1,624 research outputs found

    Planar sandwich antennas for submillimeter applications

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    A planar receiving antenna with a predictable pattern at submillimeter wavelength is demonstrated experimentally for the first time. It is single lobed and efficient, with a gain of approximately 8 dB at a wavelength of 119 ”m

    Distributed active transformer - a new power-combining andimpedance-transformation technique

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    In this paper, we compare the performance of the newly introduced distributed active transformer (DAT) structure to that of conventional on-chip impedance-transformations methods. Their fundamental power-efficiency limitations in the design of high-power fully integrated amplifiers in standard silicon process technologies are analyzed. The DAT is demonstrated to be an efficient impedance-transformation and power-combining method, which combines several low-voltage push-pull amplifiers in series by magnetic coupling. To demonstrate the validity of the new concept, a 2.4-GHz 1.9-W 2-V fully integrated power-amplifier achieving a power-added efficiency of 41% with 50-Ω input and output matching has been fabricated using 0.35-Όm CMOS transistor

    Fully integrated CMOS power amplifier design using the distributed active-transformer architecture

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    A novel on-chip impedance matching and power-combining method, the distributed active transformer is presented. It combines several low-voltage push-pull amplifiers efficiently with their outputs in series to produce a larger output power while maintaining a 50-Ω match. It also uses virtual ac grounds and magnetic couplings extensively to eliminate the need for any off-chip component, such as tuned bonding wires or external inductors. Furthermore, it desensitizes the operation of the amplifier to the inductance of bonding wires making the design more reproducible. To demonstrate the feasibility of this concept, a 2.4-GHz 2-W 2-V truly fully integrated power amplifier with 50-Ω input and output matching has been fabricated using 0.35-Όm CMOS transistors. It achieves a power added efficiency (PAE) of 41 % at this power level. It can also produce 450 mW using a 1-V supply. Harmonic suppression is 64 dBc or better. This new topology makes possible a truly fully integrated watt-level gigahertz range low-voltage CMOS power amplifier for the first time

    Millimeter-Wave Diffraction by a Photo-Induced Plasma Grating

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    Optical gratings are used extensively for beamsteering in the visible and IR range of the spectrum. Change in the dielectric permittivity of a semiconductor medium resulting from the excitation of a nonequilibrium electron-hole plasma makes it possible to extend this technique to MMW frequencies. A photo-induced plasma grating (PIPG) can be easily rewritten by changing the illumination pattern. So this technique can be used in optically controllable MMW antennas. Initial experimental work studied the diffraction of MMW propagating along a dielectric waveguide containing a PIPG. This paper reports on the diffraction of MMW propagating in free space, steered by the PIPG

    Chandra Observations of 1RXS J141256.0+792204 (Calvera)

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    We report the results of a 30 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of the isolated compact object 1RXS J141256.0+792204 (Calvera). The X-ray spectrum is adequately described by an absorbed neutron star hydrogen atmosphere model with an effective temperature at infinity of 88.3 +/- 0.8 eV and radiation radius at infinity of 4.1 +/- 0.1 km/kpc. The best-fit blackbody spectrum yields parameters consistent with previous measurements; although the fit itself is not statistically acceptable, systematic uncertainties in the pile-up correction may contribute to this. We find marginal evidence for narrow spectral features in the X-ray spectrum between 0.3 and 1.0 keV. In one interpretation, we find evidence at 81%-confidence for an absorption edge at 0.64 (+0.08) (-0.06) keV with an equivalent width of ~70 eV; if this feature is real, it is reminiscent of features seen in the isolated neutron stars RX J1605.3+3249, RX J0720.4-3125, and 1RXS J130848.6+212708 (RBS 1223). In an alternative approach, we find evidence at 88%-confidence for an unresolved emission line at energy 0.53 +/- 0.02 keV, with an equivalent width of ~28 eV; the interpretation of this feature, if real, is uncertain. We search for coherent pulsations up to the Nyquist frequency of 1.13 Hz and set an upper limit of 8.0% rms on the strength of any such modulation. We derive an improved position for the source and set the most rigorous limits to-date on any associated extended emission on arcsecond scales. Our analysis confirms the basic picture of Calvera as the first isolated compact object in the ROSAT/Bright Source Catalog discovered in six years, the hottest such object known, and an intriguing target for multiwavelength study.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. AASTeX, 19 pages, 2 figure

    Planar multimode detector arrays for infrared and millimeter-wave applications

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    A new type of detector array is described. By means of a suitably designed metallic network, many detector elements (each individually small compared to wavelength) are assembled into an impedance-matched termination for radiation incident normally on the plane of the device. Residual reactance is tuned out by means of a movable backshort. An array of 400 bismuth-film microbolometers with a total area of 1 cm^2 has been tested at 215 GHz. A coupling efficiency of approximately 60 percent was observed. The detector has a D^* of 4 x 10^8 cm · Hz^(1/2)/W at room temperature with response time on the order of 2 x 10^-7 s. Similar arrays of Schottky and SIS diodes can probably be constructed

    Far-infrared imaging of tokamak plasma

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    A 20-channel interferometer has been developed which utilizes a linear, one-dimensional microbolometer array to obtain single-shot density profiles from the UCLA Microtor tokamak plasma. The interferometer has been used to study time-dependent phenomena in the plasma density profile. Observations of the sawtooth instability clearly show the growth of the m=0 mode from a localized oscillation (r=1 cm) on axis to an oscillation of the entire plasma. Also, measurements during the initial startup phase of the discharge show evidence of hollow density profiles. In addition, a simultaneous measurement of the poloidal magnetic field has been developed which provides 20 channels of polarimetry. Interferometry and polarimetry both use the same imaging system and the spatial resolution of both measurements has been tested using plastic and crystal-quartz test objects. The signal-to-noise ratio for the polarimeter has also proved adequate for the expected Faraday rotation angle (alphamax=7°, Ip=70 kA, n=5×10^13 cm^−3)

    mm-wave phased arrays in silicon with integrated antennas

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    This work demonstrates W-band integrated dipole antennas and a four channel phased transceiver implemented in IBM 130 nm silicon germanium BiCMOS process. The chip includes the complete receiver, transmitter, signal generation blocks, phase shifters, and on-chip dipole antennas. A hemispherical silicon lens with diameter of about one inch is also used to remove the substrate modes. Measurement results show a maximum antenna gain of about +8 dB

    Sputtered coatings for protection of spacecraft polymers

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    Kapton polyimide oxidizes at significant rates (4.3x10(-24) gram/incident oxygen atom) when exposed in low Earth orbit to the ram atomic oxygen flux. Ion beam sputter deposited thin films of Al2O3 and SiO2 as well as a codeposited mixture of predominantly SiO2 with a small amount of polytetrafluoroethylene were evaluated and found to be effective in protecting Kapton from oxidation in both laboratory plasma ashing tests as well as in space on board shuttle flight STS-8. A protective film of or = 96 percent SiO2 and or = 4 percent polytetrafluoroethylene was found to be very flexible compared to the pure metal oxide coatings and resulted in mass loss rates that were 0.2 percent of that of the unprotected Kapton. The optical properties of Kapton for wavelengths investigated between 0.33 and 2.2 microns were not significantly altered by the presence of the coatings or changed by exposure of the coated Kapton to the low Earth orbital ram environment
