183 research outputs found

    A geocultural power competition in UNESCO's Silk Roads project: China's initiatives and the responses from Japan and South Korea

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    Since Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, China has increasingly engaged in UNESCO's Silk Roads project. China's emphasis on its western routes signals its strategic interest in the reconstruction of its historical connections that matches China's global networking in Eurasia, the Middle East, and Europe. However, whether China will successfully reformulate the international visions of the past, present, and future for its benefit remains an open question. This article focuses on the responses from Japan and South Korea, both of which hold critical positions as the owners of eastern Silk Roads heritage and the funders of UNESCO's Silk Roads heritage studies and World Heritage nomination assistance. Extending the conceptual framework of memory infrastructure to the study of heritage politics and diplomacy highlights the competitive aspect of a transnational heritage project in shaping and reshaping historical and contemporary geographical landscapes

    Global Norm Diffusion in East Asia: How China and Japan Implement the Responsibility to Protect

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    This article addresses the problem of global norm diffusion in international relations with particular reference to the implementation of ‘the responsibility to protect’ (R2P) in East Asia. Exposing the limits of previous work on norm localization, we develop the framework of the norm diffusion loop. Rather than understanding norm diffusion as a linear top-down process, we demonstrate that the reception of R2P has evolved in a far more dynamic way that can best be described as a feedback loop. We first look into the processes and causal mechanisms that helped to construct R2P as an emerging transnational soft norm; then we analyse the challenges of diffusing R2P from the global to the regional and domestic levels; and, finally, we examine the variation of norm effects within the same region across states, investigating in particular how R2P has shaped Chinese and Japanese policy responses respectively.Jochen Prantl would like to acknowledge the generous support for his research by the British Academy (CSG-49402), the ESRC (RES-061-23-0126), and the Zvi Meitar/Vice Chancellor Oxford University Prize in the Social Science


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    Normative Feedback Loops in UNESCO’s Heritage Programmes

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    University Administrators’ Visions for the Recovery of International Student Exchange in a Post–COVID-19 World

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    Objectives: Little is known about how international functions of higher education, such as exchange programmes, can be resumed during recovery from a disruptive global crisis, such as COVID-19. We collected the opinions of administrators of international exchange programmes regarding their plans to resume their exchange programmes in the recovery phase and identified variations in the responses concerning institution type (public vs. private) and the presence or absence of a medical school. Method: We used multiple-choice survey questions in our study, resulting in 180 valid responses. We examined overall patterns using descriptive statistics and institutional uniqueness using Fisher’s exact test. Results: Governing organisations and domestic university networks are expected to initiate the resumption of student exchange programmes. Respondents indicate that they would rely on infection prevention experts at their institutions as sources of information for their decision-making. Public universities would rely more extensively on their staff’s opinions whilst private universities would consult with external experts. Universities with a medical school indicated a greater likelihood of referring to the opinions of experts at their institutions. Implication for Theory and/or Practice: Higher education systems vary across nations. However, extant studies have shown some shared features, and the findings may have implications for higher education institutions internationally. Policy incentives and support may encourage public universities to participate in the global recovery of international education. During global public health infectious crises, institutions without a medical school may require more government support. Conclusions: Institutional variations should be considered to effectively encourage universities to adapt to changing dynamics in the recovery of international education. Method: The study used multiple-choice survey questions, resulting in 180 valid responses. The study examined overall patterns using descriptive statistics and institutional uniqueness using Fisher\u27s exact test. Results: Governing organisations and domestic university networks are expected to initiate the resumption of student exchange. Respondents indicate that they would rely on infection prevention experts at their institutions as sources of information for their decision-making. Public universities would rely more extensively on their staff’s opinions whilst private universities would consult with external experts. Universities with a medical school indicated a greater likelihood of referring to the opinions of experts at their institutions. Implication for Theory and/or Practice: The higher education systems vary across nations. However, extant studies have shown some shared features, and the findings may have implications for higher education institutions internationally. Policy incentives and support may encourage public universities to participate in the global recovery of international education. During global public health infectious crises, institutions without a medical school may require more government support. Conclusions: Institutional variations should be considered to effectively encourage universities to adapt to changing dynamics in the recovery of international education

    Effect of Honeycomb β-TCP Geometrical Structure on Bone Tissue Regeneration in Skull Defect

