14 research outputs found


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    Pontiseum, a place where pieces of the oldest bridges ever built in Warsaw are exhibited, was open in 2014 at the Road and Bridge Research Institute. This article describes how documents pertaining to proper classification of bridge remains and determining their status and establishment of ownership rights circulate between administrative bodies. Since bridge remains have not been classified as historic monuments, parties of proceedings interpreted them in different ways. Moreover, the article also explains the rules governing inclusion of similar items considered as historic monuments under different categories. The authors emphasize that it is of utmost importance to preserve them for future generations.Pontiseum, a place where pieces of the oldest bridges ever built in Warsaw are exhibited, was open in 2014 at the Road and Bridge Research Institute. This article describes how documents pertaining to proper classification of bridge remains and determining their status and establishment of ownership rights circulate between administrative bodies. Since bridge remains have not been classified as historic monuments, parties of proceedings interpreted them in different ways. Moreover, the article also explains the rules governing inclusion of similar items considered as historic monuments under different categories. The authors emphasize that it is of utmost importance to preserve them for future generations

    Pedestrian crossings for the visually impaired people

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    Abstract: The article discusses the topic of visually impaired pedestrians (with no or low vision) moving along the street crossing. Ways of their moving across the street were presented as well as the negative impact of the crossing geometry on the safety. Then means to improve the safety on the crossing applied in other European countries were described. The authors suggest introducing those improvements in Poland taking into consideration Polish specific conditions. Keywords: roads, pedestrian crossings, people with the visually impaire

    The new structure of technical and construction regulations in the area of bridge construction

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    Trwają prace nad stworzeniem nowej struktury przepisów techniczno-budowlanych w mostownictwie. Wymagania zawarte w obowiązującym rozporządzeniu dotyczącym drogowych obiektów inżynierskich są obecnie przenoszone do nowej struktury składającej się z dwóch poziomów: rozporządzenia ministra właściwego ds. transportu i kilku wytycznych technicznych rekomendowanych przez tegoż ministra. Przy czym stosowanie wytycznych będzie dobrowolne, na podobieństwo stosowania polskich norm. W niniejszym artykule Koordynatorzy pracy omawiają dawną i nową strukturę przepisów techniczno-budowlanych oraz podają wymagania, które obecnie znajdują się we wstępnej wersji projektu nowego rozporządzenia. Wymagania te stanowią zbiór tzw. wymagań podstawowych, które należy zapewnić przy projektowaniu, budowie i utrzymaniu obiektów inżynierskich w przewidywanym okresie użytkowania.Work is underway on the creation of a new structure of technical and construction regulations in the bridge industry. The requirements of the applicable regulation on road engineering structures are now being transferred to a new structure consisting of two levels: the regulation of the minister in charge of transport and a number of technical guidelines recommended by the said minister. The application of the guidelines will be voluntary, similar to the application of Polish standards. In this article the Work Coordinators discusses the old and new structure of technical and construction regulations and gives the requirements which are currently in the preliminary version of the draft of the new regulation. These requirements constitute a set of the so-called basic requirements, which should be ensured during the design, construction and maintenance of engineering structures in the anticipated period of use

    Pedestrian crossings and the disabled – a problem with curbstones

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    Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi zapewnienia dostępności przejść dla pieszych osobom niepełnosprawnym w aspekcie krawężników. Autorzy wymieniają kilka typów krawężników stosowanych w Polsce oraz w krajach sąsiednich, opisują ich przydatność w odniesieniu do poruszania się osób na wózkach inwalidzkich.The paper is devoted to the problem of ensuring accessibility of pedestrian crossings for disabled people in the aspect of curbs. The authors list several types of curbstones used in Poland and neighboring countries, describe their usefulness in relation to the movement of people in wheelchairs

    O konieczności i możliwościach zapewnienia osobom niepełnosprawnym dostępu do zabytkowych obiektów użyteczności publicznej

