24 research outputs found

    The development of a web- and a print-based decision aid for prostate cancer screening

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    Background Whether early detection and treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) will reduce disease-related mortality remains uncertain. As a result, tools are needed to facilitate informed decision making. While there have been several decision aids (DAs) developed and tested, very few have included an exercise to help men clarify their values and preferences about PCa screening. Further, only one DA has utilized an interactive web-based format, which allows for an expansion and customization of the material. We describe the development of two DAs, a booklet and an interactive website, each with a values clarification component and designed for use in diverse settings. Methods We conducted two feasibility studies to assess men\u27s (45-70 years) Internet access and their willingness to use a web- vs. a print-based tool. The booklet was adapted from two previous versions evaluated in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and the website was created to closely match the content of the revised booklet. Usability testing was conducted to obtain feedback regarding draft versions of the materials. The tools were also reviewed by a plain language expert and the interdisciplinary research team. Feedback on the content and presentation led to iterative modifications of the tools. Results The feasibility studies confirmed that the Internet was a viable medium, as the majority of men used a computer, had access to the Internet, and Internet use increased over time. Feedback from the usability testing on the length, presentation, and content of the materials was incorporated into the final versions of the booklet and website. Both the feasibility studies and the usability testing highlighted the need to address men\u27s informed decision making regarding screening. Conclusions Informed decision making for PCa screening is crucial at present and may be important for some time, particularly if a definitive recommendation either for or against screening does not emerge from ongoing prostate cancer screening trials. We have detailed our efforts at developing print- and web-based DAs to assist men in determining how to best meet their PCa screening preferences. Following completion of our ongoing RCT designed to test these materials, our goal will be to develop a dissemination project for the more effective tool

    Emerging therapies for the prevention of acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    The development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) carries significant risk of morbidity and mortality. To date, pharmacological therapy has been largely ineffective for patients with ARDS. We present our personal review aimed at outlining current and future directions for the pharmacological prevention of ARDS. Several available risk-stratification or prediction score strategies for identification of patients at risk of ARDS have been reported. Although not ready for clinical everyday use, they are and will be instrumental in the ongoing and future trials of pharmacoprevention of ARDS. Several systemic medications established the potential role in ARDS prevention based on the preclinical studies and observational data. Due to potential for systemic adverse effects to neutralize any pharmacological benefits of systemic therapy, inhaled medications appear particularly attractive candidates for ARDS prevention. This is because of their direct delivery to the site of proposed action (lungs), while the pulmonary epithelial surface is still functional. We postulate that overall morbidity and mortality rates from ARDS in the future will be contingent upon decreasing the overall incidence of ARDS through effective identification of those at risk and early application of proven supportive care and pharmacological interventions


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    Para la caracterización geoquímica de minerales pesados se analizaron 47 muestras recolectadas en las cuencas de losríos Aro, Pao, Cuchivero, Guaniamo, Suapure, Parguaza y Cataniapo, localizadas en la zona nor-occidental del estadoBolívar, con el fin de ubicar y limitar zonas de interés para la prospección minera. El análisis químico se realizó mediantela técnica de Espectrometría de Emisión Óptica con Plasma Inductivamente Acoplado, para los óxidos mayoritarios yminoritarios (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, P2O5, MnO) y por Espectrometría de Masa con PlasmaInductivamente Acoplado para las traza (Y, Zr, Nb, Hf, La, Ce, Nd, Th, U, Cr). El tratamiento estadístico aplicado fue elAnálisis Exploratorio de Datos (AED). Con la información obtenida se generaron los mapas geoquímicos de distribuciónde concentraciones, situando las anomalías. El análisis mineralógico se efectuó por medio de la técnica de Difracción deRayos X (DRX), para las muestras que resultaron anómalas. Los resultados permitieron dividir el área de estudio en cuatrozonas anómalas. La Zona A presentó valores anómalos en los elementos y óxido Cr, Y, La, Ce, Nd, Th, U, P2O5 y altasconcentraciones de Fe2O3 y TiO2, y el análisis mineralógico arrojó como posibles fases minerales: ilmenita, magnetita,cromita, hematita e ilmenorutilo. La Zona B con anomalías en Zr, Hf, y U y altas concentraciones de Nb, TiO2 y Fe2O3,las fases minerales propuestas son ilmenita y circón. La Zona BI con anomalías en MnO, como fases minerales sepresentaron: ilmenita rica en Mn, hematita y magnetita y la Zona BII con anomalías en Y, La, Ce, Nd, Th, U, P2O5 y altasconcentraciones de Zr, Hf, Nb TiO2 y Fe2O3; las fases minerales identificadas en esta zona son monacita, ilmenita rica enMn e ilmenita.ABSTRACTThis paper presents a geochemical and mineralogical study of heavy minerals collected in the north-west Bolivar state riverbasins (Aro, Pao, Cuchivero, Guaniamo, Suapure, Parguaza y Cataniapo) in order to locate and delimit areas of interestfor mining exploration. Chemical analysis were performed by using the Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical EmissionSpectrometry (ICP-OES) technique for major and minor elements (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, P2O5,MnO) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) technique for trace elements (Y, Zr, Nb, Hf, La,Ce, Nd, Th, U, Cr). The statistical treatment applied was Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). The results obtained allowedgenerating the geochemical maps and locating the anomalies. Mineralogical analysis was performed by using the X-RayDiffraction (XRD) technique for the anomalous samples. The results allowed dividing the study area into four anomalouszones. Zone A had anomalous values in the elements Cr, Y, La, Ce, Nd, Th, U, P2O5 and high concentrations in Fe2O3 andTiO2 whereas mineralogical analysis showed as potential mineral phases: ilmenite, magnetite, chromite, hematite andilmenorutile. Zone B with anomalies in Zr, Hf, and U and high concentrations of Nb, TiO2 and Fe2O3 with suggested phaseminerals: ilmenite and zircon. Zone BI with anomalies in MnO, and the mineral phases presented were Mn-rich ilmenite,hematite and magnetite. Finally Zone BII with anomalous values in Y, La, Ce, Nd, Th, U, P2O5 and high concentrations ofZr, Hf, Nb TiO2 y Fe2O3; the mineral phases identified in this zone were monacite, Mn-rich ilmenite and ilmenite.Keywords: Geochemistry, Exploration, Heavy minerals, Anomalies, Geochemical maps