147 research outputs found

    Application of a Burkholderia cepacia lipase-immobilized silica monolith to batch and continuous biodiesel production with a stoichiometric mixture of methanol and crude Jatropha oil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The enzymatic production of biodiesel through alcoholysis of triglycerides has become more attractive because it shows potential in overcoming the drawbacks of chemical processes. In this study, we investigate the production of biodiesel from crude, non-edible Jatropha oil and methanol to characterize <it>Burkholderia cepacia </it>lipase immobilized in an <it>n</it>-butyl-substituted hydrophobic silica monolith. We also evaluate the performance of a lipase-immobilized silica monolith bioreactor in the continuous production of biodiesel.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Jatropha oil used contained 18% free fatty acids, which is problematic in a base-catalyzed process. In the lipase-catalyzed reaction, the presence of free fatty acids made the reaction mixture homogeneous and allowed bioconversion to proceed to 90% biodiesel yield after a 12 hour reaction time. The optimal molar ratio of methanol to oil was 3.3 to 3.5 parts methanol to one part oil, with water content of 0.6% (w/w). Further experiments revealed that <it>B. cepacia </it>lipase immobilized in hydrophobic silicates was sufficiently tolerant to methanol, and glycerol adsorbed on the support disturbed the reaction to some extent in the present reaction system. The continuous production of biodiesel was performed at steady state using a lipase-immobilized silica monolith bioreactor loaded with 1.67 g of lipase. The yield of 95% was reached at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/h, although the performance of the continuous bioreactor was somewhat below that predicted from the batch reactor. The bioreactor was operated successfully for almost 50 days with 80% retention of the initial yield.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presence of free fatty acids originally contained in Jatropha oil improved the reaction efficiency of the biodiesel production. A combination of <it>B. cepacia </it>lipase and its immobilization support, <it>n</it>-butyl-substituted silica monolith, was effective in the production of biodiesel. This procedure is easily applicable to the design of a continuous flow-through bioreactor system.</p

    Involvement of activated transcriptional process in efficient gene transfection using unmodified and mannose-modified bubble lipoplexes with ultrasound exposure.

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    Recently, our group developed ultrasound (US)-responsive and mannose-modified gene carriers (Man-PEG(2000) bubble lipoplexes), and successfully obtained a high level of gene expression in mannose receptor-expressing cells following gene transfection using Man-PEG(2000) bubble lipoplexes and US exposure. We also reported that large amounts of plasmid DNA (pDNA) were transferred into the cytoplasm of the targeted cells in the gene transfection using this method. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of transcriptional processes on enhanced gene expression obtained by unmodified and Man-PEG(2000) bubble lipoplexes with US exposure. The transcriptional process related to activator protein-1 (AP-1) and nuclear factor-κB (NFκB) was activated by US exposure, and was founded to be involved in enhanced gene expression obtained by gene transfection using unmodified and Man-PEG(2000) bubble lipoplexes with US exposure. On the other hand, activation of AP-1 and NFκB pathways followed by US exposure was hardly involved in the inflammatory responses in the gene transfection using this method. These findings suggest that activation of AP-1 and NFκB followed by US exposure is involved in the enhanced gene expression using unmodified and Man-PEG(2000) bubble lipoplexes with US exposure, and the selection of pDNAs activated by US exposure is important in this gene transfection method

    Evaluation of the potential of doxorubicin loaded microbubbles as a theranostic modality using a murine tumor model

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    In this study, a novel phospholipid-based microbubble formulation containing doxorubicin and perfluoropropane gas (DLMB) was developed. The DLMBs were prepared by mechanical agitation of a phospholipid dispersion in the presence of perfluoropropane (PFP) gas. An anionic phospholipid, distearoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DSPG) was selected to load doxorubicin in the microbubbles by means of electrostatic interaction. The particle size, zeta potential, echogenicity and stability of the DLMBs were measured. Drug loading was ?92%. The potential of the DLMBs for use as a theranostic modality was evaluated in tumor bearing mice. Gas chromatography analysis of PFP showed significant enhancement of PFP retention when doxorubicin was used at concentrations of 10-82% equivalent to DSPG. The inhibitory effects on the proliferation of B16BL6 melanoma murine cells in vitro were enhanced using a combination of ultrasound (US) irradiation and DLMBs. Moreover, in vivo DLMBs in combination with (US) irradiation significantly inhibited the growth of B16BL6 melanoma tumor in mice. Additionally, US echo imaging showed high contrast enhancement of the DLMBs in the tumor vasculature. These results suggest that DLMBs could serve as US triggered carriers of doxorubicin as well as tumor imaging agents in cancer therapy