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    This publication is dedicated to the problem of providing access to historic public utility buildings for people with disabilities, with simultaneous adaptation of this access to the needs and abilities of disabled persons. It shows examples which show how to provide access to historic buildings to people with disabilities. It also presents the possibility of using the results of a doctoral dissertation concerning the new type of ramp (an LPZ light substitute ramp) characterized by greater "flexibility" of application.Niniejsza publikacja jest poświęcona problemowi zapewnienia dostępu do zabytkowych obiektów użyteczności publicznej osobom niepełnosprawnym, przy czym tę dostępność należy dostosować do potrzeb i możliwości tych osób niepełnosprawnych. Na przykładach pokazano, w jaki sposób można zapewnić dojście i dojazd do zabytkowych obiektów osobom niepełnosprawnym. Przedstawiono także możliwość wykorzystania wyników pracy doktorskiej dotyczących pochylni nowego typu (tymczasowej pochylni LPZ) charakteryzującej się większą „elastycznością” w zastosowaniu

    Selected aspects of ensuring accessibility of historical buildings for people with mobility impairments

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    The paper is devoted to the problem of providing people with mobility impairments, in wheelchairs, with crutches and the elderly, with access to monumental buildings located in the historic public space. The authors present current technical and construction regulations concerning passageway infrastructure and the needs that result from limitations in people with mobility impairments. Proposals for solutions to improve accessibility were also presented in a graphic form, making it easier to understand the intent of the proposed solution and showing examples of already applied solutions. The paper addresses the problem of adaptation of sidewalks, parking spaces and entrances to buildings to the needs of such people while maintaining the recommendations on issues arising from the protection of cultural heritage, conservation recommendations and the historical nature of the space around monuments. The authors of this paper have been working for years on the subject of accessibility of public space for people with disabilities, based on their own experience as a wheelchair user. This article should serve as a prompt for historic site administrators on how, with minimal intervention, accessibility to historic sites can be improved and how to enable people with special needs to enjoy cultural assets

    Parking by people with disabilities – problem with the size of the parking spots

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    Artykuł porusza sprawę ułatwionego parkowania pojazdów przewożących osoby niepełnosprawne – ich bezpiecznego i komfortowego poruszania się w aspekcie wymiarów miejsca postojowego. Analizuje aktualny stan prawny, podaje przykłady jego interpretacji oraz podaje propozycję możliwej modyfikacji istniejących zapisów prawnych.The paper addresses the issue of facilitated parking of vehicles transporting people with disabilities – their safe and comfortable movement in terms of the parking spots dimensions. It analyzes the current legal status, gives examples of its interpretation and suggests possible modifications to the existing legal provisions

    Pontiseum - a collection of historical exhibits that are outside the classification of monuments

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    Pontiseum, a place where pieces of the oldest bridges ever built in Warsaw are exhibited, was open in 2014 at the Road and Bridge Research Institute. This article describes how documents pertaining to proper classification of bridge remains and determining their status and establishment of ownership rights circulate between administrative bodies. Since bridge remains have not been classified as historic monuments, parties of proceedings interpreted them in different ways. Moreover, the article also explains the rules governing inclusion of similar items considered as historic monuments under different categories. The authors emphasize that it is of utmost importance to preserve them for future generations

    Pedestrian crossings on speed humps (raised pedestrian crossings) – access problems for people in wheelchairs

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    Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi poruszania się osób na wózkach inwalidzkich na przejściach dla pieszych, które wyznaczono na liniowych progach zwalniających. Przedstawiono stan prawny wyznaczania takich przejść oraz podano przykłady trzech przejść, których konstrukcja w zależności od przyjętego sposobu odwodnienia wpływa na możliwość poruszania się osób na wózkach inwalidzkich.The paper is devoted to the problem of wheelchair users moving along raised pedestrian crossings. First the legal status of creating those crossings was presented and then 3 examples were given where depending on the drainage method used the crossing design impacts the way people in wheelchairs can move