233 research outputs found

    Urban planning for the Yamashiro hot spring by Eika Takayama

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    Though the necessity of urban planning for tourist destinations in Japan has been acknowledged by some of the professors, little progress has been made so far. In order to contemplate the urban planning of tourist destinations for the future, it is necessary to review the history of planning for tourist destinations. It is also important to clarify how urban planners in Japan previously engaged with tourist destinations. Therefore, this research focuses on Eika Takayama, one of the greatest urban planners of Japan. It explores his works on tourist destinations. He was engaged with the Japan Spa Association and did three types of activities: 1) participation in the discussions held in hot spring areas; 2) a tour to hot spring resorts in Europe with members of the committee and; 3) the actual urban planning of hot spring areas. This paper mentions his relationship with the plans for the Yamashiro hot spring town. With strong demand for the development of tourism during the 1950s, he proposed to create a new town for development while conserving the historical and unique centre of Yamashiro. His idea contributes to the uniqueness of Yamashiro today

    Exploring the ChatGPT Approach for Bidirectional Traceability Problem between Design Models and Code

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    This study explores the capabilities of Large Language Models, particularly OpenAI's ChatGPT, in addressing the challenges associated with software modeling, explicitly focusing on the bidirectional traceability problem between design models and code. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the proficiency of ChatGPT in understanding and integrating specific requirements into design models and code. We also explore its potential to offer solutions to the bidirectional traceability problem through a case study. The findings indicate that ChatGPT is capable of generating design models and code from natural language requirements, thereby bridging the gap between these requirements and software modeling. Despite its limitations in suggesting a specific method to resolve the problem using ChatGPT itself, it exhibited the capacity to provide corrections to be consistent between design models and code. As a result, the study concludes that achieving bidirectional traceability between design models and code is feasible using ChatGPT.Comment: 10 pages including references and appendi

    Image‐Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Overview and Experience

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    Image-guided adaptive brachytherapy (IGABT) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been accepted as a novel treatment technique for cervical cancer. During the development of MRI-based IGABT, a very important concept called “High-risk clinical target volume (HR-CTV)” was introduced. However, computed tomography (CT)-based IGABT is the most common modality in Japan

    The Bright and Dark Sides of Programming Education in Japanese Elementary Schools:Clarification of Practical Issues

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    2020 年度から全面実施された新学習指導要領において,小学校プログラミング教育が必修化された。しかしプログラミング教育が児童のどのような資質・能力の向上に資するのか,授業を適切に設計・実施するために考慮すべきことは何か,といった点は必ずしも明確ではない。そこで本研究では,既往知見に基づき,小学校プログラミング教育の光と影,すなわち期待される効果と実施に伴う懸念や不安を整理した。それらを踏まえ,今後の小学校プログラミング教育を充実させていくための実践的な検討課題として,授業設計,評価規準・評価方法の立案,ICT 環境整備,教員への働きかけを導出し,議論した。In the new Courses of Study that were enacted in the 2020 school year, programming education became a compulsory elementary school subject in Japan. However, questions remain regarding how programming education can contribute to improving children's qualities and abilities, and what should be considered to appropriately design and implement classes. Therefore, based on the existing findings, this study summarized the bright and dark sides of elementary school programming education, that is, the expected effects and concerns associated with its implementation. Consequently, the following practical issues were derived and discussed to further enhance elementary school programming education: designing lessons, planning evaluation criteria and methods, preparing an information and communications technology (ICT) environment, and encouraging teachers

    Who Is In Charge, and Who Should Be? The Disciplinary Role of the Commander in Military Justice Systems

