69 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Co-curricular Policy in Developing Talent Among the Youth in Secondary Schools in Transmara West Sub-county, Kenya.

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    Many school-going children are placed at risk by school practices that are based on a system of education which tend to glorify those who excel academically while condemning students who fail in examinations and therefore regarding them to be of lower quality. The study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of co-curricular policy in developing talent among the youth in secondary schools in Transmara West Sub-County, Kenya. The objectives of the study included to assess the level of awareness on co-curricular policy among stakeholders and to assess the training needs of head teachers, games HODs, club patrons and coaches in areas of skills shortage identified. The study adopted a mixed methodology with the Naturalistic and participant-oriented research design. From a population of 4202, the researchers used stratified sampling technique to sample 9 head teachers, 90 teachers and 270 students from the 9 schools sampled with each providing 30 students for the study thus making a sample of 369 respondents.   The data was analyzed using Microsoft excel and SPSS programme. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The findings revealed that there was inadequate time allocated for co-curriculum activities and that most schools did not take co-curricular activities seriously. Most respondents were not aware about the co-curricular policy.  There was also need for schools to expose their teachers to structured training in order to empower them with the necessary skills and techniques needed to develop talent among the youth under their watch. Key Words: Evaluation, Effectiveness, Co-curricular Activities, Talen

    The Paradox of Institutional Leadership: A Critical Analysis of Myriad Predicaments Plaguing The School Leadership In Kenya

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    School leaders are expected to provide vision for their schools with inspiration and support for students and faculty.  However, they are also responsible for student and faculty discipline management, instructional management, financial management, and much more. As leaders and managers, school leaders must continually blend the technical and symbolic aspects of their role, embracing each intricacy with confidence, enthusiasm, and skill. This call for specialized leadership training in all areas of school management like finance, procurement, human resource, discipline and others. Stability in terms of remuneration and duration of service play a critical role in effective leadership. Equally important to the balancing act of school leadership, is the understanding of the complexity and influence of the internal and external variables to the school outcomes as measures of leadership performance. In pursuit of school leadership excellence, improved institutional performance and quality achievement, the ministry of education in Kenya  stays challenged to polish and refine the current school leadership infrastructure in pre-new office training programs, teacher transfer systems, incentive versus outcome leader service and leadership service domains. Key words: Institutional Leadership, Pre-New Office Training, Teachers Service Commission, Kenya                Certificate of Secondary Education, Kenya Certificate of Primary Educatio

    The Contribution of the Secondary School Curriculum to Peace in Kenya

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    The Kenya Government recognizes the role of peace in socio economic development as emphasized in the national anthem while the national goals of education endeavour to promote national unity, sustainable development, peace, respect for diversity, international consciousness among others. The Kenya vision 2030 underscores the need for peace and respect for human life through education and training. The study sought to establish whether there are any objective(s) in the secondary school curricula that addresses peace, whether there was content on peace education in the curricula. It further sought to establish the factors contributing to conflicts in secondary schools and assess level of teachers’ awareness of factors that contribute to peaceful co-existence among learners in secondary schools. This research used a cross-sectional survey design approach to investigate peace education outcome on learners. A sample of 59 teachers and 15 curriculum developers was chosen for the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and document analysis. The study confirmed that peace education is not sufficiently integrated in the curricula hence the secondary school curriculum may not be effectively contributing to peace in Kenya. The importance of this study lies in fact that Peace is very important for development of the country. The culture of peace ought to be inculcated in the youth through the education. Quality education is supposed to impart knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that help provide constructive alternatives mechanisms to conflict management, maintain peace in schools in the country, and even out of school. The findings of the study are critical to the curriculum developers, head teachers, teachers, education officers, parents, sponsors and the community who have a critical role to play in inculcating peace in the youth in the country. Keywords: conflicts, peace, curriculum, syllabus, integration, objectives, conten


