163 research outputs found

    Expression of early transcription factors Oct-4, Sox-2 and Nanog by porcine umbilical cord (PUC) matrix cells

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    BACKGROUND: Three transcription factors that are expressed at high levels in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are Nanog, Oct-4 and Sox-2. These transcription factors regulate the expression of other genes during development and are found at high levels in the pluripotent cells of the inner cell mass. The downregulation of these three transcription factors correlates with the loss of pluripotency and self-renewal, and the beginning of subsequent differentiation steps. The roles of Nanog, Oct-4 and Sox-2 have not been fully elucidated. They are important in embryonic development and maintenance of pluripotency in ESCs. We studied the expression of these transcription factors in porcine umbilical cord (PUC) matrix cells. METHODS: Cells were isolated from Wharton's jelly of porcine umbilical cords (PUC) and histochemically assayed for the presence of alkaline phosphatase and the presence of Nanog, Oct-4 and Sox-2 mRNA and protein. PCR amplicons were sequenced and compared with known sequences. The synthesis of Oct-4 and Nanog protein was analyzed using immunocytochemistry. FACS analysis was utilized to evaluate Hoechst 33342 dye-stained cells. RESULTS: PUC isolates were maintained in culture and formed colonies that express alkaline phosphatase. FACS analysis revealed a side population of Hoechst dye-excluding cells, the Hoechst exclusion was verapamil sensitive. Quantitative and non-quantitative RT-PCR reactions revealed expression of Nanog, Oct-4 and Sox-2 in day 15 embryonic discs, PUC cell isolates and porcine fibroblasts. Immunocytochemical analysis detected Nanog immunoreactivity in PUC cell nuclei, and faint labeling in fibroblasts. Oct-4 immunoreactivity was detected in the nuclei of some PUC cells, but not in fibroblasts. CONCLUSION: Cells isolated from PUC express three transcription factors found in pluripotent stem cell markers both at the mRNA and protein level. The presence of these transcription factors, along with the other characteristics of PUC cells such as their colony-forming ability, Hoechst dye-excluding side population and alkaline phosphatase expression, suggests that PUC cells have properties of primitive pluripotent stem cells. Furthermore, PUC cells are an easily and inexpensively obtained source of stem cells that are not hampered by the ethical or legal issues associated with ESCs. In addition, these cells can be cryogenically stored and expanded

    Prior Virus Exposure Alters the Long-Term Landscape of Viral Replication during Feline Lentiviral Infection

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    We developed a feline model of lentiviral cross-species transmission using a puma lentivirus (PLV or FIVPco) which infects domestic cats but does not cause disease. Infection with PLV protects cats from CD4+ T-cell decline caused by subsequent infection with virulent feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Previous studies implicate innate immune and/or cellular restriction mechanisms for FIV disease attenuation in PLV-infected cats. In this study, we evaluated viral infection and cytokine mRNA transcription in 12 different tissue reservoirs approximately five months post infection. We quantitated tissue proviral load, viral mRNA load and relative transcription of IL-10, IL-12p40 and IFNγ from tissues of cats exposed to FIV, PLV or both viruses and analyzed these parameters using a multivariate statistical approach. The distribution and intensity of FIV infection and IFNγ transcription differed between single and co-infected cats, characterized by higher FIV proviral loads and IFNγ expression in co-infected cat tissues. Variability in FIV mRNA load and IFNγ was significantly more constrained in co-infected versus singly infected cat tissues. Single-infected:co-infected ratios of FIV mRNA load compared to FIV proviral load indicated that active viral transcription was apparently inhibited during co-infection. These results indicate that previous PLV infection increases activation of tissue innate immunity and constrains the ability of FIV to productively infect tissue reservoirs of infection for months, independent of FIV proviral load, supporting a model in which innate immunity and/or modulation of target cell susceptibility play a key role in PLV-induced protection from FIV disease

