109 research outputs found

    Sex Attraction and Mating in Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis and B. xylophilus

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    The fungal feeding, hermaphroditic Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis is a laboratory model to understand the biology of Bursaphelenchus. The extent to which B. okinawaensis can be used to model Bursaphelenchus xylophilus mating was investigated. A chemotaxis assay was conducted to examine whether B. xylophilus and B. okinawaensis produce and respond to volatile sex attractants. Unmated B. xylophilus females were found to attract B. xylophilus males. Similarly, old (sperm depleted) but not young (sperm repleted) B. okinawaensis hermaphrodites attract B. okinawaensis males. Thus, in both species, sperm status corresponds to its ability to attract males. B. xylophilus males also produce a volatile pheromone that attracts both mated and unmated females. A second assay, in which the behavior of males on petri plates in the presence of different females or hermaphrodites of Bursaphelenchus was observed, revealed that B. xylophilus unmated females attract B. okinawaensis males, and B. okinawaensis old hermaphrodites attract B. xylophilus males. These observations suggested that the pheromones of Bursaphelenchus work to some extent across species. Mating behavior through spicule insertion occurs across species, suggesting that postcopulatory mechanisms prevent production of interspecific progeny. The hermaphroditic B. okinawaensis will be a useful model to conduct genetic studies for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying mating behavior in Bursaphelenchus nematodes

    Evidence of hermaphroditism and sex ratio distortion in the fungal feeding nematode Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis

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    Nematodes have many different reproductive strategies along with their divergent life-histories; the ability of hermaphrodite to self- and cross-fertilize is useful for genetic manipulation. Here, we demonstrate the hermaphroditism of the fungal feeding nematode Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis, which was formerly described as a parthenogenetic nematode, and we show its other unique sexual characteristics. To determine that it is hermaphroditic, we performed the following experiments: 1) observation of the pronuclear and chromosome behavior during oogenesis and early embryogenesis; 2) observation of spermatogenesis during the fourth larval stage; 3) investigation of sperm utilization; and 4) investigation of phenotypic segregation after cross-mating using an chemically-induced visible mutant. We then investigated the mating preferences and spermatid size difference between males and hermaphrodites. B. okinawaensis males successfully mated only with sperm-depleted old hermaphrodites, and the spermatid sizes of males were almost the same as those of hermaphrodites. Moreover, the sex ratio of cross-fertilized progeny was highly skewed toward hermaphrodites. B. okinawaensis is phylogenetically distant from established model nematodes such as C. elegans and is more closely related to some economically relevant parasitic nematodes. This newly discovered hermaphroditic nematode has great potential for evolutionary and parasitological research

    How did Bursaphelenchus nematodes acquire a specific relationship with their beetle vectors, Monochamus?

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    For insect-borne pathogens, phoretic ability is important not only to spread more widely and efficiently but also to evolve virulence. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of pine wilt disease, is transmitted by the cerambycid beetle Monochamus alternatus, which is associated with pine tree host. Their specific phoretic ability to appropriate vectors depending on their life cycle is critical for efficient transfer to the correct host and is expected to enhance virulence. We evaluated how B. xylophilus acquired a specific relationship with M. alternatus with a focus on Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis, a close relative of B. xylophilus that has evolved a relationship with a cerambycid beetle vector. Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis has a single dispersal stage (dauer) larva (third-stage dispersal [DIII] larva), whereas B. xylophilus has two distinct dispersal stages (DIII and fourth-stage dispersal [DIV] larva). Also, the dauer formation in B. okinawaensis is not completely dependent on its beetle vector, whereas DIV larvae of B. xylophilus are induced by volatile from the beetle vector. We investigated the induction conditions of dauer larvae in B. okinawaensis and compared to with B. xylophilus. The dauer percentages of B. okinawaensis significantly increased when the nematode population on the plate increased or when we propagated the nematodes with a crude extract of cultured nematodes, which likely contained dauer-inducing pheromones. In addition, dauer formation tended to be enhanced by the crude extract at high temperatures. Furthermore, when we propagated the nematodes with M. alternatus pupae until the beetles eclosed, B. okinawaensis significantly developed into dauer larvae. However, only 1.3% of dauer larvae were successfully transferred to M. alternatus, the rate lower than that of B. xylophilus. DIII and DIV of B. xylophilus were induced by increasing the nematode population and the presence of the beetle vector, respectively. These results suggest that B. okinawaensis has acquired specificity for the cerambycid beetle through dauer formation, which is efficiently induced in the presence of the beetle, and the DIV larval stage, exclusive to the xylophilus group, may be crucial for high transfer ability to the beetle vector

