4 research outputs found

    Glycan Analysis of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Directly from the Intact Glycoprotein by HR-ESI/TOF-MS

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    Glycans are important modulators of the biological function of proteins and are normally characterized from proteolytic glycopeptides or from (<i>N</i>-)­glycans released enzymatically by glycosidase treatment or chemically by hydrazinolysis. We demonstrate that glycan compositions can easily be determined directly by LC-ESI/TOF-MS from intact glycoproteins even with a very complex glycosylation pattern. Interpretation of isotopically resolved mass spectra of prostate specific antigen (PSA) using bioinformatics tools gives within a few hours the glycan compositions of 38 glycoforms

    Membrane-Permeable Octanoyloxybenzyl-Masked cNMPs As Novel Tools for Non-Invasive Cell Assays

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    Adenine nucleotide (AN) 2nd messengers, such as 3&#8242;,5&#8242;-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), are central elements of intracellular signaling, but many details of their underlying processes remain elusive. Like all nucleotides, cyclic nucleotide monophosphates (cNMPs) are net-negatively charged at physiologic pH which limits their applicability in cell-based settings. Thus, many cellular assays rely on sophisticated techniques like microinjection or electroporation. This setup is not feasible for medium- to high-throughput formats, and the mechanic stress that cells are exposed to raises the probability of interfering artefacts or false-positives. Here, we present a short and flexible chemical route yielding membrane-permeable, bio-reversibly masked cNMPs for which we employed the octanoyloxybenzyl (OB) group. We further show hydrolysis studies on chemical stability and enzymatic activation, and present results of real-time assays, where we used cAMP and Ca2+ live cell imaging to demonstrate high permeability and prompt intracellular conversion of some selected masked cNMPs. Based on these results, our novel OB-masked cNMPs constitute valuable precursor-tools for non-invasive studies on intracellular signaling

    Interlaboratory study on differential analysis of protein glycosylation by mass spectrometry : the ABRF glycoprotein research multi-institutional study 2012

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    One of the principal goals of glycoprotein research is to correlate glycan structure and function. Such correlation is necessary in order for one to understand the mechanisms whereby glycoprotein structure elaborates the functions of myriad proteins. The accurate comparison of glycoforms and quantification of glycosites are essential steps in this direction. Mass spectrometry has emerged as a powerful analytical technique in the field of glycoprotein characterization. Its sensitivity, high dynamic range, and mass accuracy provide both quantitative and sequence/structural information. As part of the 2012 ABRF Glycoprotein Research Group study, we explored the use of mass spectrometry and ancillary methodologies to characterize the glycoforms of two sources of human prostate specific antigen (PSA). PSA is used as a tumor marker for prostate cancer, with increasing blood levels used to distinguish between normal and cancer states. The glycans on PSA are believed to be biantennary N-linked, and it has been observed that prostate cancer tissues and cell lines contain more antennae than their benign counterparts. Thus, the ability to quantify differences in glycosylation associated with cancer has the potential to positively impact the use of PSA as a biomarker. We studied standard peptide-based proteomics/glycomics methodologies, including LC-MS/MS for peptide/glycopeptide sequencing and label-free approaches for differential quantification. We performed an interlaboratory study to determine the ability of different laboratories to correctly characterize the differences between glycoforms from two different sources using mass spectrometry methods. We used clustering analysis and ancillary statistical data treatment on the data sets submitted by participating laboratories to obtain a consensus of the glycoforms and abundances. The results demonstrate the relative strengths and weaknesses of top-down glycoproteomics, bottom-up glycoproteomics, and glycomics methods.17 page(s