148 research outputs found

    The median nerve in the carpal tunnel

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    A study of the variations of the course and branching pattern of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel were carried out on 60 wrists from 30 fresh cadavers autopsied in the Department of Forensic Medicine of Jagiellonian University Medical College. The results were compared with the literature. The study confirmed that the extraligamentous type of motor branch variation is most common. The transligamentous course of the nerve is of special importance: it is usually accompanied by hypertrophic muscle, and the nerve hidden within this muscle can easily be cut during transection of the retinaculum. The results proved the necessity of approaching the median nerve from the ulnar side when opening the carpal tunnel. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 1: 41-46

    Spectral reflectance properties of iridescent pierid butterfly wings

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    The wings of most pierid butterflies exhibit a main, pigmentary colouration: white, yellow or orange. The males of many species have in restricted areas of the wing upper sides a distinct structural colouration, which is created by stacks of lamellae in the ridges of the wing scales, resulting in iridescence. The amplitude of the reflectance is proportional to the number of lamellae in the ridge stacks. The angle-dependent peak wavelength of the observed iridescence is in agreement with classical multilayer theory. The iridescence is virtually always in the ultraviolet wavelength range, but some species have a blue-peaking iridescence. The spectral properties of the pigmentary and structural colourations are presumably tuned to the spectral sensitivities of the butterflies’ photoreceptors

    The Presence–Absence Situation and Its Impact on the Assemblage Structure and Interspecific Relations of Pronophilina Butterflies in the Venezuelan Andes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

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    Assemblage structure and altitudinal patterns of Pronophilina, a species-rich group of Andean butterflies, are compared in El Baho and Monte Zerpa, two closely situated and ecologically similar Andean localities. Their faunas differ only by the absence of Pedaliodes ornata Grose-Smith in El Baho. There are, however, important structural differences between the two Pronophilina assemblages. Whereas there are five co-dominant species in Monte Zerpa, including P. ornata, Pedaliodes minabilis Pyrcz is the only dominant with more than half of all the individuals in the sample in El Baho. The absence of P. ornata in El Baho is investigated from historical, geographic, and ecological perspectives exploring the factors responsible for its possible extinction including climate change, mass dying out of host plants, and competitive exclusion. Although competitive exclusion between P. ornata and P. minabilis is a plausible mechanism, considered that their ecological niches overlap, which suggests a limiting influence on each other’s populations, the object of competition was not identified, and the reason of the absence of P. ornata in El Baho could not be established. The role of spatial interference related to imperfect sexual behavioral isolation is evaluated in maintaining the parapatric altitudinal distributions of three pairs of phenotypically similar and related species of Pedaliodes, Corades, and Lymanopoda

    Multiscale models for movement in oriented environments and their application to hilltopping in butterflies

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    Hilltopping butterflies direct their movement in response to topography, facilitating mating encounters via accumulation at summits. In this paper, we take hilltopping as a case study to explore the impact of complex orienteering cues on population dynamics. The modelling employs a standard multiscale framework, in which an individual's movement path is described as a stochastic 'velocity-jump' process and scaling applied to generate a macroscopic model capable of simulating large populations in landscapes. In this manner, the terms and parameters of the macroscopic model directly relate to statistical inputs of the individual-level model (mean speeds, turning rates and turning distributions). Applied to hilltopping in butterflies, we demonstrate how hilltopping acts to aggregate populations at summits, optimising mating for low-density species. However, for abundant populations, hilltopping is not only less effective but also possibly disadvantageous, with hilltopping males recording a lower mating rate than their non-hilltopping competitors. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht


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    Volume: 46Start Page: 24End Page: 3

    Sexual selection and the evolution of butterfly mating behavior

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    Volume: 23Start Page: 125End Page: 14

    Courtship leading to copulation in the cloudless sulphur, Phoebis sennae (Pieridae)

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    Volume: 22Start Page: 249End Page: 25


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    Volume: 38Start Page: 23End Page: 3