78 research outputs found

    Enhanced production of erythritol and mannitol by Yarrowia lipolytica in media containing surfactants

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    AbstractVarious chemical compounds, including surfactants, when introduced to culture media may increase the permeability of cellular membranes and thereby affect the quantity of metabolites excreted by cells. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of detergents including Triton X-100, Span 20 and Tween 80 on erythritol production from glycerol by Yarrowia lipolytica Wratislavia K1 in a shake-flask experiment, batch and fed-batch cultures. When Span 20 was added to a fed-batch culture with glycerol as a carbon source (300gL−1), erythritol production increased by 15% compared to the culture without the surfactant where it reached 142gL−1 after 5 days, which corresponded to 0.47gg−1 yield and productivity of 1.1gL−1h−1. Therefore, it was concluded that Span 20 considerably enhanced the production of this polyol from glycerol

    Biosinteza limunske kiseline šaržnim uzgojem mutantnog soja Yarrowia lipolytica na podlozi od glicerola

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    Pure and crude glycerol from biodiesel production have been used as substrates for citric acid production by acetate-negative mutants of Yarrowia lipolytica in fed-batch fermentation. Both the final concentration and the yield of the product were the highest when Y. lipolytica Wratislavia AWG7 strain was used in the culture with pure or crude glycerol. With a medium containing 200 g/L of glycerol, production reached a maximum of citric acid of 139 g/L after 120 h. This high yield of the product (up to 0.69 g of citric acid per gram of glycerol consumed) was achieved with both pure and crude glycerol. Lower yield of citric acid in the culture with Y. lipolytica Wratislavia K1 strain (about 0.45 g/g) resulted from increased erythritol concentrations (up to 40 g/L), accumulated simultaneously with the citric acid. The concentration of isocitric acid, a by-product in this fermentation, was very low, in the range from 2.6 to 4.6 g/L.Čisti i sirovi glicerol, nastali pri proizvodnji biodizela, upotrijebljeni su kao podloga za dobivanje limunske kiseline šaržnim uzgojem acetat-negativnog mutantnog soja kvasca Yarrowia lipolytica. Najveći prinos i najveća konačna koncentracija produkta postignuti su uzgojem soja Y. lipolytica Wratislavia AWG7 na podlozi od čistog ili sirovog glicerola. S 200 g/L glicerola u podlozi nakon 120 sati uzgoja dobivena je maksimalna koncentracija limunske kiseline od 139 g/L. Tako visok prinos (do 0,69 grama limunske kiseline po gramu iskorištenoga glicerola) postignut je s obje podloge. Manji prinos limunske kiseline (0,45 g/g) dobiven je s pomoću soja Y. lipolytica Wratislavia K1, zbog povećanja koncentracije eritritola (do 40 g/L) koji se nakupljao usporedo s limunskom kiselinom. Prijašnjim je istraživanjem utvrđeno da pri proizvodnji limunske kiseline nastaje i vrlo mala koncentracija izolimunske kiseline (2,6-4,6 g/L)

    Citric acid production from glycerol by Yarrowia lipolytica in repeated-batch culture

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    Badano wpływ ilości wymienianego podłoża, od 30 do 50%, na dynamikę produkcji i wydajność kwasu cytrynowego przez szczep Y. lipolytica Wratislavia AWG7 w hodowli periodycznej powtórzeniowej. Wymiana 30% podłoża umożliwiała otrzymanie średnio 190 g dm-3 kwasu cytrynowego z wydajnością 0,68 g g-1. Średnia szybkość produkcji kwasu cytrynowego wynosiła 0,76—0,81 g dm-3g dm-3h-1.The effect of replaced medium amount from 30 to 50% on the produc tion of citric acid by Y. lipolytica Wratislavia AWG7 in repeated-batcl cultures was investigated. As a result of experiments, the highest ave rage amount of citric acid (190 g dm-3) and citric acid yield of 0.68 g g were determined when 30% of the fresh replaced medium was added The average volumetric citric acid production rates were in a rang from -3 h-1

    Continuous biosynthesis of citric acid by Yarrowia lipolytica under sulphur limitation