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    Soft skills are some of the 21st century's most important life skills that should equip university students. Communication skills is one of the courses offered in Kenyan Universities to enhance the soft skills competencies of all undergraduates in their first-year semester. However, employers raised a concern that the newly hired graduates lack essential employability skills to perform office tasks effectively. Communication skills instruction and curricula do not contribute to the required soft skills competencies. The purpose of this study is to conduct a critical analysis of the efficacy of communication skills curricula and instruction on the acquisition of soft skills competencies required in the 21st-century workforce. The study had two objectives: to carry out a critical analysis of listening skills curricula and instruction on the acquisition of soft skills competencies and to examine critically speaking skills curricula and teaching on the acquisition of soft skills competencies. Speber and Wilson (1995) relevance theory of communication anchored the study. The study employed a qualitative approach to research methodology and content analysis to analyse the data. The findings revealed that communication skills instructors taught listening and speaking skills theoretically. There is a need for communication skills curricula to be aligned with industry-specific skills and communication skills instructors to utilise differentiated instruction, engaging pedagogies, and integrate information technology in their classrooms. The learner-centered approach will enhance the acquisition of soft skills competencies among the graduates. The research recommends that universities in Kenya review the communication skills course and align it with the Competency-Based Curriculum.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of parental nurturance on behavior acquisition among primary school pupils in Kenya. The government invests heavily in education sector each year yet problem behaviors among pupils affects effective learning in primary schools a state that is likely to lead to wastage of resources. The problem behaviors studied included fighting, bullying, stealing and truancy among others. The objectives of the study were to critically analyze the impact of parental availability, parental provision, and parental dialogue with the pupil, parent’s marital status and parental role modeling on behavior acquisition among primary school pupils in Kenya. Qualitative research design method was employed since it was effective in critically analyzing the findings. The study recommended that schools should organize seminars with parents to enlighten them on the significance of their availability on the pupils’ behavior and academic performance, the government and school administrators should sensitize parents on the importance of parental provision on positive behavior acquisition among pupils and the parents should be educated on the importance of embracing dialogue with their children as it reduces conflicts  hence enhancing moral development of pupils. The study also recommended that parents should be sensitized on the significant role they play in role modeling pupil’s behavior.  Article visualizations


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    Socio-cultural practice such as early marriage, female genital mutilation, circumcision, and pastoralism has hindered education in primary school in Kiliwehiru division of Banisa sub-county Mandera county of Kenya. Education is a right for all children in Kenya. Education  make children to be meaningful people of the society and therefore all school going age children regardless of their physical, social, emotional and intellectual and others facing cultural problem like those from pastoral communities should be accommodated in the schools. Many interventions have been put in place to attain education for all. In order to achieve universal education millennium development goal, The Children Act 2002 states that every child has a fundamental right to education which is free and compulsory primary education to all to ensure that every child in Kenya has an opportunity to achieve an acceptable level of learning. The researcher felt that school going children from all levels in pastoral community’s moves together with their parents from one place to another following rainfall distribution patterns and security reasons. The pastoral ways of life subjected to school children affects the children attitudes towards school and hence force them to drop out of school. The pastoral ways promote cultural practice which have slow down results in absenteeism of learners from the school and hence broadens to hate for the school since they are forced to shift with parents and animals. The research will be meant to investigate the impact of pastoralism practice on the attitude towards schooling in primary school in Kenya. the objective of the study will be; to investigate the impact of socio-cultural practice in primary school education in Kihirehins division, aspects of early marriage on the child’s learning especially girl child, effects of FGM/circumcision on the pupils attitudes towards schooling; impacts of pastoral on the learners schooling, effects of religious/cultural beliefs of the learners altitude towards school; effects of parents’ attitude towards schooling their children especially girl-child  and effects of poverty on the learners attitudes on schooling.   Article visualizations


