11 research outputs found

    Development of a step-down method for altering male C57BL/6 mouse housing density and hierarchical structure: Preparations for spaceflight studies

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    This study was initiated as a component of a larger undertaking designed to study bone healing in microgravity aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Spaceflight experimentation introduces multiple challenges not seen in ground studies, especially with regard to physical space, limited resources, and inability to easily reproduce results. Together, these can lead to diminished statistical power and increased risk of failure. It is because of the limited space, and need for improved statistical power by increasing sample size over historical numbers, NASA studies involving mice require housing mice at densities higher than recommended in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Research Council, 2011). All previous NASA missions in which mice were co-housed, involved female mice; however, in our spaceflight studies examining bone healing, male mice are required for optimal experimentation. Additionally, the logistics associated with spaceflight hardware and our study design necessitated variation of density and cohort make up during the experiment. This required the development of a new method to successfully co-house male mice while varying mouse density and hierarchical structure. For this experiment, male mice in an experimental housing schematic of variable density (Spaceflight Correlate) analogous to previously established NASA spaceflight studies was compared to a standard ground based housing schematic (Normal Density Controls) throughout the experimental timeline. We hypothesized that mice in the Spaceflight Correlate group would show no significant difference in activity, aggression, or stress when compared to Normal Density Controls. Activity and aggression were assessed using a novel activity scoring system (based on prior literature, validated in-house) and stress was assessed via body weights, organ weights, and veterinary assessment. No significant differences were detected between the Spaceflight Correlate group and the Normal Density Controls in activity, aggression, body weight, or organ weight, which was confirmed by veterinary assessments. Completion of this study allowed for clearance by NASA of our bone healing experiments aboard the ISS, and our experiment was successfully launched February 19, 2017 on SpaceX CRS-10

    Forces associated with launch into space do not impact bone fracture healing

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    Segmental bone defects (SBDs) secondary to trauma invariably result in a prolonged recovery with an extended period of limited weight bearing on the affected limb. Soldiers sustaining blast injuries and civilians sustaining high energy trauma typify such a clinical scenario. These patients frequently sustain composite injuries with SBDs in concert with extensive soft tissue damage. For soft tissue injury resolution and skeletal reconstruction a patient may experience limited weight bearing for upwards of 6 months. Many small animal investigations have evaluated interventions for SBDs. While providing foundational information regarding the treatment of bone defects, these models do not simulate limited weight bearing conditions after injury. For example, mice ambulate immediately following anesthetic recovery, and in most cases are normally ambulating within 1-3 days post-surgery. Thus, investigations that combine disuse with bone healing may better test novel bone healing strategies. To remove weight bearing, we have designed a SBD rodent healing study in microgravity (µG) on the International Space Station (ISS) for the Rodent Research-4 (RR-4) Mission, which launched February 19, 2017 on SpaceX CRS-10 (Commercial Resupply Services). In preparation for this mission, we conducted an end-to-end mission simulation consisting of surgical infliction of SBD followed by launch simulation and hindlimb unloading (HLU) studies. In brief, a 2 mm defect was created in the femur of 10 week-old C57BL6/J male mice (n = 9-10/group). Three days after surgery, 6 groups of mice were treated as follows: 1) Vivarium Control (maintained continuously in standard cages); 2) Launch Negative Control (placed in the same spaceflight-like hardware as the Launch Positive Control group but were not subjected to launch simulation conditions); 3) Launch Positive Control (placed in spaceflight-like hardware and also subjected to vibration followed by centrifugation); 4) Launch Positive Experimental (identical to Launch Positive Control group, but placed in qualified spaceflight hardware); 5) Hindlimb Unloaded (HLU, were subjected to HLU immediately after launch simulation tests to simulate unloading in spaceflight); and 6) HLU Control (single housed in identical HLU cages but not suspended). Mice were euthanized 28 days after launch simulation and bone healing was examined via micro-Computed Tomography (µCT). These studies demonstrated that the mice post-surgery can tolerate launch conditions. Additionally, forces and vibrations associated with launch did not impact bone healing (p = .3). However, HLU resulted in a 52.5% reduction in total callus volume compared to HLU Controls (p = .0003). Taken together, these findings suggest that mice having a femoral SBD surgery tolerated the vibration and hypergravity associated with launch, and that launch simulation itself did not impact bone healing, but that the prolonged lack of weight bearing associated with HLU did impair bone healing. Based on these findings, we proceeded with testing the efficacy of FDA approved and novel SBD therapies using the unique spaceflight environment as a novel unloading model on SpaceX CRS-10

    Photodynamic Therapy Using Hippo Pathway Inhibitor Verteporfin: A Potential Dual Mechanistic Approach in Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas

