4 research outputs found

    A multi-stream adaptation framework for bandwidth management in 3D teleimmersion

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    Tele-immersive environments will improve the state of collaboration among distributed participants. However, along with the promise a new set of challenges have emerged including the real-time acquisition, streaming and rendering of 3D scenes to convey a realistic sense of immersive spaces. Unlike 2D video conferencing, a 3D tele-immersive environment employs multiple 3D cameras to cover a much wider field of view, thus generating a very large volume of data that need to be carefully coordinated, organized, and synchronized for Internet transmission, rendering and display. This is a challenging task and a dynamic bandwidth management must be in place. To achieve this goal, we propose a multi-stream adaptation framework for bandwidth management in 3D tele-immersion. The adaptation framework relies on the hierarchy of mechanisms and services that exploits the semantic link of multiple 3D video streams in the tele-immersive environment. We implement a prototype of the framework that integrates semantic stream selection, content adaptation, and 3D data compression services with user preference. The experimental results have demonstrated that the framework shows a good quality of the resulting composite 3D rendered video in case of sufficient bandwidth, while it adapts individual 3D video streams in a coordinated and user-friendly fashion, and yields graceful quality degradation in case of low bandwidth availability

    Teeve: The next generation architecture for tele-immersive environment

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    Tele-immersive 3D multi-camera room environments are starting to emerge and with them new challenging research questions. One important question is how to organize the large amount of visual data, being captured, processed, transmitted and displayed, and their corresponding resources, over current COTS computing and networking infrastructures so that “everybody ” would be able to install and use tele-immersive environments for conferencing and other activities. In this paper we propose a novel crosslayer control and streaming framework over general purpose delivery infrastructure, called TEEVE (Tele-immersive Environments for EVErybody). TEEVE aims for effective and adaptive coordination, synchronization, and soft QoSenabled delivery of tele-immersive visual streams to remote room(s). The TEEVE experiments between two teleimmersive rooms residing in different institutions more than 2000 miles apart show that we can sustain communication of up to 12 3D video streams with 4∼5 3D frames per second for each stream, yielding 4∼5 tele-immersive video rate. 1