    Structural basis for the absence of low-energy chlorophylls in a photosystem I trimer from Gloeobacter violaceus

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    Photosystem I (PSI) is a multi-subunit pigment-protein complex that functions in light-harvesting and photochemical charge-separation reactions, followed by reduction of NADP to NADPH required for CO2 fixation in photosynthetic organisms. PSI from different photosynthetic organisms has a variety of chlorophylls (Chls), some of which are at lower-energy levels than its reaction center P700, a special pair of Chls, and are called low-energy Chls. However, the sites of low-energy Chls are still under debate. Here, we solved a 2.04-& ANGS; resolution structure of a PSI trimer by cryo-electron microscopy from a primordial cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421, which has no low-energy Chls. The structure shows the absence of some subunits commonly found in other cyanobacteria, confirming the primordial nature of this cyanobacterium. Comparison with the known structures of PSI from other cyanobacteria and eukaryotic organisms reveals that one dimeric and one trimeric Chls are lacking in the Gloeobacter PSI. The dimeric and trimeric Chls are named Low1 and Low2, respectively. Low2 is missing in some cyanobacterial and eukaryotic PSIs, whereas Low1 is absent only in Gloeobacter. These findings provide insights into not only the identity of low-energy Chls in PSI, but also the evolutionary changes of low-energy Chls in oxyphototrophs

    High‐Density Lipoprotein Engineering for Eye‐Drop Treatment of Age‐Related Macular Degeneration

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    Eye-drop treatments of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are desirable; however, no clinically approved eye drop has been reported to date. This study aim to evaluate the therapeutic activity of eye-drop instillation of a high-density lipoprotein (HDL) variant bearing a cell-penetrating peptide and neovasculature-targeted peptide (AsnGlyArg [NGR] peptide) in a mouse model at a dose of 0.6–0.85 µg protein/eye drop. The results reveal that the activity of the abovementioned variant was >10-fold higher than that of the previous variant lacking an NGR peptide. In addition, the anti-inflammatory activity, cholesterol-efflux capacity, and antiangiogenic activity of reconstituted HDL are significantly augmented by the attachment of these two peptides. The mechanism underlying this dramatic improvement is likely the expression of CD13, an NGR peptide receptor, on the cornea and conjunctiva in mice. CD13 mRNA/protein expression is also detected in cultured human corneal and conjunctival cells. These results demonstrate that NGR peptide is an unprecedented class of an absorption enhancer on the eye surface. Thus, HDL engineering is a potential strategy for developing eye drops to treat neovascular AMD by enhancing the ocular surface absorption and HDL functionalities

    Transcription factors interfering with dedifferentiation induce cell type-specific transcriptional profiles

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    初期化を阻害する転写因子が分化を促進する. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2013-04-02.Transcription factors (TFs) are able to regulate differentiation-related processes, including dedifferentiation and direct conversion, through the regulation of cell type-specific transcriptional profiles. However, the functional interactions between the TFs regulating different transcriptional profiles are not well understood. Here, we show that the TFs capable of inducing cell type-specific transcriptional profiles prevent the dedifferentiation induced by TFs for pluripotency. Of the large number of TFs expressed in a neural-lineage cell line, we identified a subset of TFs that, when overexpressed, strongly interfered with the dedifferentiation triggered by the procedure to generate induced pluripotent stem cells. This interference occurred through a maintenance mechanism of the cell type-specific transcriptional profile. Strikingly, the maintenance activity of the interfering TF set was strong enough to induce the cell line-specific transcriptional profile when overexpressed in a heterologous cell type. In addition, the TFs that interfered with dedifferentiation in hepatic-lineage cells involved TFs with known induction activity for hepatic-lineage cells. Our results suggest that dedifferentiation suppresses a cell type-specific transcriptional profile, which is primarily maintained by a small subset of TFs capable of inducing direct conversion. We anticipate that this functional correlation might be applicable in various cell types and might facilitate the identification of TFs with induction activity in efforts to understand differentiation