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    Sarcoma is a widely varied and devastating oncological subtype, with overall five-year survival of 65% that drops to 16% with the presence of metastatic disease at diagnosis. Standard of care for localized sarcomas is predicated on local control with wide-local resection and radiation therapy, or, less commonly, chemotherapy, depending on tumor subtype. Verteporfin has the potential to be incorporated into this standard of care due to its unique molecular properties: inhibition of the upregulated Hippo pathway that frequently drives soft tissue sarcoma and photodynamic therapy-mediated necrosis due to oxidative damage. The initial anti-proliferative effect of verteporfin is mediated via binding and dissociation of YAP/TEAD proteins from the nucleus, ultimately leading to decreased cell proliferation as demonstrated in multiple in vitro studies. This effect has the potential to be compounded with use of photodynamic therapy to directly induce cellular necrosis with use of a clinical laser. Photodynamic therapy has been incorporated into multiple malignancies and has the potential to be incorporated into sarcoma treatment

    Photodynamic Therapy Using Hippo Pathway Inhibitor Verteporfin: A Potential Dual Mechanistic Approach in Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas

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    Sarcoma is a widely varied and devastating oncological subtype, with overall five-year survival of 65% that drops to 16% with the presence of metastatic disease at diagnosis. Standard of care for localized sarcomas is predicated on local control with wide-local resection and radiation therapy, or, less commonly, chemotherapy, depending on tumor subtype. Verteporfin has the potential to be incorporated into this standard of care due to its unique molecular properties: inhibition of the upregulated Hippo pathway that frequently drives soft tissue sarcoma and photodynamic therapy-mediated necrosis due to oxidative damage. The initial anti-proliferative effect of verteporfin is mediated via binding and dissociation of YAP/TEAD proteins from the nucleus, ultimately leading to decreased cell proliferation as demonstrated in multiple in vitro studies. This effect has the potential to be compounded with use of photodynamic therapy to directly induce cellular necrosis with use of a clinical laser. Photodynamic therapy has been incorporated into multiple malignancies and has the potential to be incorporated into sarcoma treatment

    Loss of Nf1 and Ink4a/Arf Are Associated with Sex-Dependent Growth Differences in a Mouse Model of Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is an aggressive form of cancer that accounts for half of all pediatric soft tissue sarcomas. Little progress has been made in improving survival outcomes over the past three decades. Mouse models of rhabdomyosarcoma are a critical component of translational research aimed at understanding tumor biology and developing new, improved therapies. Though several models exist, many common mutations found in human rhabdomyosarcoma tumors remain unmodeled and understudied. This study describes a new model of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma driven by the loss of Nf1 and Ink4a/Arf, two mutations commonly found in patient tumors. We find that this new model is histologically similar to other previously-published rhabdomyosarcoma models, although it substantially differs in the time required for tumor onset and in tumor growth kinetics. We also observe unique sex-dependent phenotypes in both primary and newly-developed orthotopic syngeneic allograft tumors that are not present in previous models. Using in vitro and in vivo studies, we examined the response to vincristine, a component of the standard-of-care chemotherapy for RMS. The findings from this study provide valuable insight into a new mouse model of rhabdomyosarcoma that addresses an ongoing need for patient-relevant animal models to further translational research

    Loss of Nf1 and Ink4a/Arf Are Associated with Sex-Dependent Growth Differences in a Mouse Model of Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is an aggressive form of cancer that accounts for half of all pediatric soft tissue sarcomas. Little progress has been made in improving survival outcomes over the past three decades. Mouse models of rhabdomyosarcoma are a critical component of translational research aimed at understanding tumor biology and developing new, improved therapies. Though several models exist, many common mutations found in human rhabdomyosarcoma tumors remain unmodeled and understudied. This study describes a new model of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma driven by the loss of Nf1 and Ink4a/Arf, two mutations commonly found in patient tumors. We find that this new model is histologically similar to other previously-published rhabdomyosarcoma models, although it substantially differs in the time required for tumor onset and in tumor growth kinetics. We also observe unique sex-dependent phenotypes in both primary and newly-developed orthotopic syngeneic allograft tumors that are not present in previous models. Using in vitro and in vivo studies, we examined the response to vincristine, a component of the standard-of-care chemotherapy for RMS. The findings from this study provide valuable insight into a new mouse model of rhabdomyosarcoma that addresses an ongoing need for patient-relevant animal models to further translational research

    Internal Fixation Construct and Defect Size Affect Healing of a Translational Porcine Diaphyseal Tibial Segmental Bone Defect

