28 research outputs found

    Nature of the Darwin term and (Zα)4m3/M2{(Z\alpha)^4 m^3/M^2} contribution to the Lamb shift for an arbitrary spin of the nucleus

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    The contact Darwin term is demonstrated to be of the same origin as the spin-orbit interaction. The (Zα)4m3/M2(Z\alpha)^4 m^3/M^2 correction to the Lamb shift, generated by the Darwin term, is found for an arbitrary nonvanishing spin of the nucleus, both half-integer and integer. There is also a contribution of the same nature to the nuclear quadrupole moment.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure

    Ilaser Submucous Destruction in the Treatment of Hemorrhoids

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    Aim: to improve the results of treatment in patients with hemorrhoids of the 2nd and 3rd stages.Materials and methods. The prospective study included 60 patients with hemorrhoids of the 2nd and 3rd stages. All patients underwent destruction of internal hemorrhoids with a fiber laser with a diode pump with a wavelength of 1940 nm. The technique is based on the effect of laser energy on the cavernous tissue of the internal hemorrhoidal node and on the terminal branches of the upper rectal artery. The efficiency of the destruction of internal hemorrhoids and the frequency of relapses of the disease were evaluated. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated using anoscopy, measurement of the size of internal hemorrhoidal nodes, transrectal ultrasound with dopplerography. The analysis of the intensity of the pain syndrome, the consumption of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the assessment of the quality of life on the SF-36 scale was carried out. Sphincterometry was performed in all patients to determine the possible effect of laser radiation on the rectal locking apparatus. To assess the possible causes of complications, a single-factor analysis of the amount of energy transferred to each hemorrhoidal node and the total amount of energy spent on the operation was conducted.Results. In all patients, by day 7 after surgery, the pain syndrome in 43 patients (75.4 %) corresponded to 0 points according to VAS. In 3 patients (5 %) intraoperative hemorrhage developed. In the early postoperative period, 5 patients (8.3 %) had 7 complications: 5 cases of thrombosis of the external hemorrhoidal node and 2 — of acute urinary retention. The conducted single-factor analysis showed the dependence of the development of complications on the energy transferred to each hemorrhoidal node and its total amount for the entire operation. In terms of up to 6 months, there were no signs of a return of the disease in any case (hemorrhoidal prolapse and blood discharge). The detected hemorrhoids before the operation, a month after the operation, were not visualized, which persisted after 6 months. The performed transrectal ultrasound examination with spectral-wave dopplerography for up to 6 months allowed to diagnose a persistent decrease in blood flow along the terminal branches of the upper rectal artery compared with preoperative values. When performed sphincterometry, there was no change in the parameters of the anal sphincter function compared to preoperative parameters.Conclusion. The proposed method applying a fiber laser with a diode pump with a wavelength of 1940 nm makes it possible to affect transdermally the internal hemorrhoidal node without damaging the mucosa of the anal canal. The absence of postoperative wounds in the anal canal leads to a decrease in pain syndrome, and by day 7 there are no clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids. The method of laser destruction of internal hemorrhoids can be used in outpatient conditions and can improve the quality of life of patients in the early postoperative period

    Challenges of in vitro conservation of Сitrus germplasm resources

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    The main problems of establishment a slow growth in vitro collection of citrus and other tree crops cultivars are high degree of fungal contamination of bud explants and low growth potential of shoots. In this regard, the aim of current research is to assess the efficiency of decontamination procedure and the possibility of tissue culture initiation and slow growth conservation of valuable lemon cultivars. The best results of surface sterilization were obtained using immersion solutions of 0.3 % Veltolen – 25 minutes or 10 % Domestos – 25–30 minutes. In these treatments, 27.7–33.0 % of aseptic explants were obtained, respectively. However, after the third subculture, the yield of aseptic viable explants decreased till 10 % as a result of secondary contamination by endophytic fungi. The addition of biocide (“Gavrish”) in a nutrient medium at a concentration of 1 ml/l helped to increase the yield of aseptic viable explants till 50 %. However, after the third subculture the photosynthetic activity and the pigments content as well as growth rate decreased. Plants dropped yellowish leaves and eventually died. Thus, 37.35 % of plantlets survived after 8 months of conservation, and only 14.6 % survived after 10 months. Even after the third month of conservation significant decrease in the viability index and the coefficient of photosynthetic activity occurred in plants. Chlorophyll a in leaves decreased from 1.59 to 1.14 mg/g during 12 months in vitro conservation. The similar tendency observed on clorophyll b and carotenoids content. The experiments were carried out for 5 years using different lemon cultivars and other citrus varieties and cultivars. Thus, micropropagation and slow growth in vitro conservation of valuable lemon cultivars are still problematic and requires new technical solutions due to the low growth potential of plantlets raised from the mature buds that is consistent with the data of other researchers