    monosodium glutamate increases T1R3 expression

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    We previously showed that chemotherapy-induced dysgeusia was associated with lingual taste receptor gene expression, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) improved dysgeusia by upregulating taste 1 receptor 3 (T1R3) gene expression. In recent years, decreased taste sensitivity has also been reported in some young people, and these are partly due to their disordered eating habits. From these background, we investigated the effects of MSG supplementation on taste receptor expression and dietary intake in healthy females. Fifteen young healthy volunteers were enrolled for the present crossover study and divided in two groups (dietary supplementation with MSG at 2.7 g / day or 0.27 g / day). The relative expression of T1R3, a subunit of both umami and sweet taste receptors, in the tongue was assessed by quantitative PCR analysis. Food intake was assessed by food frequency questionnaire (FFQg), and body composition was measured using Omron HBF-701. T1R3 expression levels in the tongue and taste sensitivity increased significantly in participants who consumed 10 g of MSG daily. Furthermore, protein, fat, and carbohydrate (PFC) balance and salt and sugar intake improved by MSG supplementation. In conclusion, MSG supplementation increased T1R3 expression in the tongue and improved dietary balance

    Characteristics of physical activity during beginner-level group tennis lessons and the effect daily activity

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    Kawakami R., Yamakawa S., Konda S., et al. Characteristics of physical activity during beginner-level group tennis lessons and the effect daily activity. Scientific Reports 14, 249 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-46843-0.Tennis is a popular leisure sport, and studies have indicated that playing tennis regularly provides many health benefits. We aimed to clarify the characteristics of physical activity during beginner-level group tennis lessons and daily physical activity of the participants. Physical activity was measured using an accelerometer sensor device for four weeks, including the 80-min duration tennis lessons held twice a week. Valid data were categorized for tennis and non-tennis days. The mean physical activity intensity during the tennis lesson was 3.37 METs. The mean ratio of short-bout rest periods to the tennis lesson time in 90 and 120 s was 7% and 4%, respectively. The mean physical activity intensity was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) and the duration of vigorous-intensity physical activity (VPA) was increased in 76% of participants on days with tennis lessons compared to without tennis lessons. Beginner-level tennis lesson has characteristics of less short-bout rest physical activity than previously reported competitive tennis match and increased the duration of VPA in daily activity compared to without tennis lessons, suggesting that beginner-level tennis lessons contribute physical activity of health benefits

    Transplanted Bone Marrow-derived Cell Migration into Periodontal Tissues and Cell Differentiation

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    マウスを用いて、歯周組織に歯科矯正学的メカニカルストレスを負荷することによって生じる牽引側および圧迫側歯根膜組織の変化について、熱ショックタンパクHSP70およびp-HSP70の発現を免疫組織化学的に検討した。HSP70は時間の経過と共に陽性反応が増強した。p-HSP70は、HSP70の発現より遅れて陽性反応の増強を示した。HSP70がホメオスタシスの維持や傷害を受けた細胞の修復、またそのリン酸化したp-HSP70として、牽引側歯根膜組織における骨芽細胞活性化による同部への骨添加傾向へのシフトが正常に行われるよう分子シャペロンとして働き、タンパク質のフォールディングなどの立体構造形成を助けていることが示唆された。Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are induced by not only the heat shock but also the mechanical stress. Orthodontic tooth movement induced mechanical stress in the related periodontal ligament. It is important to examine the inununohistochemical profile change of the Heat shock proteins (HSPs) in the periodontal ligament cells after receiving the mechanical stress for orthodontic treatment. Therefore, we examined the HSPs in the periodontal ligament cells of ddY mice using the Waldo method. In the control group, periodontal ligament was observed as physiological anangement, and which reacted weakly to HSP27 and HSP70. In the experimental group the extension site of the periodontal ligament cells and the expansion of the blood vessel occuned in the traction side. These tissues were strongly reacted to HSP27 and HSP70. The findings suggeste that the HSPsexpression work as the mechanism of maintenance of homeostasis in the periodontal tissues