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    Proces ciągłej biosyntezy kwasu cytrynowego z glukozy przez szczep Y. lipolytica Wratislavia 1.31 prowadzono w warunkach limitacji wzrostu siarką, przy szybkości rozcieńczania D = 0,02 h-1. W stanie ustalonym stężenie kwasu cytrynowego wynosiło 32 g dm-3. Maksymalna produktywność kwasu wynosiła 0,64 g dm-3utrzymywała się przez 70 h procesu. Przyczyną obniżenia aktywności kwasotwórczej drożdży było wyczerpanie egzogennego jonu SO4 z podłoża oraz obniżenie stężenia azotu i fosforu w biomasie komórek.Continuous citric acid production by strain Y. lipolytica Wratislavi 1.31 was conducted in a chemostat under sulphur limitation at dilt tion rate of 0.02 h-1. In steady-state concentration of citric acid and c tratę productivity were 32 -3and 0.62 g dmg dm-3 h-1, respectively. Prt cess was stable only for 70 h. The decrease in citric acid productivit was correlated with the exhaust of SO42 ions from the medium an with a low amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in yeast biomass

    Impact of vitamins source on erythritol production from glycerol by Yarrowia lipolytica yeast

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    Celem pracy była ocena wpływu różnych źródeł witamin - ekstraktu drożdżowego, namoku kukurydzianego oraz tiaminy, na wydajność i dynamikę produkcji erytrytolu z glicerolu przez szczep Y. lipolytica Wratislavia K1. Najlepsze wyniki uzyskano przy zastosowaniu 1 g•dm-3 ekstraktu drożdżowego. W okresowej hodowli bioreaktorowej drożdże produkowały 42,2 g•dm-3 erytrytolu z wydajnością 0,43 g•g-1 i szybkością produkcji 0,63 g•dm-3 •h-1.The aim of this study was to examine the impact of different vitamins sources, such as yeast extract, corn steep liquor and thiamine, on yield and dynamics of erythritol production from glycerol by strain Y. lipolytica Wratislavia K1. The best results were achieved using 1 g•dm-3 of yeast extract. In a batch bioreactor culture yeast produced 42.2 g•dm-3 of erythritol with 0.43 g•g-1 yield and volumetric productivity of 0.63 g•dm-3 •hr-1

    Waste Conversion into a Sweetener—Development of an Innovative Strategy for Erythritol Production by Yarrowia lipolytica

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    The study proposed the innovative low-cost strategy for erythritol production by Yarrowia lipolytica through developing a simple medium based on industrial waste by-products and a natural method for culture broth purification. Results obtained proved that corn steep liquor might successfully replace traditional sources of nitrogen and other nutrients without compromising activities of the enzymes responsible for erythritol production and its production level. As a consequence, a production process was performed where Y. lipolytica A-6 was able to produce 108.0 g/L of erythritol, with a production rate of 1.04 g/Lh and a yield of 0.45 g/g of the medium containing exclusively 220 g/L of crude glycerol derived from biodiesel production and 40 g/L of corn steep liquor. Moreover, a comparable concentration of erythritol (108.1 g/L) was obtained when a part of crude glycerol was exchanged for the crude fraction of fatty acids in the two-steps process. Next, the collected post-fermentation broths were used in the culture with Y. lipolytica Wratislavia K1 for natural purification. The process resulted in a high increase of erythritol selectivity from 72% to 97% and in the production of 22.0 g/L of biomass with 40.4% protein content, which enables its use as an attractive animal feedstuff

    Biosynthesis of erythritol from glycerol by Yarrowia lipolytica Wratislavia 1.31

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    Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu NaCl na biosyntezę erytrytolu z glicerolu przez szczep Y. lipolytica Wratislavia 1.31. W hodowlach wstrząsanych zbadano wpływ stężenia NaCl, w zakresie 0 - 8%. Najlepsze wyniki uzyskano przy 2,5% dodatku NaCl. W hodowlach bioreaktorowych, przy wykorzystaniu glicerolu odpadowego, stężenie erytrytolu wynosiło 67,5 g•dm-3, a wydajność i szybkość objętościowa jego produkcji odpowiednio 0,46 g•g-1, i 0,68 g•dm-3h-1.The aim of this study was to examine the effect of NaCl on erythritol production from glycerol by Wratislavia 1.31 strain of Y. lipolytica. The effect of NaCl for concentration ranging from 0% to 8%, was investigated shake-flasks experiment. The best results were achieved at 2.5% of NaCl. In crude glycerol-containing media the erythritol production of 67.5 g•dm-3, corresponding to 0.28 g•g-1, yield and the productivity of 0.68 g•dm-3hr-1 was achieved