    Ведение детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией

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    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is one of the most significant early childhood chronic respiratory diseases. The article features modern approaches to preventing, diagnosing and treating broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, as well as ways of preventing complications and undesirable disease outcomes in patients older than 3 years. Members of professional associations — Union of Pediatricians of Russia and Russian Association of Perinatal Medicine Specialists — have summarized the experience of managing this category of patients at leading Russian pediatric centers according to the principles of evidence-based medicine and have provided scientific and practical data corresponding to the world level of knowledge with regard to the present problem.Бронхолегочная дисплазия — одно из наиболее значимых хронических респираторных заболеваний раннего детского возраста. В статье представлены современные подходы к профилактике, диагностике и лечению бронхолегочной дисплазии, а также пути предотвращения осложнений и неблагоприятных исходов заболевания у пациентов в возрасте старше 3 лет. Членами профессиональных ассоциаций — Союза педиатров России и Российской ассоциации специалистов перинатальной медицины — в соответствии с принципами доказательной медицины обобщены опыт ведения данной категории больных ведущими педиатрическими центрами Российской Федерации, изложены современные научно-практические данные, соответствующие мировому уровню знаний по настоящей проблеме


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    An approach to the analysis of the quality of the recovered post detector low-contrast images formed in the rear vision systems in the presence of complex background conditions by using robust algorithms. A choice of the composition of the characteristics of two-dimensional functions as an image invariants, which allows to assess the complexity and quality of the reconstructed images. To assess the complexity of the spatial structure of images is proposed to use two-dimensional variation Kronrod. Examples of the analysis of the results of processing low-contrast images formed robust filtering algorithm

    Профилактика бронхолегочной дисплазии у новорожденных с низкой и экстремально низкой массой тела при рождении путем «позднего» введения сурфактанта

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    Цель исследования: оценка возможности профилактики развития бронхолегочной дисплазии с помощью «поздних» ингаляций легочного сурфактанта (сурфактант-БЛ, Россия). Наблюдали 50 новорожденных с массой тела от 690 до 1620 г, в том числе 34 ребенка в основной группе и 16 - в контрольной группе. У19 детей инагаляции сурфактанта начинали с 3-го по 8-й день нахождения на кислородной поддержке (подгруппа А), а у 15 - позже 8-го дня (подгруппа Б). Установлено, что раннее начало сурфактант-терапии (3,6+0,24 дня) позволило переводить детей на второй этап выхаживания через 19,4+3,06 дня, а позднее (16,4+2,09 дня) — через 31,0+3,37 дня (/КО,05). Катамнез в течение первого года жизни показал, что только 6,7+6,68% детей основной группы болели ОРВИ 3 раза и более в течение года (в контроле — 63,2+11,37%; /КО,001). Бронхообструктивный синдромом (не более 2 эпизодов в год) наблюдался у 26,3+10,38% детей основной группы против 66,7+12,59% в контроле (более 3-5 раз в год; /КО,05). Отсутствие нарушений зрения бьио выявлено у 61,5+14,05% пациентов против 14,3+9,71% в контроле (/КО,01). Выводы. Оптимальным сроком начала «поздней» сурфактант-терапии для профилактики бронхолегочной дисплазии является 3—8-й день нахождения ребенка на кислородной поддержке. Раннее начало «поздних» ингаляций сурфактанта снижает длительность пребывания в ОРИТ и приводит к профилактике бронхолегочной дисплазии