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    The effect of the geometric structure of artificial biomaterials on skull regeneration remains unclear. In a previous study, we succeeded in developing honeycomb beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP), which has through-and-through holes and is able to provide the optimum bone microenvironment for bone tissue regeneration. We demonstrated that beta-TCP with 300-mu m hole diameters induced vigorous bone formation. In the present study, we investigated how differences in hole directions of honeycomb beta-TCP (horizontal or vertical holes) influence bone tissue regeneration in skull defects. Honeycomb beta-TCP with vertical and horizontal holes was loaded with BMP-2 using Matrigel and Collagen gel as carriers, and transplanted into skull bone defect model rats. The results showed that in each four groups (Collagen alone group, Matrigel alone group, Collagen + BMP group and Matrigel + BMP-2), vigorous bone formation was observed on the vertical beta-TCP compared with horizontal beta-TCP. The osteogenic area was larger in the Matrigel groups (with and without BMP-2) than in the Collagen group (with and without BMP-2) in both vertical beta-TCP and horizontal beta-TCP. However, when BMP-2 was added, the bone formation area was not significantly different between the Collagen group and the Matrigel group in the vertical beta-TCP. Histological finding showed that, in vertical honeycomb beta-TCP, new bone formation extended to the upper part of the holes and was observed from the dura side to the periosteum side as added to the inner walls of the holes. Therefore, we can control efficient bone formation by creating a bone microenvironment provided by vertical honeycomb beta-TCP. Vertical honeycomb beta-TCP has the potential to be an excellent biomaterial for bone tissue regeneration in skull defects and is expected to have clinical applications

    エイゴ ニ ヨル ジュギョウ タントウシャ ノ ナヤミ ニ カンスル コウサツ ティーチング ティップス シュウ サクセイ ノ ジッセン ホウコク

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    英語による授業担当者が抱える悩みを明らかにするため、国際交流科目担当教員・TA 対象のFD 研修において、参加者に悩みとその解決策を挙げてもらい、それを、修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチ(M-GTA)を援用してカテゴリー化を行った。その結果、悩みを18のカテゴリーと3つの大カテゴリー、具体的には、〔授業内容に関する悩み〕、〔学生に関する悩み〕、〔教員の悩み〕に分類することができた。さらに、それらを上位の最終的カテゴリーで包括し、最初の2項目を「授業研究関連」、残りの1項目を「授業運営関連」として整理した。解決策に関しては、FD 研修で収集できたデータを、先行研究の知見を考慮しながら、上記の悩みカテゴリーをもとに整理した。最終的には、「英語で国際交流科目を教えるためのティーチング・ティップス」として図示することで、国際交流科目特有の悩みが明らかになった。実践報

    ニホン ニ オケル ニュー ノーマル キ ノ ダイガクカン ガクセイ コウリュウ ノ ホウシン ニ カンスル コウサツ ガッコウ シュルイ ベツ ニ ヨル ヒカク ケントウ ヲ チュウシン ニ

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    キョウイン ニ ヨル ハケン リュウガク ソウダン ノ ジッセン ホウコク 5ネンカン ヲ トオシタ キヅキ ト コンゴ ノ カダイ

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    本稿は、筆者が2017年度より担当している「教員による派遣留学相談」についての実践報告を行うとともに、留学相談の意義と教員の役割を明らかにして、今後の留学相談の充実に向けた提案を行うことを目的としている。そこで、相談者へのアンケート結果や相談メモ等から得られた留学相談内容を、修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを援用して分析した結果、「教員による留学相談図」を提示した。さらに、留学相談の回答事例を整理・分析することにより、留学相談における教員の役割として、「疑問の解決」「課題の明確化」「選択肢の提供」「視野の拡大」の4 つを明らかにすることができた。実践報

    Determination of specific ion positions of Cr³⁺ and O²- in Cr₂O₃ thin films and their relationship to exchange anisotropy at Co/Cr₂O₃ interfaces

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    The structures of antiferromagnetic Cr₂O₃(0001) thin films with perpendicular exchange bias were investigated using reflection high-energy electron diffraction, X-ray reflectivity, and synchrotron X-ray diffraction. We mainly investigated the specific ion positions of Cr³⁺ and O²- in the corundum structure and discussed their relationship to the magnetic anisotropy of Cr₂O₃. The Cr₂O₃(0001) thin film grown on a Pt(111) buffer layer exhibited a perpendicular exchange anisotropy density of 0.42 mJ/m², in which the Cr³⁺ position is the primary factor in the enhancement of magnetic anisotropy due to dipolar-interaction. In contrast, the single-crystalline Cr₂O₃(0001) film grown on a α-Al₂O₃(0001) substrate featured a low exchange magnetic anisotropy of 0.098 mJ/m². In this film, the Cr³⁺ position parameter is an insignificant factor, leading to low magnetic anisotropy. The O²- ion position also differs between the two types of films, which can affect both the magnetic anisotropy energy originating from fine structures and the magneto-electric properties of Cr₂O₃.Yu Shiratsuchi, Yuuta Nakano, Nobuhito Inami, Tetsuro Ueno, Kanta Ono, Reiji Kumai, Ryoko Sagayama, and Ryoichi Nakatani, Journal of Applied Physics 123, 103903 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5020620