    Age- and sun exposure-dependent differences in 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine in human epidermis

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    Aging and exposure to sunlight are two major factors in the deterioration of skin function. In this study, thirty-six fixed human skin samples from sun-exposed and unexposed areas from young and old individuals were used to evaluate the localization of oxidative stress according to levels and distribution of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine in samples using immunohistochemistry. In the epidermis of the young, negligible amounts of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine were detected in unexposed areas, whereas nuclear 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and cytoplasmic Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine were increased in the lower epidermis in sun-exposed areas. In contrast, the aged presented prominent nuclear 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and nuclear Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine in the epidermis of unexposed areas, concomitant with dermal increase in Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine. However, the immunostaining of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine revealed a decrease in the epidermis of sun-exposed areas in the aged. These results suggest an age-dependent difference in the adaptation and protective mechanisms of the epidermis against sunlight-associated oxidative stress, thus necessitating distinct standards for evaluation in each age group. Further investigation is warranted to elucidate underlying molecular mechanisms

    Morphological, molecular and developmental characterization of the thelastomatid nematode Thelastoma bulhoesi (de Magalhães, 1900) (Oxyuridomorpha: Thelastomatidae) parasite of Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Blattodea: Blattidae) in Japan

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    The American cockroach Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Blattodea: Blattidae) has been spreading worldwide by commerce and has successfully adjusted to living with humans. There are many reports of thelastomatid parasitic nematode iso- lated from P. americana in many countries including USA, Canada, India, Argentina, Bulgaria, but not in Japan. We have in- vestigated the parasitic nematodes in P. americana lab strain and field-captured individuals in Japan and found that Thelastoma bulhoesi (de Magalhães, 1900) (Oxyuridomorpha: Thelastomatidae) parasitizes with high infection rates. We described mor- phological, molecular, and developmental characters of the parasitic nematode because such information was missing despite it has been discovered more than one hundred years ago. We described morphometrics with DIC microscopy and fine structure of male and female adult with SEM observation. We also reveal the embryonic and postembryonic development of this nema- tode. This is the first report of a thelastomatid nematode isolated from American cockroach in Japan, and the data showed here is also very useful and fundamental for further analysis of the cockroach and parasite relations

    Comparative Secretome and Functional Analyses Reveal Glycoside Hydrolase Family 30 and Cysteine Peptidase as Virulence Determinants in the Pinewood Nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus

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    Pine wilt disease, caused by the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is one of the world’s most serious tree diseases. Although the B. xylophilus whole-genome sequence and comprehensive secretome profile have been determined over the past decade, it remains unclear what molecules are critical in pine wilt disease and govern B. xylophilus virulence in host pine trees. Here, a comparative secretome analysis among four isolates of B. xylophilus with distinct virulence levels was performed to identify virulence determinants. The four candidate virulence determinants of B. xylophilus highly secreted in virulent isolates included lipase (Bx-lip1), glycoside hydrolase family 30 (Bx-GH30), and two C1A family cysteine peptidases (Bx-CAT1 and Bx-CAT2). To validate the quantitative differences in the four potential virulence determinants among virulence groups at the protein level, we used real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis to investigate these determinants at the transcript level at three time points: pre-inoculation, 3 days after inoculation (dai), and 7 dai into pine seedlings. The transcript levels of Bx-CAT1, Bx-CAT2, and Bx-GH30 were significantly higher in virulent isolates than in avirulent isolates at pre-inoculation and 3 dai. A subsequent leaf-disk assay based on transient overexpression in Nicotiana benthamiana revealed that the GH30 candidate virulent factor caused cell death in the plant. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Bx-CAT2 was involved in nutrient uptake for fungal feeding via soaking-mediated RNA interference. These findings indicate that the secreted proteins Bx-GH30 and Bx-CAT2 contribute to B. xylophilus virulence in host pine trees and may be involved in pine wilt disease

