111 research outputs found

    Intra-Provincial Inequalities and Economic Growth in China

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    This paper approaches the problem of inequalities in China. It is specifically focused on analyzing the effects of intra-provincial disparities on provincial economic development. Rising inequalities have been widely discussed in the literature on the examples of fast growing developing countries like Brazil, India. However, each of these countries existed in a different socio-political context. Should and is anything done to contain the rising inequalities? This is something the world is struggling now not only with respect to the Chinese case. In the broadest sense, there seem to be two kinds of answers. One, more “European”, or “social/Christian/democratic” is that too much inequality is morally hard to accept and also bad for social cohesion. Another, more neo-liberal or “American” says that while much should be done to alleviate poverty, economic inequality is not a reason for concern, that it is inevitable (reflecting varying endowments of individuals) and in some way also positive as motivating for work and innovation. Inequalities, as measured by Theil index, seem to be positively related to growth. However, a more profound analysis suggests highly diversified patterns, which suggests many conclusions about actual policy-making standards in China.inequality, economic growth, Theil index, China

    Intra-Provincial Inequalities and Economic Growth in China

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    This paper approaches the problem of inequalities in China. It is specifically focused on analyzing the effects of intra-provincial disparities on provincial economic development. Rising inequalities have been widely discussed in the literature on the examples of fast growing developing countries like Brazil, India. However, each of these countries existed in a different socio-political context. Should and is anything done to contain the rising inequalities? This is something the world is struggling now not only with respect to the Chinese case. In the broadest sense, there seem to be two kinds of answers. One, more “European”, or “social/Christian/democratic” is that too much inequality is morally hard to accept and also bad for social cohesion. Another, more neo-liberal or “American” says that while much should be done to alleviate poverty, economic inequality is not a reason for concern, that it is inevitable (reflecting varying endowments of individuals) and in some way also positive as motivating for work and innovation. Inequalities, as measured by Theil index, seem to be positively related to growth. However, a more profound analysis suggests highly diversified patterns, which suggests many conclusions about actual policy-making standards in China

    CANE — Ocena Potrzeb Osób Starszych Camberwell i inne narzędzia oceny potrzeb osób w podeszƂym wieku

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    Planując opiekę, w tym pielęgniarską, nad osobami starszymi naleĆŒy uwzględnić kompleksowe rozpoznawanie ich potrzeb, z wykorzystaniem przeznaczonych do tego skal. W artykule przybliĆŒono niektĂłre z nich, koncentrując się na Ocenie Potrzeb OsĂłb Starszych Camberwell (CANE). GƂównym celem CANE jest identyfikacja potrzeb starszych pacjentĂłw. Narzędzie to moĆŒe być przydatne zarĂłwno w codziennej praktyce pielęgniarskiej, jaki wykorzystywane w badaniach klinicznych

    Czy istnieje rĂłĆŒnica w jakoƛci ĆŒycia i występowaniu objawĂłw psychiatrycznych u chorych na akromegalię i inne choroby przewlekƂe?

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    Introduction: The study aimed to evaluate the psychological profile of patients with acromegaly in comparison to other chronic diseases such as non-functioning pituitary adenomas, Cushing disease, and plaque psoriasis, and to a healthy control group. Material and methods: A total sample of 153 participants in clinical groups underwent a cross-sectional assessment including the quality of life (AcroQoL, WHOQoL-BREF), psychiatric morbidity (GHQ-28), and the acceptance of illness (AIS), as well as 65 participants in the healthy control group. Results: The whole study sample had a predominance of urban married females (61%) with medium level of education (41%). Patients with acromegaly were diagnosed significantly later than patients from other clinical groups, after the onset of the first symptoms. Acromegaly was related to the presence of more symptoms of anxiety and insomnia, and poorer social relationships compared with the general population but not more than in other chronic diseases. A better quality of life score in all domains of WHOQoL-BREF was associated with a better score on the acceptance of illness scale and lower scores on GHQ-28. Conclusions: Psychiatric morbidity, mainly anxiety and insomnia, occurs in 50% of patients with acromegaly. However, the psychological wellbeing and mood seem to be related to other factors such as the acceptance of the illness. Thus, concerning the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of acromegaly an interdisciplinary approach, taking into account psychological and psychiatric consultation, is needed.Wstęp: Celem pracy byƂa ocena profilu psychologicznego pacjentĂłw z akromegalią w porĂłwnaniu z pacjentami z innymi chorobami przewlekƂymi, takimi jak: nieczynne hormonalnie gruczolaki przysadki, choroba Cushinga, Ƃuszczyca oraz zdrowych z grupy kontrolnej. MateriaƂ i metody: Badaniem objęto 153 chorych w grupach klinicznych, ktĂłrzy zostali poddani szerokiej ocenie obejmującej: jakoƛć ĆŒycia (AcroQoL, WHOQoL-BREF), występowanie zaburzeƄ psychiatrycznych (GHQ-28) i stopieƄ akceptacji choroby (AIS) oraz 65 uczestnikĂłw z grupy kontrolnej. Wyniki: W caƂej grupie badanej obserwowano przewagę zamÄ™ĆŒnych, miejskich kobiet (61%) z wyksztaƂceniem ƛrednim (41%). Pacjenci z akromegalią byli diagnozowani znacznie pĂłĆșniej w stosunku do pozostaƂych grup chorych, po pojawieniu się pierwszych objawĂłw. Akromegalia charakteryzowaƂa się częstszym występowaniem bezsennoƛci i lęku oraz gorszymi relacjami spoƂecznymi w porĂłwnaniu z populacją ogĂłlną, ale nie w stosunku do innych chorĂłb przewlekƂych. Lepsza jakoƛć ĆŒycia we wszystkich domenach formularza WHOQoL-BREF wiązaƂa się z większą akceptacją choroby i niĆŒszym wynikiem w skali GHQ-28. Wnioski: Zaburzenia psychiatryczne, gƂównie lęk i bezsennoƛć, występują u 50% pacjentĂłw z akromegalią. Jednak stan psychiczny i nastrĂłj wydają się związane z innym czynnikiem, jakim jest stopieƄ akceptacji choroby. Podkreƛla to potrzebę opieki interdyscyplinarnej, uwzględniającej opiekę psychiatryczną i psychologiczną, w diagnostyce, leczeniu i monitorowaniu pacjentĂłw z akromegalią

