7,776 research outputs found

    Measuring “Awareness of Environmental Consequences”: Two Scales and Two Interpretations

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    Moderate or poor reliabilities, worrisome correlation patterns and ambiguous dimensionality raise questions about the awareness of consequences scale being a valid measure of egoistic, social-altruistic and biospheric value orientations. These results may, however, indicate something else. An exploratory analysis performed on three samples collected from the general public provides evidence for a reinterpretation of the scale. We believe the concepts of egoistic, social and biospheric value orientations remain important as a potential explanation of behaviour. However, our results imply that whether people cognitively organise their beliefs in this way when considering adverse environmental consequences requires a different approach from the current awareness of consequences scale. The evidence shows the current scale must be reinterpreted as a measure of concern over the positive and negative consequences of environmental action and inaction.environmental beliefs, value orientations, environmental scales, egoistic, altruistic, biospheric, value-belief-norm model

    Transport Phenomena in Field Effect Transistors

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    Measuring Beliefs Supportive of Environmental Action and Inaction: A Reinterpretation of the Awareness of Consequences Scale

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    The Value-Belief-Norm model assumes that egoistic, social-altruistic and biospheric value orientations causally influence how people cognitively structure beliefs regarding adverse environmental consequences. Empirical studies have administered the Awareness of Consequences (AC) scale to differentiate between these three orientations. We report an analysis which challenges previous work in the field. Evidence is presented that indicates the AC scale should be reinterpreted as a measure of beliefs supporting environmental action and beliefs supporting environmental inaction. The beliefs supporting environmental action appear to be differentiable according to beliefs in the positive consequences from environmental protection and the seriousness of environment harm. This has major implications for the Value-Belief-Norm model and its application.Environmental attitudes; awareness of consequences scale; environmental beliefs; value orientations; environmental scales; egoistic; altruistic; biospheric; value-belief-norm model

    Effect of Supplemental Trace Mineral (Zinc, Copper, and Manganese) Source on Growth Performance, Morbidity, and Trace Mineral Status in Beef Cattle

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    A series of studies were conducted to determine the effect of supplemental trace mineral source on growth performance, morbidity, and trace mineral status in growing beef cattle. The first experiment evaluated supplemental trace minerals from sulfate, organic, or hydroxy sources on growth performance and morbidity. Crossbreed beef calves were assigned to 1 of 3 treatments consisting of supplemental zinc (360 mg/d), copper (125 mg/d), and manganese (200 mg/d) from inorganic, organic, or hydroxy sources fed daily over a 42 to 45-d backgrounding phase. After removal of chronic and dead calves from the data set, trace mineral source had no effect on final or intermediate weights (P \u3e 0.55) or average daily gain (P = 0.51). For all calves, dietary treatments had no effect on any morbidity measurements (P ≥ 0.53). Overall, trace mineral source had no effect on total weight gain, average daily gain, or morbidity during the receiving phase in shipping stressed cattle. A second experiment was conducted to study the effect of trace mineral source on trace mineral status, superoxide dismutase activity, and performance in beef heifers fed diets high in sulfur. Crossbreed heifers were stratified into 3 treatments consisting of 1) no supplemental trace minerals; 2) supplemental copper (55 mg/d), zinc (165 mg/d), and manganese (110 mg/d) from sulfate sources; or 3) supplemental zinc, copper, and manganese at isolevels to treatment 2 from hydroxy sources fed daily over a 55-d trial. Final and intermediate weights (P = 0.73), average daily gain (P = 0.70), and plasma copper and zinc concentrations (P ≥ 0.37) were not affected by treatment. Liver copper concentrations on d 55 were greater for the sulfate treatment (P \u3e 0.004) compared to control and hydroxy treatments, however, liver zinc concentrations were not affected (P \u3e 0.29). Treatment had no effect on (P ≥ 0.36) on total- or manganese-superoxide dismutase activity, however, a day effect (P ≥ 0.002) was observed. Overall, trace mineral source had no effect on growth performance, plasma mineral concentration, liver zinc concentrations, or superoxide dismutase activity. However, liver copper concentrations on d 55 were affected by trace mineral source

    The Aging Human Heart. Doppler Echocardiographic Assessment of the Resting Adult Heart Across the Age Bands.

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    Objectives: To determine the influence of aging on measured left ventricular (LV) diastolic parameters using healthy subjects aged 40-79 years. To propose age-related reference values for LV filling pressure, LV isovolumic relaxation time (LV IVRT) and myocardial stiffness index for each decade using pulsed waved tissue Doppler. Background: Pulsed wave tissue Doppler parameters have been used for over a decade in the clinical setting as an aid to the evaluation of diastolic function and filling pressures, however there is limited information on normal reference ranges especially in middle age and the older person. Methods: Subjects with no known history of cardiovascular disease were selected for this prospective study. All subjects underwent routine 2-dimensional echocardiography and Doppler studies. Pulsed wave tissue Doppler was performed to measure peak S’, E’ and A’ myocardial velocities from both the medial and the lateral mitral annulus. The mean E’ peak velocity was (medial E’ + lateral E’) calculated, and mean E/E’ ratios for the two annular sites were then used as an index of left ventricular filling pressure. The study population was divided into four age decades: 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 years. The LV filling pressure, isovolumic relaxation time and stiffness index were analysed for each of the four decades to determine normal reference ranges from middle age to the older person. Results: One hundred and twenty-one healthy subjects (Male, n = 65) aged 40-79 years were included in this study. LV filling pressure (p = 0.005), LV IVRT (

    Academic learning time and teacher interaction behavior patterns in an elementary physical education unit : comparisons among high-skilled, average-skilled, and low-skilled students

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    The interaction behavior patterns of a physical education teacher with high-skilled, average-skilled, and low-skilled students and a comparison of the Academic Learning Time in Physical Education of the high-skilled, average-skilled, and low-skilled students on a day-to-day basis for an entire unit were investigated. [This is an excerpt from the abstract. For the complete abstract, please see the document.

    Tapered LIGA mold insert

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    The applications of microstructures produced by the LIGA process are useful in a broad range of fields including: microfluidics, heat transfer, and mechanics. The Microsystems Engineering Team at Louisiana State University has used the LIGA process as a foundation for the team’s productivity in these areas. Many advances in the processes involved in producing these microstructures have been made in the past increasing the efficiency of the entire process. A modified exposure technique in the lithography stage of the LIGA process is being developed to produce microstructures with a draft angle as opposed to the standard straight walled structures. Electroformed mold inserts produced previously have encountered high ejection forces causing deformation or tearing of the molded products. The tapered sidewalls produced in the modified exposure mirror those already used in macro-scale injection molds, and will dramatically reduce the forces resulting in superior parts with improved cycle times. The two objectives that define this research project are: i) to successfully manufacture a LIGA high aspect ratio microstructure mold insert with tapered features, and ii) to use the manufactured mold insert and successfully mold and eject parts using a injection molding machine. A LIGA based mold insert approximately one millimeter in depth was produced with a three degree draft angle. This insert was then used with a injection molding machine to produce and efficiently eject cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) plastic parts
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