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17 research outputs found
Caring for Women With HIV and AIDS
Centers for Disease Control.
Edstrom K.G.
+6 more
English D.
Hawkins C.A.
National Academy of Sciences.
Richardson D.
Ruzek S.B.
Watstein S.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Women's Health Groups: Alternatives to the Health Care System
Bart P.
Carlson R.
+8 more
Ehrenreich B.
Illich I.
Kanter R.M.
Marieskind H.
Navarro V.
Rothschild-Whitt J.
Ruzek S.B.
Somers A.
Publication venue
'Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Resist and Redirect: Physicians Respond to Breast Cancer Informed Consent Legislation
Abbott A.
Aronowitz S.
+26 more
Battiata M.
Blumer H.
Carter S.K.
Charmaz K.
Corea G.
Cox C.
Fisher S.
Freidson E.
Freidson E.
Freidson E.
Glaser B.G.
Glaser B.G.
Haug M.
Haug M.R.
Haun E.C.
Knox R.
Lewin E.
Montini T.
Montini T.
Oppenheimer M.
Ruzek S.
Ruzek S.B.
Scully D.
Shade C.S.
Theresa Montini
Todd A.D.
Publication venue
'The Haworth Press'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Innovators And Instigators: Feminist Contributions To American Abortion Technology, 1963-1973
[1 April 2007].
Baehr N.
+24 more
Bart P.
Chalker R.
Crenin J.E.
Dixon-Mueller R.
Frankfort E.
Gage S.
Gorney C.
Hodgson J.
Hodgson J.
Honsa C.
Imber J.
Kaplan L.
Lost Klepp S.
Luker K.
Morgen S.
Phelan L.C.
Punnett L.
risk. Luie G
Rosen R.
Ruzek S.B.
Tanfer Emin Tunc
Wu P.C.
Wu Y.T.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Hacettepe University Institutional Repository
Interpreting Compliance and Resistance to Medical Dominance in Women's Accounts of Their Pregnancies
Arney W.R.
Bourgeault I.L.
+23 more
Boyatzis R.E.
Burtch B.
Bury M.
Conrad P.
Creswell J.W.
Denzin N.K.
Devries R.
Freidson E.
Holstein J.A.
Jones L.
Kleinman S.
Lupton D.
Miller W.L.
Okma KGH
Patton M.Q.
Riessman C.K.
Rothman B.K.
Ruzek S.B.
Saks M.
Sandall J.
Wertz R.R.
Williams G.
Wrede S.
Publication venue
'Sociological Research Online'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Embodied health movements: new approaches to social movements in health
Benford R.D.
Brenner B.A.
+55 more
Brody J.
Brown P.
Brown P.
Bullard R.
Charmaz K.
Couch S.R.
Cress D.M.
Della Porta D.
Epstein S.
Ferguson S.J.
Fitzgerald K.J.
Fleischer D.
Gieryn T.
Goldstein M.
Groch S.
Groch S.
Klawiter M.
Krimsky S.
Krogman N.
Kroll-Smith S.
Kroll-Smith S.
Loh P.
Mansbridge J.
McAdam D.
McAdam D.
McCarthy J.D.
McCormick S.
Meyer D.S.
Morgen S.
Myhre J.R.
Potts L.K.
Raffensperger C.
Ray R.
Reiss J.R.
Rosenbaum M.E.
Rosner D.
Ruzek S.B.
Ruzek S.B.
Shapiro J.
Shepard P. M.
Shibley M.A.
Shriver T.E.
Silent Spring Institute
Silvers A.
Snow D.
Star S.L.
Steingraber S.
Szasz A.
Taylor V.
Tickner J.
Tilly C.
Waitzkin H.
Wolfson M.
Zones J.S.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Uneasy allies: pro-choice physicians, feminist health activists and the struggle for abortion rights
Blanchard D.A.
+56 more
Booth K.M.
Boston Women's Health Book Collective
Brown P.
Calderone M.S.
Dynak H.
Ehrenreich B.
Epstein S.
Ferree M.M.
Ferree M.M.
Garrow D.J.
Ginsburg R.B.
Goodman J.
Gordon L.
Grimes D.A.
Hall R.E.
Hall R.E.
Haug M.R.
Henshaw S.K.