    Effects of interactions between variation in dopaminergic genes, traumatic life events, and anomalous self-experiences on psychosis proneness : results from a cross-sectional study in a nonclinical sample

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    Background: there is a growing number of studies showing interactions between genetic polymorphisms associated with dopaminergic neurotransmission and traumatic life events (TLEs) on a risk of psychotic-like experiences (PLEs). Anomalous self-experiences (ASEs) have been associated both with TLEs as well as with PLEs. However, it remains unknown what is the role of ASEs in the complexity of gene - environment interactions on the emergence of PLEs. Patients and methods: we included 445 young adults - university students from three big cities in Poland. We used the Traumatic Events Checklist to assess TLEs, the Inventory of Psychotic-Like anomalous self-experiences in order to measure ASEs, and the Prodromal Questionnaire (PQ16) to record the level of PLEs. The following gene polymorphisms, related to dopaminergic neurotransmission, were determined: the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 polymorphism, the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) rs6277 polymorphism, and the dopamine transporter 1 (DAT1) rs28363170 polymorphism. Results: there was a significant effect of the interaction between the DAT1 polymorphism, a severity of ASEs, and a history of TLEs on the level of PLEs. Among the DAT1 10R/10R homozygotes with low level of ASEs, a severity of PLEs was significantly higher in individuals with a history of any TLEs. Higher scores of the PQ16 were associated with a greater severity of ASEs both in the DAT1 9R allele carriers and the DAT1 10R/10R homozygotes. Conclusion: our findings imply that genetic liability related to aberrant dopamine transport might impact the association between TLEs and PLEs in subjects with high levels of ASEs

    Adverse childhood experiences and methylation of the FKBP5 gene in patients with psychotic disorders

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    Altered methylation of the FKBP5 gene has been observed in various mental disorders and attributed to the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). However, the level of FKBP5 methylation has not been investigated in patients with psychotic disorders. Therefore, in this study we aimed to determine the FKBP5 methylation in patients with psychosis and controls, taking into account the effects of ACEs. Participants were 85 patients with psychotic disorders, including first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients and acutely relapsed schizophrenia (SCZ-AR) patients, as well as 56 controls. The level of four CpG sites at the FKBP5 gene was determined in the peripheral blood leukocytes using pyrosequencing. After controlling for potential confounding factors, the level of FKBP5 methylation at one out of four tested CpG sites was significantly lower in FEP patients compared to other groups of participants. Significant main effects of parental antipathy and sexual abuse on the level of FKBP5 methylation were observed at the differentially methylated CpG site. Participants reporting this category of ACEs had significantly lower levels of FKBP5 methylation at this CpG site. Lower levels of FKBP5 methylation were associated with better cognitive performance and higher functional capacity in patients with psychosis. In controls, lower methylation of FKBP5 was related to worse performance of immediate memory and language skills. Our findings suggest that hypomethylation of the FKBP5 appears at early stages of psychosis and might be associated with a history of ACEs as well as less severe clinical manifestation

    The Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly questionnaire as a tool for the assessment of needs in elderly individuals living in long-term care institutions

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    AbstractObjectivesThe aim of the study was to evaluate the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly questionnaire (CANE) in assessing the needs of elderly individuals living in long-term care institutions (LTCI) in Poland.Setting and ParticipantsThe needs of 173 residents were assessed. The inclusion criteria were age (at least 75 years of age) and the lack of severe cognitive impairment (Mini Mental Scale Examination score of at least 15 points).MeasurementsIn all participants, met and unmet needs were assessed by themselves and by the nursing staff involved in care activities.ResultsThe number of met needs assessed by the staff was higher than in the users’ opinions (p<0.0001), whereas the number of unmet needs was lower (p<0.001). However, the average percentage of the agreement between the user and the staff was as high as 86.2%. The areas characterized by the lowest agreement were Company (65.3%), Memory (75.7%), Eyesight/hearing/communication (70.5%) and Psychological distress (70.5%).ConclusionsDespite a high percentage of agreement reached between the staff and user assessments of needs in our study, we were able to identify the areas of discrepancies between these two perceptions of needs. These can be treated as signals pointing to those aspects of care that should be addressed

    REcomMEndations for DIAgnostics and MaNagemenT of Arterial Hypertension in Adults Aged 65 Years and Older for General Practitioners — REMEDIA NT 65+ GP

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    This text referring directly to the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in elderly patients is a translation of a fragment of REMEDIA NT 65+ GP published in the “Lekarz POZ” (GP Practitioner) journal 4/2018
