6 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は、高齢者に対する教育的な介入プログラムである「物忘れ予防教室」を、地域介護支援センター職員がそのマニュアルに沿って展開し、高齢者の記憶や自己効力感に対するプログラムの影響を追試すると共に、地域における介護予防活動としてプログラムを展開していくことの可能性を模索することである。対象者は、物忘れ予防教室に参加した者のうち、調査協力が得られ、かつ教室前後でのデータを得ることができた男女16名である。結果から、すべての測定ツールにおいて介入後のプラス変化が見られ、特にメタ記憶の「記憶の補助方法」(p=0.039)と「記憶の自己効力感」(p=0.039)、および抑うつ感(p=0.050)に関して有意な変化が見られた。このことから、物忘れ予防教室によって対象者は有意に記憶に関する自己効力感を高め、また記憶の補助方法の活用頻度を高めていることが明らかとなった。支援センター職員が中心となって行われた「物忘れ予防教室」も、マニュアルに沿って介入を行うとで、参加者の記憶に対する認識や記憶の効力感を高め、高齢者をエンパワーしていく働きかけとなることが示唆され、地域における活動として展開していくことの有用性が確認されたといえる。Purpose of this study was to test the memory training program for its efficiency and applicability as a preventive service for elderly providing at a care support center in community. The subjects for this study were elder participants living in community who agreed to join this research. The result showed significant increase in metamemory (p=0.039) and memory self efficacy (p=0.039). This result suggested that the memory training program was useful as a program aimed at preventing elderly people from requiring nursing care and further losing physical and mental strength

    Simultaneous Inhibition of PGE2 and PGI2 Signals Is Necessary to Suppress Hyperalgesia in Rat Inflammatory Pain Models

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    Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is well known as a mediator of inflammatory symptoms such as fever, arthritis, and inflammatory pain. In the present study, we evaluated the analgesic effect of our selective PGE2 synthesis inhibitor, compound I, 2-methyl-2-[cis-4-([1-(6-methyl-3-phenylquinolin-2-yl)piperidin-4-yl]carbonyl amino)cyclohexyl] propanoic acid, in rat yeast-induced acute and adjuvant-induced chronic inflammatory pain models. Although this compound suppressed the synthesis of PGE2 selectively, no analgesic effect was shown in both inflammatory pain models. Prostacyclin (PGI2) also plays crucial roles in inflammatory pain, so we evaluated the involvement of PGI2 signaling in rat inflammatory pain models using prostacyclin receptor (IP) antagonist, RO3244019. RO3244019 showed no analgesic effect in inflammatory pain models, but concomitant administration of compound I and RO3244019 showed analgesic effects comparable to celecoxib, a specific cyclooxygenase- (COX-) 2 inhibitor. Furthermore, coadministration of PGE2 receptor 4 (EP4) antagonist, CJ-023423, and RO3244019 also showed an analgesic effect. These findings suggest that both PGE2 signaling, especially through the EP4 receptor, and PGI2 signaling play critical roles in inflammatory pain and concurrent inhibition of both signals is important for suppression of inflammatory hyperalgesia

    Lrit1, a Retinal Transmembrane Protein, Regulates Selective Synapse Formation in Cone Photoreceptor Cells and Visual Acuity

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    Summary: In the vertebrate retina, cone photoreceptors play crucial roles in photopic vision by transmitting light-evoked signals to ON- and/or OFF-bipolar cells. However, the mechanisms underlying selective synapse formation in the cone photoreceptor pathway remain poorly understood. Here, we found that Lrit1, a leucine-rich transmembrane protein, localizes to the photoreceptor synaptic terminal and regulates the synaptic connection between cone photoreceptors and cone ON-bipolar cells. Lrit1-deficient retinas exhibit an aberrant morphology of cone photoreceptor pedicles, as well as an impairment of signal transmission from cone photoreceptors to cone ON-bipolar cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Lrit1 interacts with Frmpd2, a photoreceptor scaffold protein, and with mGluR6, an ON-bipolar cell-specific glutamate receptor. Additionally, Lrit1-null mice showed visual acuity impairments in their optokinetic responses. These results suggest that the Frmpd2-Lrit1-mGluR6 axis regulates selective synapse formation in cone photoreceptors and is essential for normal visual function. : Ueno et al. finds that Lrit1 plays an important role in regulating the synaptic connection between cone photoreceptors and cone ON-bipolar cells. The Frmpd2-Lrit1-mGluR6 axis is crucial for selective synapse formation in cone photoreceptors and for development of normal visual function. Keywords: retina, circuit, synapse formation, cone photoreceptor cell, ON-bipolar cell, visual acuit