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    Background and objective: Porcine translational models have become the gold-standard translational tool to study the effects of major injury and hemorrhagic shock because of their similarity to the human immunologic response to trauma. Segmental bone defects (SBDs) typically occur in warfighters with associated severe limb trauma. The purpose of this study was to develop a translational porcine diaphyseal SBD model in Yucatan minipigs (YMPs), which could be used in bone healing investigations that simulate injury-relevant conditions. We were specifically working toward developing a critical sized defect (CSD). Methods: We used an adaptive experimental design in which both 25.0 mm and 40.0 mm SBDs were created in the tibial mid-diaphysis in skeletally mature YMPs. Initially, eight YMPs were subjected to a 25.0 mm SBD and treated with intramedullary nailing (intramedullary nail [IMN] 25mm). Due to unanticipated wound problems, we subsequently treated four specimens with identical 25.0 mm defect with dual plating (open reduction with internal fixation [ORIF] 25mm). Finally, a third group of four YMPs with 40.0 mm defects were treated with dual plating (ORIF 40mm). Monthly radiographs were made until sacrifice. Modified Radiographic Union Score for Tibia fractures (mRUST) measurements were made by three trauma-trained orthopedic surgeons. CT scans of the tibias were used to verify the union results. Results: At 4 months post-surgery, mean mRUST scores were 11.7 (SD ± 1.8) in the ORIF 25mm YMPs vs. 8.5 (SD ± 1.4) in the IMN 25mm YMPs (P < .0001). All four ORIF 25mm YMPs were clinically healed. In contrast, none of the IMN 25mm YMPs were clinically healed and seven of eight IMN 25mm YMPs developed delayed wound breakdown. All four of the ORIF 40mm YMPs had flail nonunions with complete hardware failure by 3 months after surgery and were sacrificed early. CT scanning confirmed that none of the IMN 25mm YMPs, none of the ORIF 40mm YMPs, and two of four ORIF 25mm YMPs were healed. A third ORIF 25mm specimen was nearly healed on CT scanning. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability interclass coefficients using the mRUST scale were 0.81 and 0.80, respectively. Conclusions: YMPs that had a 40 mm segment of bone removed from their tibia and were treated with dual plating did not heal and could be used to investigate interventions that accelerate bone healing. In contrast, a 25 mm SBD treated with dual plating demonstrated delayed but successful healing, indicating it can potentially be used to investigate bone healing adjuncts or conversely how concomitant injuries may impair bone healing. Pigs treated with IMN failed to heal and developed consistent delayed wound breakdown presumably secondary to chronic limb instability. The porcine YMP SBD model has the potential to be an effective translational tool to investigate bone healing under physiologically relevant injury conditions

    Discrepancies in indel software resolution with somatic CRISPR/Cas9 tumorigenesis models

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    Abstract CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing has evolved from a simple laboratory tool to a powerful method of in vivo genomic engineering. As the applications of CRISPR/Cas9 technology have grown, the need to characterize the breadth and depth of indels generated by editing has expanded. Traditionally, investigators use one of several publicly-available platforms to determine CRISPR/Cas9-induced indels in an edited sample. However, to our knowledge, there has not been a cross-platform comparison of available indel analysis software in samples generated from somatic in vivo mouse models. Our group has pioneered using CRISPR/Cas9 to generate somatic primary mouse models of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) through genetic editing of Nf1. Here, we used sequencing data from the in vivo editing of the Nf1 gene in our CRISPR/Cas9 tumorigenesis model to directly compare results across four different software platforms. By analyzing the same genetic target across a wide panel of cell lines with the same sequence file, we are able to draw systematic conclusions about the differences in these software programs for analysis of in vivo-generated indels. Surprisingly, we report high variability in the reported number, size, and frequency of indels across each software platform. These data highlight the importance of selecting indel analysis platforms specific to the context that the gene editing approach is being applied. Taken together, this analysis shows that different software platforms can report widely divergent indel data from the same sample, particularly if larger indels are present, which are common in somatic, in vivo CRISPR/Cas9 tumor models

    Cohousing Male Mice with and without Segmental Bone Defects

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    Spaceflight results in bone loss like that associated with osteoporosis or decreased weight-bearing (for example, high-energy trauma such as explosive injuries and automobile accidents). Thus, the unique spaceflight laboratory on the International Space Station presents the opportunity to test bone healing agents during weightlessness. We are collaborating with NASA and the US Army to study bone healing in spaceflight. Given the unique constraints of spaceflight, study design optimization was required. Male mice were selected primarily because their femur is larger than females’, allowing for more reproducible surgical outcomes. However, concern was raised regarding male mouse aggression. In addition, the original spaceflight study design included cohousing nonoperated control mice with mice that had undergone surgery to create a segmental bone defect. This strategy prompted the concern that nonoperated mice would exhibit aggressive behavior toward vulnerable operated mice. We hypothesized that operated and nonoperated male mice could be cohoused successfully when they were cagemates since birth and underwent identical anesthetic, analgesic, preoperative, and postoperative conditions. Using quantitative behavioral scoring, body weight, and organ weight analyses (Student t test and ANOVA), we found that nonoperated and operated C57BL/6 male mice could successfully be housed together. The male mice did not exhibit aggressive behavior toward cagemates, whether operated or nonoperated, and the mice did not show evidence of stress, as indicated by veterinary assessment, or change in body or proportional organ weights. These findings allowed our mission to proceed (launched February 2017) and may inform future surgical study designs, potentially increasing housing flexibility