24 research outputs found
Kumulacja metali ciężkich i siarki w roślinach wybranych gatunków oraz glebie jako wskaźnik stanu skażenia środowiska terenów chronionych województw śląskiego i małopolskiego
Plant cover of Silesian and Malopolska province was greatly devastated and deformed due to
negative influence of industry and excessive urbanization. In result of this there are but few spots
in this area which still managed to keep its natural plant cover. In Silesian province 48 objects
undergo the reserve protection — in their flora leafy forests prevail. The actual state of plant
preservation in the areas under protection is very different in this province. It was determined by
many factors such as: the size of the object, size of the protection zone, distance from the industrial
works and development of tourism. Another kind of ecological threat, most essential in the last
few years is bad influence of industrial emissions of which the most dangerous are: sulphur
dioxide, nitric oxides and finally atmospheric dusts containing oxides of heavy metals.
The aim of this paper was to determine the degree of hazard in some selected nature reserves
of Silesian and Malopolska province by emission of heavy metals and sulphur on the basis of
research on cumulation of these elements in soil and the analysis of chemical structure of leaves
and needles in several plant species.
Plant and soil material came from the seven reserves situated in Eastern and middle parts of
Silesian province and western parts of Malopolska province in which beech forests were
characteristic of (“Bukowica”, “Góra Chełm”, “Las Murckowski”, “Lipowiec”, “Ostra Góra”,
“Segiet”, “Smoleń” and Tenczynek Landscape Reserve).
Heavy metals were determined by atomic absorption method while sulphur —by calorymetric
Influence of pollution constantly causes accumulation of heavy metals which leads to the
chemical degradation of soil. The amount of heavy metals under analysis in soil of the reservathion
grounds increases proportionally to their contents in the falling down dust. In the reserves like
“Segiet”, “Góra Chełm”, and “Ostra Góra” the threshold level of the amount of Pb, Zn and Cd
for this type of soil was much exceeded.
Physiological zink concentration in leaves usually balances between 20—120 pg/g, but the
results obtained in this study showed great exceeding of these values in the majority of the reserves
under investigation.
The results of lead, sulphur and cadmium contents obtained in this study indicate,
similarly as in the case of zink, greatly exceeded concentrations of them treated as normal
for this type of plant material in the reserves of “Segiet”, “Góra Chełm”, “Ostra Góra” and
“Bukowica”. Data indicating concentrations of copper and iron in the examined plant material showed that
their values fall within the range of physiological concentration of these elements.
As result from the obtained data the reserves under examination are under threat of cadmium,
lead and zink overdose. It specially refers to the centrally located “Segiet” reserve right in the
middle of the big urban aglomeration and also those situated towards North-East from the main
emitters of the Upper Silesia Region reserve areas of “Góra Chełm” and “Ostra Góra”.
In the remaining reserves of Silesian and Małopolska province ecological threat with such
emissions seems reasonably smaller
Soil dehydrogenases activity of soils in an urban areas
tekst w j. pol. i ang.Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie wpływu metali ciężkich i odczynu gleby na aktywność dehydrogenaz glebowych, z jednoczesnym wskazaniem stopnia degradacji gleb terenów zurbanizowanych. Próbki glebowe pobrane z wybranych 71 stanowisk w mieście Sosnowiec zbadano pod względem aktywności enzymatycznej (dehydrogenazy), posługując się zmodyfikowaną procedurą Casida i in. (1964) oraz koncentracji trzech metali ciężkich (Zn, Pb, Cd) według metody Ostrowskiej i in. (1991)
Robinia pseudoacacia and Melandrium album in trace elements biomonitoring and air pollution tolerance index study
The accumulation efficiency of selected trace elements in the leaves of Melandrium album and Robinia
pseudoacacia grown on heavy metal contaminated sites in comparison with a non-contaminated one was evaluated. The study was undertaken to calculate air pollution tolerance index and to determine the contents of selected metabolites: glutathione, non-protein thiols, ascorbic acid, chlorophyll and the activity of antioxidant enzymes: guaiacol peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. Such estimations can be useful in better understanding of plants defense strategies and potential to grow in contaminated environments. The results in the most contaminated site revealed higher contents of metals in M. album leaves, especially Zn, Cd and Pb (3.4, 6 and 2.3 times higher, respectively) in comparison with the R. pseudoacacia.
Better accumulation capacity found in M. album was shown by metal accumulation index values. The plants
could be used as indicators of Zn, Cd (both species) and Pb (M. album) in the soil. Glutathione content (in both species) and peroxidase activity (in M. album), general markers of heavy metals contamination, were increased in contaminated sites. In most cases in contaminated areas R. pseudoacacia had decreased ascorbic acid and chlorophyll levels. Opposite tendency was recorded in M. album leaves, where similar or higher contents of the abovementioned metabolites were found. In our study, M. album and R. pseudoacacia proved to be sensitive species with the air pollution tolerance index lower than 11 and can be recommended as bioindicators
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and ecophysiological responses to heavy metal stress in selected populations of Vaccinium myrtillus L. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.