Hitt J.
Hull N.E.H.
Jaffe F.S.
Joffe C.
Joffe C.
Joffe C.
Kaplan L.
Lader L.
Leavy Z.
Luker K.
Mason C.
Maxwell C.J.C.
McCarthy J.D.
Messer E.
Miller P.G.
Mohr J.C.
Moore E.C.
Morgen S.
National Abortion Federation
Petchesky R.P.
Petchesky R.P.
Quill T.E.
Reagan L.J.
Risen J.
Rosen R.
Ruzek S.B.
Ruzek S.B.
Saletan W.
Simonds W.
Smith-Rosenberg C.
Staggenborg S.
Starr P.
Stetson D.M.
Talbot M.
Taylor V.
Tribe L.H.
Wagner T.R.
Weisman C.S.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Distortion and the Politics of Pain Relief
Amy Koerber
Bazell R.
+27 more
Berkenkotter C.
Blakeslee A.M.
E. Jonathan Arnett
Fahnestock J.
Fumento M.
Grady D.
Gross A.G.
Gross A.G.
Gross A.G.
Habermas J.
Habermas J.
Habermas J.
Habermas J.
Habermas J.
Harris R. A.
Iverson C.
Killingsworth M.J.
Klein M.C.
Klein M.C.
Klein M.C.
Klein M.C.
Prelli L.J.
Ruzek S.B.
Scambler G.
Segal J.Z.
Tamra Cumbie
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Providers, Pills and Power: The US Mifepristone Abortion Trials and Caregivers’ Interpretations of Clinical Power Dynamics
Beverly Winikoff
Blanchard D.A.
+40 more
Blanchard D.A.
Brandt A.M.
Chambliss D.F.
Charlotte Ellertson
Conrad P.
Ehrenreich J.
Ellertson C.
Faux M.
Fisher S.
Fisher S.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Friedson E.
Garfinkel H.
Goffman E.
Goffman E.
Hartsock N.
Joffe C.
Kimberly Springer
Lorber J.
Lorber J.
Martin E.
Melosh B.
Mishler E.G.
Oakley A.
Rich A.
Rosenberg C.E.
Rothman B.K.
Rothman B.K.
Ruzek S.B.
Schaff E.A.
Shaw N.S.
Silverman D.
Simonds W.
Simonds W.
Staggenborg S.
Terry R.
Webb C.
Wendy Simonds
Zola I.K.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Breast cancer in two regimes: the impact of social movements on illness experience
Altman R.
Bailar J.C.
+97 more
Baker L.H.
Balshem M.
Batt S.
Bourdieu P.
Brady J.
Brenner B.
Breslow L.
Brown P.
Bunton R.
Bunton R.
Burawoy M.
Burrows R.
Butler S.
Cartwright L.
Casamayou M.H.
Castel R.
Clarke J.N.
Collins P.H.
Connell R.W.
Densham A.
Dickersin K.
Doyal L.
Dunnavant S.
Fernandez S.M.
Ferree M.M.
Ferree M.M.
Fisher B.
Fishman J.
Fonow M.M.
Fosket J.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Gamson J.
Goldman D.
Hawkins A.
Hess D.J.
Kahane D.H.
Kasper A.S.
Kaufert P.A.
King S.
Klawiter M.
Klawiter M.
Klawiter M.
Kleinman A.
Kushner R.
Kushner R.
Kushner R.
Kushner R.
Lawton J.
Leopold E.
Lerner B.H.
Lerner B.H.
Lorber J.
Lorber J.
Lorde A.
Love S.M.
Lupton D.
Marino C.
Mayer M.
Middlebrook C.
Montini T.
Montini T.
Montini T.
Montini T.
Naples N.
Orenstein P.
Patterson J.T.
Petersen A.
Petersen A.
Pierret J.
Potts L.
Ray R.
Ray R.
Rennie S.
Rollin B.
Rosenbaum M.E.
Ross W.S.
Ruzek S.B.
Ruzek S.B.
Saywell C.
Schaffer E.R.
Scott R.W.
Stocker M.
Stocker M.
Strax P.
Taylor V.
Taylor V.
Weisman C.S.
Winnow J.
Winnow J.
Yadlon S.
Yalom M.
Young I.M.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text