2,065 research outputs found

    Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts and Evolution of Galaxies

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    Evolution of the rate density of cosmological gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is calculated and compared to the BATSE brightness distribution in the context of binary neutron-star mergers as the source of GRBs, taking account of the realistic star formation history in the universe and evolution of compact binary systems. We tried two models of the evolution of cosmic star formation rate (SFR): one is based on recent observations of SFRs at high redshifts, while the other is based on a galaxy evolution model of stellar population synthesis that reproduces the present-day colors of galaxies. It is shown that the binary merger scenario of GRBs naturally results in the comoving rate-density evolution of \propto (1+z)^{2-2.5} up to z ~ 1, that has been suggested independently from the compatibility between the number-brightness distribution and duration-brightness correlation. If the cosmic SFR has its peak at z ~ 1--2 as suggested by recent observations, the effective power-index of GRB photon spectrum, \alpha >~ 1.5$ is favored, that is softer than the recent observational determination of \alpha = 1.1 \pm 0.3. However, high redshift starbursts (z >~ 5) in elliptical galaxies, that have not yet been detected, can alleviate this discrepancy. The redshift of GRB970508 is likely about 2, just below the upper limit that is recently determined, and the absorption system at z = 0.835 seems not to be the site of the GRB.Comment: ApJ Lett. in press, very minor change just making clear that the predicted rate-density evolution is in a comoving sense. (Received 1997 May 15; Accepted 1997 July 2

    Superflux chlorophyll-a analysis: An assessment of variability in results introduced prior to fluorometric analysis

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    Several experiments were undertaken to identify variability in results that came from procedural differences in the processing of chlorophyll samples prior to fluorometric analysis. T-tests on group means indicated that significant differences (alpha = 0.05) in phaeopigment a concentrations did result in samples not initially screened, but not in the chlorophyll a concentrations. Highly significant differences (alpha = 0.001) in group means were found in samples which were held in acetone after filtering as compared to unfiltered seawater samples held for the same period. No difference in results was found between the 24-hour extraction and samples which were processed immediately

    Highly efficient frequency triplers in the millimeter wave region incorporating a back-to-back configuration of two varactor diodes

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    This paper reports on the recent development of monolithic frequency tripler array employing a back-to-back configuration of varactor diodes. Even harmonic idler circuits are unnecessary in this design. Furthermore, no external dc bias is required. The arrangement results in highly efficient, easily-fabricated and inexpensive frequency triplers

    Far-infrared imaging of tokamak plasma

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    A 20-channel interferometer has been developed which utilizes a linear, one-dimensional microbolometer array to obtain single-shot density profiles from the UCLA Microtor tokamak plasma. The interferometer has been used to study time-dependent phenomena in the plasma density profile. Observations of the sawtooth instability clearly show the growth of the m=0 mode from a localized oscillation (r=1 cm) on axis to an oscillation of the entire plasma. Also, measurements during the initial startup phase of the discharge show evidence of hollow density profiles. In addition, a simultaneous measurement of the poloidal magnetic field has been developed which provides 20 channels of polarimetry. Interferometry and polarimetry both use the same imaging system and the spatial resolution of both measurements has been tested using plastic and crystal-quartz test objects. The signal-to-noise ratio for the polarimeter has also proved adequate for the expected Faraday rotation angle (alphamax=7°, Ip=70 kA, n=5×10^13 cm^−3)

    Freeze-Thaw Cycling as a Chemical Weathering Agent on a Cold and Icy Mars

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    Liquid water was abundant on early Mars, but whether the climate was warm and wet or cold and icy with punctuated periods of melting is still poorly understood. Modern climate models for Mars tend to predict a colder, icier early climate than previously imagined. In addition, ice and glaciation have been major geologic agents throughout the later Hesperian and Amazonian eras. One process that can act in such climates is repeated freezing and thawing of water on the surface and in the subsurface, and is significant because it can occur anywhere with an active layer and could have persisted for a time after liquid water was no longer stable on Mars surface. As freeze-thaw is the dominant mechanical weathering process in most glacial/periglacial terrains, it was likely a significant geomorphologic driver at local to regional scales during past climates, and would potentially have been most active when day-average surface temperatures exceeded 0 C for part of the year. Indeed, freeze-thaw involving liquid water in the Amazonian is evidenced by abundant geomorphic features including polygonal ground and solifluction lobes requiring seasonal thawing. In addition to physical modification, freezing can drive solutions towards supersaturation and force dissolved solutes out as precipitates. In Mars-like terrains, dissolved solutes are typically dominated by silica. In polar regions on Earth, freeze-thaw cycles have been shown to promote deposition of silica, and freeze-thaw experiments on synthetic solutions found stable amorphous silica that built up over multiple cycles. Freeze-thaw may therefore be an important but overlooked chemical weathering process on Mars. However, our ability to assess its impact on alteration of martian terrains is majorly limited by the current lack of understanding of the alteration phases produced (and formation rates) under controlled freeze-thaw weathering of Mars-relevant materials. To address this knowledge gap, we report results from (1) freeze-thaw weathering products found at a glacial Mars analog site at the Three Sisters, Oregon, and (2) new controlled freeze-thaw experiments on basaltic material

    The accretion-heated crust of the transiently accreting 11 Hz X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5

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    We report on a Chandra Director's Discretionary Time observation of the globular cluster Terzan 5, carried out ~7 weeks after the cessation of the 2010 outburst of the newly discovered transiently accreting 11 Hz X-ray pulsar. We detect a thermal spectrum that can be fitted with a neutron star atmosphere model with a temperature for an observer at infinity of kT~100 eV, and a quiescent thermal bolometric luminosity of Lq~2E33 erg/s for an assumed distance of 5.5 kpc. The thermal emission is elevated above the quiescent base level measured in 2003 and 2009, i.e., prior to the recent accretion outburst. A likely explanation is that the neutron star crust was significantly heated during the recent accretion episode and needs to cool until it restores thermal equilibrium with the core. Although this has been observed for neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries that undergo accretion episodes of years to decades, it is the first time that evidence for crustal heating is detected for a transient system with a regular outburst duration of weeks. This opens up a new window to study heating and cooling of transiently accreting neutron stars.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters without revision. References update

    Interactive user modeling for personalized access to museum collections : the Rijksmuseum case study

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    In this paper we present an approach for personalized access to museum collections. We use a RDF/OWL specification of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam collections as a driver for an interactive dialog. The user gives his/her judgment on the artefacts, indicating likes or dislikes. The elicited user model is further used for generating recommendations of artefacts and topics. In this way we support exploration and discovery of information in museum collections. A user study provided insights in characteristics of our target user group, and showed how novice and expert users employ their background knowledge and implicit interest in order to elicit their art preference in the museum collections

    Millimeter and submillimeter wave technology developments for the next generation of fusion devices

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    There is increasing demand for compact watt-level coherent sources in the millimeter and submillimeter wave region. The approach that we have taken to satisfy this need is to fabricate two-dimensional grids loaded with oscillators, electronic beam steerers, and frequency multipliers for quasioptical coherent spatial combining of the outputs of a large number of low-power devices
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