The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe, and Mn) in soil, and their bioavailability and bioaccumulation in Vaccinium myrtillus L. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. organs. Analysis also concerned the physiological responses of these plants from three polluted sites (immediate vicinity of a zinc smelter in Miasteczko Śląskie, ArcelorMittal Poland S.A. iron smelter in Dąbrowa Górnicza-Łosień, and Jaworzno III power plant in Jaworzno) and one pseudo-control site (Pazurek nature reserve in Jaroszowiec Olkuski). All of the sites are situated in the southern parts of Poland in the Śląskie or Małopolskie provinces. The contents of proline, non-protein thiols, glutathione, ascorbic acid, and the activity of superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase in the leaves of Vaccinium myrtillus L. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. were measured. In soil, the highest levels of Cd, Pb, and Zn (HNO3 extracted and CaCl2 extracted) were detected at the Miasteczko Śląskie site. At all sites a several times lower concentration of the examined metals was determined in the fraction of soil extracted with CaCl2. Much higher Cd, Pb, Zn and Fe concentrations were found in V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea grown at the most polluted site (located near the zinc smelter) in comparison with cleaner areas; definitely higher bioaccumulation of these metals was found in lingonberry organs. Additionally, we observed a large capability of bilberry to accumulate Mn. Antioxidant response to heavy metal stress also differed between V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea. In V. myrtillus we found a positive correlation between the level of non-protein thiols and Cd and Zn concentrations, and also between proline and these metals. In V. vitis-idaea leaves an upward trend in ascorbic acid content and superoxide dismutase activity accompanied an increase in Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations. At the same time, the increased levels of all tested metals in the leaves of V. vitis-idaea were accompanied by a decreased activity of guaiacol peroxidase. In both species increased Mn accumulation caused a decrease in antioxidant response
A comparative study of heavy metal accumulation and antioxidant responses in Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaves in polluted and non-polluted areas
The purpose of this study was to explore a possible relationship between the availability of metals in soil (Cd, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) and their concentrations in leaves of Vaccinium myrtillus L. as a species which has been reported to be a successful colonist of acid-and-heavy metal-contaminated soil. Analysis also concerned the antioxidant response of plants from three heavily polluted (immediate vicinity of: zinc smelter, iron smelter and power plant) and three relatively clean sites (nature reserve, ecological site and unprotected natural forest community) in southern Poland. The contents of glutathione, non-protein thiols, protein, proline and activity of guaiacol peroxidase in leaves of bilberry were measured. Generally, the concentrations of metals in the HNO 3 and CaCl 2 extracants of the soil from the polluted sites were higher. Moreover, the antioxidant responses were also elevated in bilberries in the polluted sites. Significant positive relationships between Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations in soil and in the plants were found. In the leaves of V. myrtillus from the polluted sites, higher concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn were noted (In Miasteczko Śla{ogonek}skie respectively 6.26, 157.09 and 207.17 mg kg -1 d.w.). We found a positive correlation between the increase in the NPTs and protein contents as well as the Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations in V. myrtillus. Cd, Pb and Zn also decreased guaiacol peroxidase activity. However, the activity of this enzyme increased under Fe. A decreasing trend in glutathione contents was observed with increasing iron and manganese concentrations in bilberry leaves. Parameters such as protein, non-protein -SH groups and changes in GPX activity seem to be universal, sensitive and correlated well with heavy metal stress
Accumulation of heavy metals and antioxidant responses in Pinus sylvestris L. needles in polluted and non-polluted sites
The purpose of this study was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals (cadmium, iron, manganese, lead and zinc) in current-year, 1-year old and 2-year old needles of Pinus sylvestris L. Trees were from three heavily polluted (immediate vicinity of zinc smelter, iron smelter and power plant) and three relatively clean sites (nature reserve, ecologically clean site and unprotected natural forest community) in southern Poland. Analysis also concerned the antioxidant response and contents of protein, proline, total glutathione, non-protein thiols and activity of guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) in the needles. Generally, in pine needles from the polluted sites, the concentrations of the metals were higher and increased with the age of needles, and in most cases, antioxidant responses also were elevated. The highest levels of Cd, Pb and Zn were found in 2-year old pine needles collected near the polluted zinc smelter (respectively: 6.15, 256.49, 393.5 mg kg −1 ), Fe in 2-year old pine needles in the vicinity of the iron smelter (206.82 mg kg −1 ) and Mn in 2-year old needles at the ecologically clean site (180.32 mg kg −1 ). Positive correlations were found between Fe, Mn and Pb and the content of proteins and NPTs, between Cd and non-protein –SH groups, and between Zn and proline levels. The activity of GPX increased under the influence of Mn, while glutathione levels tended to decrease as Mn levels rose. The data obtained show that the levels of protein and non-protein –SH groups may be useful in biological monitoring, and that these ecophysiological parameters seem to be good evidence of elevated oxidative stress caused by heavy metals