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    The purpose of the study was a critical analysis on stakeholders’ interrelation and students discipline in Kenyan schools. For discipline to be upheld different stakeholders have to come together and forge a healthy interrelation. That is the; Government, Board of management, parents, teachers and students stakeholders contribute to discipline of any learning institution. Every stakeholder has a role to play as the findings bring out. Every stakeholder participates in policy making and healthy interrelation aids smooth running of schools. Without good interrelation between stakeholders the findings show that school unrest rise and student disagree by protesting. Good interrelation is seen to improve learning environment which leads to improved discipline. The findings established that not only is unhealthy interrelation between students and other stakeholders but also between parents, Board of management, Government and teachers. Indiscipline on any part of stakeholder has resulted to conflict and unhealthy interrelation. The purpose of the study critically analyzes the stakeholders’ interrelation and students discipline in Kenyan schools. The study aims at analyzing the Board of Management, Parents, Teachers, Students and The Ministry of Education interrelation and students discipline in Kenyan schools. The study recommends a comprehensive policy by all stakeholders and guidelines that would inform and improve the need to interrelate among the stakeholders. In conclusion the role of all stakeholders in maintaining the students discipline in Kenyan schools wholly depends on interrelation between the stakeholders.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of the study was to critically analyse the impact of the dynamics of continuous assessments on learner’s attitude towards mathematics in Kenyan Secondary Schools. The continued poor performance in mathematics may be attributed to the students’ poor attitude towards the subject.  How the learners develop a poor attitude towards the subject prompted the researchers, who teach mathematics to carry out this study?  Learners encounter various forms of assessments in mathematics on daily basis. The objectives of the study were: a) To critically analyse the impact of monitoring of assessments on the attitude towards mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya, b) To find out the impact of the quality of assignments on the attitude of learners towards mathematics n secondary schools in Kenya, c) To determine the impact of peer influence towards assessments on the attitude towards mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya, d) To evaluate how resources used to give assessments affect the attitude of learners towards mathematics n secondary schools in Kenya, e) To establish the impact of reinforcements on the attitude of learners towards mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya. A qualitative research was carried out using a critical analysis design. The study concluded that the continuous assessment dynamics in mathematics go a long way in leaners developing a negative attitude towards the subject. The researcher recommended that: schools should come up with assessment policies to help in monitoring continuous assessments, teachers need to be in serviced on the construction and use of continuous assessment, schools need to have a variety of learning materials other than text books and schools need to nature a positive culture towards mathematics.  Article visualizations


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    Students’ unrest behavior is a common catastrophe in many secondary schools in Kenya. Many school utilities such as buses and buildings have been destroyed. Out of this, many of the students losing their property, others getting injured and worse still leading to death and total disability as well psychological stigma. This has come up as a result of poor students’ connectedness to the school hence resulting to unrest behaviors. This study therefore critically analyzes the relationship between school connectedness parameters on students’ unrest behaviors in Makueni County. The methodology used in the study was critical analysis to critique the relationship between school connectedness parameters and students unrest behaviors in Makueni County. The study employed non-interactive research design as the researcher used available documents to back the methodology. The findings of the study will be used by policy makers and school administrators, behavior modification personnel and curriculum developers to help the students improve their connectivity to the school hence reducing their unrest behaviors. The study results will equip the secondary school teachers and principals with knowledge and skills to improve student’s school connectivity. This will reduce the students’ unrest behaviors in Makueni County.  Article visualizations

    Theoretical Analysis of Challenges of Training and Adjudicating Special Needs Education Presentations at the Kenya Music Festivals

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    The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in its effort to tap, nature and develop talent in the youth has organized co-curricular activities alongside classroom learning with a view to developing all rounded students. The co- objective of the Ministry is a holistic human resource development in terms of socio-cultural, physical, moral and spiritual growth. The core- mandate of the Kenya Music Festival is to effectively rally, monitor, manage and instill morality in the society. This in essence is expressed to enhance willingness, to shape and provide national identity and patriotism. It serves to critique and validate the policy systems of the Kenyan nation. Music brings together musicians and other artists from within Kenya and outside thus fostering national unity and integration. In these festivities, learners and trainers from all Kenyan educational institutions right from Early Childhood Development Education(ECDE), Primary, Secondary, Special schools, Tertiary institutions as well as universities converge together to expose their talents regardless of their social background thus rendering them equal. The Kenya Music Festival has been in existence for the last eighty eight (88) years and has been on the forefront in raising awareness of the social-cultural challenges and emerging issues that directly affect the Kenyan society with the youth at the centre stage. The study utilized a qualitative study based on a critical analysis method. Through this method, criticism was a positive evaluation of ideas. The critical issue of challenges of training and adjudicating special needs education presentations at the Kenya Music Festival in light of holistic human resource development were critically analyzed and a healthy judgment that rapidly offered remedial measures perpetuated as socio-cultural, physical, moral and spiritual growth conclusions were deducted. Keywords: Kenya Music Festival, Adjudicating, Special Needs Education (SNE
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