    High prevalence of Lynx rufus gammaherpesvirus 1 in wild Vermont bobcats

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    Gammaherpesviruses (GHVs) are host specific DNA viruses that infect a large range of mammalian species. These viruses preferentially target host lymphocyte cell populations and infection may lead to morbidity or mortality in immunocompromised, co-infected, or non-adapted hosts. In this study, we tested for the presence of Lynx rufus gammaherpesvirus 1 (LruGHV1) in a northeastern United States population of wild bobcats (L. rufus). We estimated prevalence of infection and viral load in infected individuals using quantitative real-time PCR analysis of spleen DNA from 64 Vermont bobcats. We observed an overall prevalence of 64% using this methodology. Bobcat age was significantly positively associated with GHV infection status, and we noted a trend for higher viral loads in young animals, but prevalence and viral load were similar in male and female bobcats. A single LruGHV1 variant was identified from the sequencing of the viral glycoprotein B gene of Vermont bobcats. This gene sequence was 100% similar to that reported in Florida bobcats and slightly variant from other isolates identified in the Western USA. Our work suggests broad geographic distribution and high prevalence of LruGHV1 in bobcat populations across the United States with infection attributes that suggest horizontal transmission of the agent. Geographic differences in viral genotype may reflect historical migration and expansion events among bobcat populations

    Upper Urinary Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma and Lymph Node Involvement: Pre and Post Operative Outcomes

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    Background: Upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinomas (UUT-TCC) comprise any malignancy arising from the renal pelvis to distal ureter. These cancers account for approximately 5-10% of all urothelial tumors. Two-thirds of cases are invasive with an estimated 5-year survival rate less than 50%. Pathologic staging, invasion into local structures, and lymph node involvement influence the overall survival rate. Lymph node dissection (LND) is associated with higher overall survival rates in UUT-TCC patients, likely by decreasing regional lymph node metastasis. Current literature suggests that removing eight to ten regional lymph nodes may improve survival. The outcomes of upper urinary tract malignancies (UTM) have significantly improved, however, no standard guidelines exist regarding the role of LND in UUT-TCC. This analysis aims to investigate the impact of LND on outcomes in patients diagnosed with UUT-TCC. Methods: The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) is a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant data file containing patient cases from 706 participating hospital institutions. A total of 14,186 patients who underwent nephrectomy and nephroureterectomy were initially evaluated. Inclusion criteria included a postoperative diagnosis of UTM (n=923). The cohort was subgrouped to patients with LND. The groups were defined for patients with lymph node positive (LNP) (n=48) and lymph node negative (LNN) (n=255) on pathological staging. Patients without lymph nodes evaluated or unknown status were excluded. The two groups were then compared. Pearson’s Chi-square test was performed for categorical variables, and t-test analysis for continuous variables. A univariate and multivariate analysis was performed with significant variables from the basic statistical analysis to predict independent factors. A Random forest model was also used. Statistical analysis was accepted at p\u3c0.05. Results: The overall rate of lymph node involvement was 5.2% for 923 patients that underwent nephroureterectomy for UTM. Among 303 patients with at least one lymph node evaluated, 48 (15.8%) were LNP. On Chi-square and t-test analysis, the LNN group had higher pT1 staging and planned laparoscopy. The LNP group had higher pT3, pT4, and pM1 staging, and had more planned open procedures compared to the LNN group. Postoperatively, there were no differences between the two groups including rate of lymphoceles or length of hospital stay (Table 1). On multivariate analysis, pT3 (p=0.001) and pT4 (p\u3c0.001) were associated with lymph node involvement. Additionally, the LNP group was less likely to be planned laparoscopic/robotic compared to the LNN group (p=0.03). The previously statistically significant difference in weight, pT1 staging, and pM1 staging were statistically insignificant on multivariable regression analysis. Conclusion: UUT-TCC with lymph node involvement is sparsely discussed in literature. Although rare, upper tract malignancy can present a challenge, partially due to the paucity of treatment guidelines. Our study shows that pT3 and pT4 are independently associated with lymph node involvement. No differences in postoperative outcomes were seen on multivariable analysis including number of nodes evaluated, lymphocele occurrences, or length of hospital stay. Our data suggests that for patients with suspected pT3 or pT4 UUT-TCC, nephroureterectomy should be performed in conjunction with LND

    Closing the gap on causal processes of infection risk from cross-sectional data:structural equation models to understand infection and co-infection