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    BackgroundStandard therapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma is radiotherapy plus temozolomide. In this phase 3 study, we evaluated the effect of the addition of bevacizumab to radiotherapy-temozolomide for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma. MethodsWe randomly assigned patients with supratentorial glioblastoma to receive intravenous bevacizumab (10 mg per kilogram of body weight every 2 weeks) or placebo, plus radiotherapy (2 Gy 5 days a week; maximum, 60 Gy) and oral temozolomide (75 mg per square meter of body-surface area per day) for 6 weeks. After a 28-day treatment break, maintenance bevacizumab (10 mg per kilogram intravenously every 2 weeks) or placebo, plus temozolomide (150 to 200 mg per square meter per day for 5 days), was continued for six 4-week cycles, followed by bevacizumab monotherapy (15 mg per kilogram intravenously every 3 weeks) or placebo until the disease progressed or unacceptable toxic effects developed. The coprimary end points were investigator-assessed progression-free survival and overall survival. ResultsA total of 458 patients were assigned to the bevacizumab group, and 463 patients to the placebo group. The median progression-free survival was longer in the bevacizumab group than in the placebo group (10.6 months vs. 6.2 months; stratified hazard ratio for progression or death, 0.64; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.55 to 0.74; P<0.001). The benefit with respect to progression-free survival was observed across subgroups. Overall survival did not differ significantly between groups (stratified hazard ratio for death, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.76 to 1.02; P=0.10). The respective overall survival rates with bevacizumab and placebo were 72.4% and 66.3% at 1 year (P=0.049) and 33.9% and 30.1% at 2 years (P=0.24). Baseline health-related quality of life and performance status were maintained longer in the bevacizumab group, and the glucocorticoid requirement was lower. More patients in the bevacizumab group than in the placebo group had grade 3 or higher adverse events (66.8% vs. 51.3%) and grade 3 or higher adverse events often associated with bevacizumab (32.5% vs. 15.8%). ConclusionsThe addition of bevacizumab to radiotherapy-temozolomide did not improve survival in patients with glioblastoma. Improved progression-free survival and maintenance of baseline quality of life and performance status were observed with bevacizumab; however, the rate of adverse events was higher with bevacizumab than with placebo.

    Intralesional steroid infusion using a spray tube to prevent stenosis after endoscopic submucosal dissection of esophageal cancer

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    Background/Aims Intralesional steroid injections have been administered as prophylaxis for stenosis after esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection. However, this method carries a risk of potential complications such as perforation because a fine needle is used to directly puncture the postoperative ulcer. We devised a new method of steroid intralesional infusion using a spray tube and evaluated its efficacy and safety. Methods Intralesional steroid infusion using a spray tube was performed on 27 patients who underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection for superficial esophageal cancer with three-quarters or more of the lumen circumference resected. The presence or absence of stenosis, complications, and the number of endoscopic balloon dilations (EBDs) performed were evaluated after treatment. Results Although stenosis was not observed in 22 of the 27 patients, five patients had stenosis and dysphagia requiring EBD. The stenosis in these five patients was relieved after four EBDs. No complications related to intralesional steroid infusion using the spray tube were observed. Conclusions Intralesional steroid infusion using a spray tube is a simple and safe technique that is adequately effective in preventing stenosis (clinical trial number, UMIN000037567)

    A cold seep triggered by a hot ridge subduction

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    The Chile Triple Junction, where the hot active spreading centre of the Chile Rise system subducts beneath the South American plate, offers a unique opportunity to understand the influence of the anomalous thermal regime on an otherwise cold continental margin. Integrated analysis of various geophysical and geological datasets, such as bathymetry, heat flow measured directly by thermal probes and calculated from gas hydrate distribution limits, thermal conductivities, and piston cores, have improved the knowledge about the hydrogeological system. In addition, rock dredging has evidenced the volcanism associated with ridge subduction. Here, we argue that the localized high heat flow over the toe of the accretionary prism results from fluid advection promoted by pressure-driven discharge (i.e., dewatering/discharge caused by horizontal compression of accreted sediments) as reported previously. However, by computing the new heat flow values with legacy data in the study area, we raise the assumption that these anomalous heat flow values are also promoted by the eastern flank of the currently subducting Chile Rise. Part of the rift axis is located just below the toe of the wedge, where active deformation and vigorous fluid advection are most intense, enhanced by the proximity of the young volcanic chain. Our results provide valuable information to current and future studies related to hydrothermal circulation, seismicity, volcanism, gas hydrate stability, and fluid venting in this natural laboratory