    The developmental and structural uniqueness of the embryo of the extremophile viviparous nematode, Tokorhabditis tufae

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    Viviparity, a reproductive form that supplies nutrients to the embryo during gestation, has repeatedly and independently occurred in multiple lineages of animals. During the convergent evolution of viviparity, various modifications of development, structure, and physiology emerged. A new species of nematode, Tokorhabditis tufae, was discovered in the alkaline, hypersaline, and arsenic-rich environment of Mono lake. Its reproductive form is viviparity because it is obligately live-bearing and the embryo increases in size during development. However, the magnitude of the increase in size and nutrient provisioning are unclear. We measured egg and embryo sizes at three developmental stages in T. tufae. Eggs and embryos of T. tufae at the threefold stage were respectively 2.6- and 3.6-fold larger than at the single-cell stage. We then obtained T. tufae embryos at the single-cell, lima bean, and threefold developmental stages and investigated the egg hatching frequency at three different concentrations of egg salt buffer. Removal of embryos from the uterus halted embryonic development at the single-cell and lima bean stages in T. tufae irrespective of the solution used for incubation, indicating the provision of nutrients within the uterus. Ultrastructural and permeability evaluation showed that the permeability barrier did not form during embryonic development, resulting in increased molecular permeability. This high permeability caused by the absence of the permeability barrier likely enables supply of nutrients from the mother. The structural and physiological modifications in T. tufae are like those in other viviparous animals. We conclude that T. tufae is a viviparous rather than an ovoviviparous nematode. T. tufae will facilitate investigation of the evolution of viviparity in animals

    A Catalytic Role of XoxF1 as La3+-Dependent Methanol Dehydrogenase in Methylobacterium extorquens Strain AM1

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    In the methylotrophic bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens strain AM1, MxaF, a Ca2+-dependent methanol dehydrogenase (MDH), is the main enzyme catalyzing methanol oxidation during growth on methanol. The genome of strain AM1 contains another MDH gene homologue, xoxF1, whose function in methanol metabolism has remained unclear. In this work, we show that XoxF1 also functions as an MDH and is La3+-dependent. Despite the absence of Ca2+ in the medium strain AM1 was able to grow on methanol in the presence of La3+. Addition of La3+ increased MDH activity but the addition had no effect on mxaF or xoxF1 expression level. We purified MDH from strain AM1 grown on methanol in the presence of La3+, and its N-terminal amino acid sequence corresponded to that of XoxF1. The enzyme contained La3+ as a cofactor. The ΔmxaF mutant strain could not grow on methanol in the presence of Ca2+, but was able to grow after supplementation with La3+. Taken together, these results show that XoxF1 participates in methanol metabolism as a La3+-dependent MDH in strain AM1

    Editorial: Global occurrence of pine wilt disease: Biological interactions and integrated management

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    Plant pathogens cause severe losses in a wide range of crops and forestry plant species worldwide, being a major obstacle toward achieving sustainable agriculture and forestry. In forests, pathogens can affect sustainable management by affecting economic trade and serious ecological losses can occur, such as the ability to store carbon, reduce flood risk or purify water (Boyd et al., 2013). Ranking in the top ten of the most damaging plant-parasitic nematodes worldwide, the migratory endoparasitic nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (pinewood nematode, PWN) is the causal agent of Pine wilt disease (PWD) being responsible for the tremendous decline of conifers species in Eurasian conifer forests (Mota and Vieira, 2008; Futai, 2013; Jones et al., 2013). This complex disease results from a tripartite species interaction (plant-nematode-insect), where each participant involved may be a target for research and understanding at a molecular, evolutionary, chemical, and biological levels