пожилых людей. Вид использованной исследовательской методологии: исследовательская методология основывалась на применении метода диагностического зондажа с использованием исследовательского инструмента, каким является вопросник анкеты. Основные результаты изучения/анализов: результаты изучения касаются участия пожилых людей в туризме и рекреации на примере лиц пожилого возраста, жителей Жешува. Из проведенного изучения вытекает, что пенсионеров к занятиям двигательной рекреацией чаще всего мотивирует желание отдохнуть наедине с природой и улучшить состояние здоровья. Благодаря движению они чувствуют радость, облегчение и покой, а также, что весьма важно, заботятся об эффективном проведении досуга и восстановлении психофизических сил. Практические импликации: анализируя результаты изучения, можно прийти к выводу, какие формы двигательной активности и турпоездок предпочитают пожилые люди из Жешува. Благодаря этому городские власти могут приспособить туристскую и рекреационную инфраструктуру к потребностям и возможностям пожилых лиц, активно проводящих свой досуг, которого у них достаточно большой объем. Социальные импликации: благодаря участию в туризме и двигательной рекреации пожилые лица могут активно заниматься на досуге. Занятие туризмом и рекреацией способствует тоже участию пожилых людей в жизни общества и, благодаря этому, оно положительно влияет на их психофизическое самочувствие и, что связано с этим, способствует повышению качества их жизни

    Molecular Aspects of Pruritus Pathogenesis in Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disease with a genetic background that involves almost 3% of the general population worldwide. Approximately, 70–90% of patients with psoriasis suffer from pruritus, an unpleasant sensation that provokes a desire to scratch. Despite the enormous progress in understanding the mechanisms that cause psoriasis, the pathogenesis of psoriasis-related pruritus still remains unclear. In order to improve patients’ quality of life, development of more effective and safer antipruritic therapies is necessary. In turn to make it possible, better understanding of complexed and multifactorial pathogenesis of this symptom is needed. In this article we have systematized the current knowledge about pruritus origin in psoriasis

    Molecular Aspects of Pruritus Pathogenesis in Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disease with a genetic background that involves almost 3% of the general population worldwide. Approximately, 70–90% of patients with psoriasis suffer from pruritus, an unpleasant sensation that provokes a desire to scratch. Despite the enormous progress in understanding the mechanisms that cause psoriasis, the pathogenesis of psoriasis-related pruritus still remains unclear. In order to improve patients’ quality of life, development of more effective and safer antipruritic therapies is necessary. In turn to make it possible, better understanding of complexed and multifactorial pathogenesis of this symptom is needed. In this article we have systematized the current knowledge about pruritus origin in psoriasis

    Comparison of the Physical Fitness Profile of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athletes with Reference to Training Experience

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    Background: In combat sports, successful competition and training require comprehensive motor fitness. The aim of this study was to diagnose the level of physical fitness and to determine the level of differences between athletes of combat sports characterized by stand-up fighting, such as Muay Thai; and ground fighting, such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Methods: The study examined and compared 30 participants divided into two equal groups: Muay Thai athletes (n = 15; age: 24.24 ± 3.24; body height: 174.91 ± 5.19; body weight: 77.56 ± 7.3), and Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) (n = 15; age: 22.82 ± 1.81; body height: 175.72 ± 7.03; body weight: 77.11 ± 8.12). Basic characteristics of the somatic build were measured. Selected manifestations of the motor potential of motor skills were also evaluated using selected tests from the EUROFIT test battery, the International Test of Physical Fitness, and computer tests of coordination skills. Relative strength and maximal anaerobic work (MAW) indices were calculated. The strength of the relationship between the effect of motor fitness and training experience was also assessed. Results: The athletes of both groups (Muay Thai and BJJ) presented similar levels of basic characteristics of the somatic build. Motor fitness in the tested groups showed significant differences between the athletes of these sports in static strength (p = 0.010), relative strength (p = 0.006), arm muscle strength in pull-ups (p = 0.035), and functional strength in bent arm hanging (p = 0.023). Higher levels of these components of motor fitness were found for the athletes in the BJJ athletes. In the Muay Thai group, significant very high strength of association was found between training experience and five strength tests. Furthermore, a significantly high strength of association was found in two tests. In the BJJ group, significant relationships with very high correlation were found between the variables in five strength tests. Conclusions: Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes performed better in strength tests (static strength, relative strength, shoulder girdle strength, functional strength). High correlations between the training load and the level of physical fitness were found in flexibility and strength tests in BJJ athletes and most strength tests in Muay Thai athletes

    COVID-19 and Postural Control—A Stabilographic Study Using Rambling-Trembling Decomposition Method

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    Background and Objectives: Some respiratory viruses demonstrate neurotropic capacities. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has recently taken over the globe, causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on postural control in subjects who have recently recovered from the infection. Materials and Methods: Thirty-three convalescents who underwent COVID-19 within the preceding 2–4 weeks, and 35 healthy controls were enrolled. The ground reaction forces were registered with the use of a force platform during quiet standing. The analysis of the resultant center of foot pressure (COP) decomposed into rambling (RAMB) and trembling (TREMB) and sample entropy was conducted. Results: Range of TREMB was significantly increased in subjects who experienced anosmia/hyposmia during COVID-19 when the measurement was performed with closed eyes (p = 0.03). In addition, subjects who reported dyspnea during COVID-19 demonstrated significant increase of length and velocity of COP (p p p Conclusions: Subjects who had experienced olfactory dysfunction or respiratory distress during COVID-19 demonstrate symptoms of balance deficits after COVID-19 recovery, and the analysis using rambling-trembling decomposition method might point at less efficient peripheral control. Monitoring for neurological sequelae of COVID-19 should be considered