9 research outputs found

    Polarization Transfer Measurement for 19-F and 39-K(p,n)

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Gamow-Teller Matrix Elements and the (p,n) Reaction

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Weak Interaction Matrix Elements and (p,n) Cross Sections

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Electron Cloud Generation And Trapping in a Quadrupole Magnet at the Los Alamos PSR

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    A diagnostic to measure electron cloud formation and trapping in a quadrupole magnet has been developed, installed, and successfully tested at PSR. Beam studies with this diagnostic show that the electron flux striking the wall in the quadrupole is comparable to or larger than in an adjacent drift. In addition, the trapped electron signal, obtained using the sweeping feature of diagnostic, was larger than expected and decayed very slowly with an exponential time constant of 50 to 100 {micro}s. Experimental results were also obtained which suggest that a significant fraction of the electrons observed in the adjacent drift space were seeded by electrons ejected from the quadrupole

    Intense Combined Source of Neutrons and Photons for Interrogation Based on Compact Deuteron RF Accelerator

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    AbstractInterrogation of special nuclear materials can benefit from mobile sources providing significant fluxes of neutrons (108/s at 2.5 MeV, 1010/s at 14.1 MeV) and of photons (>1012/s at 1-3 MeV). We propose a source that satisfies these requirements simultaneously plus also provides, via the reaction 11B(d,n)12C(γ15.1), a significant flux of 15-MeV photons, which are highly penetrating and optimal for inducing photo-fission in actinides. The source is based on a compact (< 5 m) deuteron RF accelerator that delivers an average current of a few mA of deuterons at 3-4 MeV to a boron target. The accelerator consists of a short RFQ followed by efficient inter-digital H-mode structures with permanent-magnet-quadrupole beam focusing [Kurennoy et al. (2012)], which suit perfectly for deuteron acceleration at low energies. Our estimates, based on recent measurements [Taddeucci et al. (2007)], indicate that the required fluxes of both neutrons and photons can be achieved at ∼1mA of 4-MeV deuterons. The goal of the proposed study is to confirm feasibility of the approach and develop requirements for future full- system implementation

    Polarizing Transfer in 19-F and 39-K(p,n)

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478