24 research outputs found


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    On the example of treating a patient with osteoarthritis, chondromatosis and the flexion-extension contracture of elbow the authors show the effectiveness of arthroscopic treatment. In the treatment of this disease the authors recommend the minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery for elimination of intra-articular pathology, combined with early postoperative rehabilitation, which provides a good functional outcome in the short term.На примере лечения пациента, страдающего остеоартрозом и хондроматозом локтевого сустава, а также развившейся вследствие этого сгибательно-разгибательной контрактурой, показана эффективность артроскопического лечения. При лечении данной патологии авторы рекомендуют выполнение артроскопии как малоинвазивного хирургического вмешательства, позволяющего устранить внутрисуставную патологию. В сочетании с ранней послеоперационной реабилитацией этот метод обеспечивает хороший функциональный результат в короткие сроки

    Сберегательная тактика при неполных поврежденияхпередней крестообразной связки коленного сустава

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    The data about 376 patients with the partial acute (61,4%) and old (38,6%) injuries of knee anterior crucial ligament in which we didn't resort to its reconstruction were analyzed. Two variants of the policy were assessed: the resection of stump or the injured part of the ligament and non-intervention in anterior crucial ligament. Basic factors influencing the choice of the variant of treatment were detected. The analysis of the results of the clinical and biomechanical assessment of the outcomes of treatment with the use of the methods of mathematical statistics testifies that saving policy at the incomplete injuries of anterior crucial ligament gives persistent positive effect.Проанализированы данные о 376 пострадавших с парциальными свежими (61,4%) и застарелыми (38,6%) повреждениями передней крестообразной связки (ПКС) коленного сустава, у которых не прибегали к ее реконструкции. Оценены два варианта тактики: резекция культи или поврежденной части связки и невмешательство на ПКС. Выявлены основные факторы, влияющие на выбор варианта лечения. Анализ результатов клинической и биомеханической оценки исходов лечения с применением методов математической статистики свидетельствует о том, что сберегательная тактика при частичных травмах ПКС дает стойкий положительный эффект

    Prevention of Oil Spills During Excavation Work Using Electromagnetic Sensors

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    This paper presents an analysis of solution to the problems associated with mechanical damage to pipelines. A method of preventing accidental oil spills during excavation using electromagnetic sensors is proposed. The advantages of this method versus alternative options are described herein. A review of existing sensors and methods of their installation on the operating element of excavation equipment is presented. The optimal design solution ensuring accident-free excavation is developed. The economic effect of introducing this technology in the production processes of the oil and gas sector companies is shown


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    In this article there were published diagnostic and surgery principles and the clinical results of arthroscopic single bundle posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction in patients with chronic PCL instability not responding to conservative treatment. There were treated 27 patients with PCL instability since 2006 till 2010. 10 of 27 patients were available for followup with an average elapsed time of 6,1 years between onset of injury and surgery and an average duration of 1,8 years between reconstruction and evaluation. Although there still is some controversy on the indication for treatment of PCL injury, we conclude on the basis of our findings that arthroscopic reconstruction of symptomatic chronic PCL instability can be greatly beneficial.Представлены основные принципы диагностики и оперативного лечения больных с повреждением задней крестообразной связки (ЗКС) коленного сустава. В период с 2006 по 2010 г. было пролечено 27 пациентов с повреждением ЗКС. Отдаленные результаты оценены у 10 больных, прооперированных в среднем через 6,1 лет после травмы, при этом средние сроки после оперативного вмешательства составили 3,3 года. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать вывод о том, что артроскопическая реконструкция ЗКС при хронической задней нестабильности коленного сустава показана абсолютному большинству пациентов

    2009 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands—Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory

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    The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) responded to eruptions, possible eruptions, volcanic unrest, and reports of unusual activity at or near eight separate volcanic centers in Alaska during 2009. The year was highlighted by the eruption of Redoubt Volcano, one of three active volcanoes on the western side of Cook Inlet and near south-central Alaska's population and commerce centers, which comprise about 62 percent of the State's population of 710,213 (2010 census). AVO staff also participated in hazard communication and monitoring of multiple eruptions at ten volcanoes in Russia as part of its collaborative role in the Kamchatka and Sakhalin Volcanic Eruption Response Teams

    2010 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory

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    The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) responded to eruptions, possible eruptions, volcanic unrest or suspected unrest at 12 volcanic centers in Alaska during 2010. The most notable volcanic activity consisted of intermittent ash emissions from long-active Cleveland volcano in the Aleutian Islands. AVO staff also participated in hazard communication regarding eruptions or unrest at seven volcanoes in Russia as part of an ongoing collaborative role in the Kamchatka and Sakhalin Volcanic Eruption Response Teams

    Light and Small-Angle X-Ray Diffraction from Opal-Like Structures: Transition from Two- to Three-Dimensional Regimes and Effects of Disorder

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    Conclusions To summarize, in this chapter diffraction of light and x-rays on opal-like structures is considered. New methodological approaches to collection, processing, and interpretation of experimental data are presented. In particular, a novel representation of the light diffraction data in the “incident angle–registration angle” (θ, Θ) coordinates is shown to be an effective tool of data analysis. This representation allows one to easily distinguish the reflections originating from 2D diffraction from the ones governed by 3D Bragg diffraction. In addition, structural disorder becomes apparent in the (θ, Θ) representation. It is also demonstrated that the immersion spectroscopy method can be used to selectively switch diffraction reflections. This phenomenon is caused by inhomogeneity of the a-SiO2 particles that form synthetic opals. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that microradian x-ray diffraction is a powerful technique that is able to reveal the dominating structure and the presence of disorder in opallike structures. Short acquisition times, modern 2D detectors, and progress in computing techniques make 3D reconstructions of reciprocal space routinely available. This method provides extremely valuable information on the real structure of mesoscopic materials that cannot be easily obtained by other analytical approaches. K13299