6 research outputs found

    Helminths of European smelt Osmerus eperlanus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Lake Hańcza and the Vistula Lagoon, with special regard to their zoonotic threats

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    Reports published in recent years on the increased risk in the Baltic Sea of fish infection with larvae of nematodes potentially pathogenic to humans have prompted a study of European smelt Osmerus eperlanus with respect to the presence of these parasites in the Vistula Lagoon. Additionally, samples of this fish from Lake Hańcza were comparatively considered. The body cavity, the surface of internal organs, the alimentary tract and the swimbladder of fish from two environmentally different water bodies were taken into account in the analysis. Only the tapeworm Proteocephalus longicollis was found in the alimentary tract of the fish from Lake Hańcza. Depending on the period of study, the prevalence ranged from 60% to 100%, and the mean intensity from 11.5 to 42.0. The helminth fauna of smelt from the Vistula Lagoon was more diverse: Cystidicola farionis occurred with a prevalence from 25.9 to 75.0% and a mean intensity of infection from 2.7 to 66.0%, Proteocephalus longicollis and cystacanths of Corynosoma with a prevalence ranging in different years from 12.0 to 44.0% and from 14.8 to 50.0%, respectively. Zoonotic parasites, such as nematode larvae of the Anisakidae family (Contracaecum sp., Anisakis simplex), occurred in the intestine with a prevalence of 31%, 72% and 22% in consecutive years of the study

    Low-FODMAP Diet for the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Remission of IBD

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    Approximately 30% of patients with quiescent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) meet the diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a low-FODMAP diet in patients who meet the diagnostic criteria for IBS whilst in IBD remission. A total of 200 patients in remission of IBD were included in the study. Sixty-five of these patients (32.5%) were diagnosed with IBS according to the R4DQ. On the patients who met the IBS diagnostic criteria, anthropometric measurements, laboratory tests and lactulose hydrogen breath tests were performed. A low-FODMAP diet was introduced for 6 weeks. Of the 59 patients with IBS diagnosed at baseline for whom data were collected at the end of follow-up, after the low-FODMAP intervention IBS-like symptoms were not present in 66.1% (n = 39) (95% CI (53.4%; 76.9%)). The difference between the two groups (with SIBO at baseline (33 of 48 patients) and without SIBO at baseline (6 of 11 patients)) in the low-FODMAP diet’s effectiveness was not statistically significant (p = 0.586). The low-FODMAP diet improved the gut symptoms of flatulence and diarrhea. It had no effect on the occurrence of constipation. In IBD patients in remission who meet the IBS criteria, the dietary intervention of a low-FODMAP diet is effective for a reduction in IBS-like symptoms, regardless of the coexistence of bacterial overgrowth

    Effectiveness of Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet for Induction of Remission in Crohn’s Disease Adult Patients

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    Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is a first-line treatment in active, mild to moderate Crohn’s disease (CD) in children. The Crohn’s disease exclusion diet (CDED), which avoids products known to have a pro-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa, presents similar effectiveness to EEN for inducing remission in the paediatric population. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the CDED in inducing remission in adult patients. Between March 2020 and May 2021, 32 patients in a gastroenterology outpatient centre were treated according to the assumptions of the CDED. The patients were seen at baseline, at week 6, and at week 12 of the study. During the visits, anthropometric measurements and laboratory tests were performed, Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI) was calculated, and the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) was completed. The study included a total of 32 participants, 18 women (56.3%) and 14 men (43.7%). Clinical remission was obtained in 76.7% patients after 6 weeks and in 82.1% after 12 weeks of therapy. Calprotectin levels were significantly lower in the second follow-up compared with baseline (p = 0.021). The CDED is an effective therapy for inducing remission in the adult CD population