Biondykacja zanieczyszczenia metalami ciężkimi Będzina i Czeladzi
The analysis of heavy metals in plant leaves is suggested as a method for the identification of polluted areas. We determinted the following heavy metals: Zn, Pb and Cd concentrations in birch Betula pendula leaves, a common species found in urban parks and postindustrial areas in Poland. Samples of soil and birch leaves were collected in September 2007 from more and less polluted sites in Bedzin and Czeladz (Silesian province, southern Poland, 8 stands for each town). Concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cd in leaves and the upper layer of soil (0–10 cm) were determined. The heavy metal pollution of the investigated cities was on
a comparable level. The obtained Cd and Pb concentrations in leaves were below the toxic range. Only Zn concentrations in some sites were higher than the level considered as toxic. Pb and Cd levels determined in the investigations exceed acceptable metal concentrations for soil in more stands in Bedzin
Zawartość metali ciężkich oraz wskaźniki biochemiczne w liściach brzozy z terenów zanieczyszczonych i czystych
There were conducted studies concerning accumulation of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cd and Pb) in Betula pendula Roth. leaves, in surface soil within cities of Silesian and Małopolska District. Additionally, there was studied guaiacol peroxidase activity and content of -SH groups. Concentrations of heavy metals in birch leaves in most cases did not exceed permissible values. There was noticed an increased Zn content (above 100 mg/kg d.m.) in Betula pendula Roth. leaves on the all studied stands of Silesia. Accumulation of Fe, Zn, Cd and Pb in soils of the Silesian cities often exceeded the permissible level. The conducted studies showed that there is a positive correlation between Zn accumulation in white birch leaves and its accumulation in surface soil. There were not noticed significant differences in content of non-protein -SH groups and guaiacol peroxidase activity in Betula pendula ROTH. leaves coming from Silesia and Małopolska District
Ecophysiological responses to environmental pollution of selected plant species in an industrial urban area
The aim of the study was to determine the state of the environment in Sosnowiec (southern Poland) based on the ratio of air
pollution tolerance index (APTI) and the determination of concentrations of selected metals in soil and plant material. The
study was conducted in ten stands: five of them were identified as ‘polluted’ and five as ‘clean’ stands. The metal content
was evaluated by the atomic absorption method. For APTI calculation, analysis of total chlorophyll concentration and
relative water content, the pH of the extract from the leaves was used. Analysis of the bioaccumulation of metals in the
leaves revealed excessive concentrations of Pb (32.4 mg kg-1) and Zn (129.78 mg kg-1) at the KWK (coal mine) and Las
(forest) stands. Higher capacity accumulation of Pb and Fe was characteristic for Plantago lanceolata. The permitted
content of Pb (762.6 mg kg-1) in the soil samples collected at the Cedler stand was exceeded. Elevated levels, higher than
the permissible concentration of Cd, were documented in soil samples from most stands within the city. In soil samples
collected at the Cedler stand, Cd concentration was almost 15 times higher than acceptable for soil (4 mg kg-1). Based on
the scope of the APTI 4.4–9.42 index obtained for the studied species, they should be considered sensitive plants. All
selected species can be used as bioindicators for environmental pollution
Ocena stopnia zagrożenia metalami ciężkimi wybranych rezerwatów południowej Polski
In this study we investigated heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and Fe) accumulation in upper layer of soils (from three levels: 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm) and in the leaves of Pinus syhestris L., Picea abies [L.] Karst., Maianthemum bifolium [L.] F.W. Schmidt and Hedera helix L. collected from nature reserves: Bukowa Kępa, Ostreznik, Zielona Góra, and Slotwina situated south of Poland. The investigations were carried out in 2004-2007. In soil samples from reserves Ostreznik and Slotwina higher concentrations of Cd was noted than -1normal-1 level for protected area (l mg/kg). Elevated Pb content in upper layer of soil were estimated in reserves of Bukowa Kępa (84.9 mg/kg) and Ostreznik (68.9 mg/kg). The level of Pb and Zn in plants leaves was below the values considered as toxic. However the concentration of Cd in leaves of Hedera helia L. collected in nature reserves Bukowa Kępa, Ostreznik and Zielona Góra was higher than the level considered as toxic (5-10 mg/kg d.m.). Relatively low Cu concentration in the leaves of investigated plants indicated poor plant nutrition