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies of disease exposure risk are frequently based on observational, cross-sectional data, and use statistical approaches as crucial tools for formalising causal processes and making predictions of exposure risks. However, an acknowledged limitation of traditional models is that the inferred relationships are correlational, cannot easily distinguish direct from indirect determinants of disease risk, and are often considerable simplifications of complex interrelationships. This may be particularly important when attempting to infer causality in patterns of co-infection through pathogen-facilitation. METHODS: We describe analyses of cross-sectional data using structural equation models (SEMs), a contemporary advancement on traditional regression approaches, based on our study system of feline gammaherpesvirus (FcaGHV1) in domestic cats. RESULTS: SEMs strongly supported a latent (host phenotype) variable associated with FcaGHV1 exposure and co-infection risk, suggesting these individuals are simply more likely to become infected with multiple pathogens. However, indications of pathogen-covariance (potential facilitation) were also variably detected: potentially among FcaGHV1, Bartonella spp and Mycoplasma spp. CONCLUSIONS: Our models suggest multiple exposures are primarily driven by host phenotypic traits, such as aggressive male phenotypes, and secondarily by pathogen-pathogen interactions. The results of this study demonstrate the application of SEMs to understanding epidemiological processes using observational data, and could be used more widely as a complementary tool to understand complex cross-sectional information in a wide variety of disciplines

    Genetic identification of unique immunological responses in mice infected with virulent and attenuated Francisella tularensis

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    Francisella tularensis is a category A select agent based on its infectivity and virulence but disease mechanisms in infection remain poorly understood. Murine pulmonary models of infection were therefore employed to assess and compare dissemination and pathology and to elucidate the host immune response to infection with the highly virulent Type A F. tularensis strain Schu4 versus the less virulent Type B live vaccine strain (LVS). We found that dissemination and pathology in the spleen was significantly greater in mice infected with F. tularensis Schu4 compared to mice infected with F. tularensis LVS. Using gene expression rofiling to compare the response to infection with the two F. tularensis strains, we found that there were significant differences in the expression of genes involved in the apoptosis pathway, antigen processing and presentation pathways, and inflammatory response pathways in mice infected with Schu4 when compared to LVS. These transcriptional differences coincided with marked differences in dissemination and severity of organ lesions in mice infected with the Schu4 and LVS strains. Therefore, these findings indicate that altered apoptosis, antigen presentation and production of inflammatory mediators explain the differences in pathogenicity of F. tularensis Schu4 and LVS

    Non-Fermi-liquid d-wave metal phase of strongly interacting electrons

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    Developing a theoretical framework for conducting electronic fluids qualitatively distinct from those described by Landau's Fermi-liquid theory is of central importance to many outstanding problems in condensed matter physics. One such problem is that, above the transition temperature and near optimal doping, high-transition-temperature copper-oxide superconductors exhibit `strange metal' behaviour that is inconsistent with being a traditional Landau Fermi liquid. Indeed, a microscopic theory of a strange-metal quantum phase could shed new light on the interesting low-temperature behaviour in the pseudogap regime and on the d-wave superconductor itself. Here we present a theory for a specific example of a strange metal---the 'd-wave metal'. Using variational wavefunctions, gauge theoretic arguments, and ultimately large-scale density matrix renormalization group calculations, we show that this remarkable quantum phase is the ground state of a reasonable microscopic Hamiltonian---the usual t-J model with electron kinetic energy tt and two-spin exchange JJ supplemented with a frustrated electron `ring-exchange' term, which we here examine extensively on the square lattice two-leg ladder. These findings constitute an explicit theoretical example of a genuine non-Fermi-liquid metal existing as the ground state of a realistic model.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures: 6 pages, 7 figures of main text + 16 pages, 5 figures of Supplementary Information; this is approximately the version published in Nature, minus various subedits in the main tex

    Maize Cultivar Performance under Diverse Organic Production Systems

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) performance can vary widely between different production systems. The need for high-performing hybrids for organic systems with wide adaptation to various macroenvironments is becoming increasingly important. The goal of this study was to characterize inbred lines developed by distinct breeding programs for their combining ability and hybrid yield performance across diverse organic environments. Parent lines were selected from five different breeding programs to give a sample of publically available germplasm with potential for use in organic production systems with expired plant variety protection (Ex-PVP) and current commercial inbreds as benchmarks. A North Carolina Design II mating design was used to produce all possible cross combinations between seven lines designated as males and seven lines designated as females. A significantly positive general combining ability for the female inbred UHF134 suggests that it performs well in hybrid combination. Significant general combining ability was not observed for any male inbred line in this study. Several significantly positive specific combining abilities suggest that nonadditive genetic effects play an important role in determining yield in this germplasm. Further analysis revealed that hybrids containing either an Ex-PVP line or a commercial inbred line were on average superior to hybrids containing only inbreds developed by the cooperators of this study. This demonstrates the utility of testing inbreds from diverse sources when developing hybrids for organic production systems
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