7 research outputs found

    A study of aspects of structural design based on application of complete modular units

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    In the middle of the 20th century, technical progress allowed to maximize the size of building units, which has led to the advent of new industrial construction systems and increased construction progress rates. However, today the problem remains not completely solved and is still a vexed one. Prefabrication is not widely used, though many structural design experts predict its widespread rollout in the near future. It makes it necessary to find out the obstacles in the way of further development. The purpose of this work is to study prefabrication aspects. The objective of the study is identification of fundamental attributes common to complete modular units (the ones that include equipment and furnishings). The improvement of such aspects is meant to drastically increase design quality. The paper envelops the basic concepts of prefabrication, describes characteristics of complete modular units and analyzes the prefabrication algorithm taking into account existing BIM (Building Information Modeling) software

    Tilpasninger i norsk patentrett, særlig vilkårene om nyhet og oppfinnelseshøyde, som konsekvens av Norges tilslutning til den europeiske patentkonvensjonen

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    Norske patentmyndighetenes praktisering av patenterbarhetsvilkår, herunder krav til nyhet og oppfinnelseshøyde er underlagt nye føringer som konsekvens av Norges tilslutning til Den europeiske patentkonvensjonen. Oppgaven søker å belyse om dette har ført til endringer i praktisering av patenterbarhetsvilkår og oppfinnelseshøydekravet spesielt. I en situasjon hvor Høyeserett opprettholder sin tilbakeholdne posisjon når det gjelder overprøving av Norske patentmyndighetenes skjønn og i mangel av en overnasjonal rettsinstans kan man ikke oppnå en fullstendig harmonisering av medlemmsstatens rettspraksis uten at patentmyndighetene i hvert land endrer den. Imidlertid er endring av norske patentmyndigheters praksis uunngåelig da en og samme oppfinnelse i tilfelle nekt av patent fra norske patentmyndigehter og eventuelt fra norske domstoler har teoretisk mulighet å bli patentert i EPO og deretter valideres i Norge. Et slik utfall er selvfølgelig ikke ønskelig og ikke holdbart som rettstilstand i norsk patentrett. Harmonisering av oppfinnelseshøydevilkår praktisering av lokale og regionale patentmyndigheter er ønskelig og formåltjenlig da en ensartet praksis hos norkse patentmyndigheter og EPO gir flere fordeler både til den enkelte næringslivsaktør og samfunnet

    Analysis of building information modeling technologies for transport infrastructure objects at the stages of the life cycle

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    The expansion of the transport system is one of the urgent tasks of the development of the Russian economy. The high level of transport infrastructure quality ensures the development of many areas of business, simplifies the procedure for transporting goods, and also creates comfortable conditions for the movement of passengers. For the progression of the transport system, it is necessary to regularly increase the number of objects, which in turn forms an increase in the volume of transport construction. The current design and construction approaches do not provide a sufficient level of fast and high-quality construction of facilities, therefore, the introduction of modern work methods is an urgent issue. Information modeling technologies are currently one of the promising areas of digitalization, but in the field of transport construction they have not yet received sufficient application. The purpose of this research work is to analyze the use of information modeling technologies for transport infrastructure objects at all stages of the life cycle, and the task is to determine the processes for implementation through the information modeling functionality. The paper outlines the main features of transport infrastructure facilities, the specifics of work based on information modeling, and also analyzes their integration throughout the entire life cycle. As a result, an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of information modeling technology tools for the main tasks of each stage of the life cycle is presented, and an information transfer algorithm is formed

    Cloud interaction technologies in the design and construction

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    One of the problems that can arise in the way of successful implementation of construction projects is the separation and inadequate interaction between the participants in the process in the design and construction of the facility. This problem can adversely affect the results of the project, the quality of its implementation, implementation time and cost. Often in the implementation there is a problem of providing all parties of the design and construction process with access to information and communication tools. The article discusses the possibilities of joint activity in the design process using cloud computing. In particular, the introduction and development of concepts for innovative interaction tools, such as context-sensitive cloud computing information systems (CACCIS), is being considered to facilitate the design and construction processes using new technological capabilities

    Cloud interaction technologies in the design and construction

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    One of the problems that can arise in the way of successful implementation of construction projects is the separation and inadequate interaction between the participants in the process in the design and construction of the facility. This problem can adversely affect the results of the project, the quality of its implementation, implementation time and cost. Often in the implementation there is a problem of providing all parties of the design and construction process with access to information and communication tools. The article discusses the possibilities of joint activity in the design process using cloud computing. In particular, the introduction and development of concepts for innovative interaction tools, such as context-sensitive cloud computing information systems (CACCIS), is being considered to facilitate the design and construction processes using new technological capabilities

    Opportunities to improve the efficiency of design and construction

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    This article discusses the current opportunities of «high-speed construction», which are based on technological, organizational and managerial approaches. For each acceleration approach under study, the mechanisms of action, advantages and disadvantages, as well as its distribution and scope, are identified. The most detailed method of «high-speed construction» based on the combination of design and construction works. The formation of this approach and the tools for its implementation are considered in detail. In this regard, the aim of the work is a detailed consideration of all modern methods of «high – speed construction», and the task-their structuring and interconnection. In the course of the study, the method of analyzing the directions of improving the efficiency of design and construction was applied. As a result, algorithms and tools for accelerating construction are formulated, as well as the impact of BIM-technology services

    Analysis of building information modeling technologies for transport infrastructure objects at the stages of the life cycle

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    The expansion of the transport system is one of the urgent tasks of the development of the Russian economy. The high level of transport infrastructure quality ensures the development of many areas of business, simplifies the procedure for transporting goods, and also creates comfortable conditions for the movement of passengers. For the progression of the transport system, it is necessary to regularly increase the number of objects, which in turn forms an increase in the volume of transport construction. The current design and construction approaches do not provide a sufficient level of fast and high-quality construction of facilities, therefore, the introduction of modern work methods is an urgent issue. Information modeling technologies are currently one of the promising areas of digitalization, but in the field of transport construction they have not yet received sufficient application. The purpose of this research work is to analyze the use of information modeling technologies for transport infrastructure objects at all stages of the life cycle, and the task is to determine the processes for implementation through the information modeling functionality. The paper outlines the main features of transport infrastructure facilities, the specifics of work based on information modeling, and also analyzes their integration throughout the entire life cycle. As a result, an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of information modeling technology tools for the main tasks of each stage of the life cycle is presented, and an information transfer algorithm is formed