13 research outputs found

    Prevalence of <i>F</i>. <i>hepatica</i> in red deer in the Scottish Highlands (n = 959).

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    <p>Pie charts illustrate the proportions of infected and non-infected male and female deer in each estate. The size of each pie chart correlates with the number of samples collected on each estate. Overall differences in prevalence between estates are denoted by compact letter descriptors (calculated using Tukey Contrasts in the {glht} function in R), whereby estates that share at least one letter do not have significant differences (at the 5% level) in prevalence. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0162420#pone.0162420.s007" target="_blank">S4 Table</a> for prevalence stratified by sex and sampling seasons. Livestock presence (*) is noted for estates that contained sheep and/or cattle. All (*) denoted estates had hill sheep, and Applecross, Conaglen and Strathconon also had cattle.</p

    Prevalence of <i>F</i>. <i>hepatica</i> estimated by cELISA in red deer culled during the 2012–13 and 2013–14 stalking seasons in relation to: (A) Month (mature animals only; n<sub>male</sub> = 325; n<sub>female</sub> = 241; n<sub>total</sub> = 566); and (B) Age group (n<sub>male</sub> = 485; n<sub>female</sub> = 472; n<sub>total</sub> = 957).

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    <p>Significant differences at the 5% level (calculated using Tukey Contrasts in the {glht} function in R) are shown by compact letter descriptors; months/ages sharing a letter did not have significantly different prevalences. For clarity, data for two male calves (one positive in 2012; one negative in 2013) are not illustrated in (B), but were included in the statistical analyses.</p

    Scatter plots comparing results of FEC and a commercial cELISA (Bio X, Belgium) for <i>F</i>. <i>hepatica</i> infection in faecal samples that were collected from wild Scottish red deer between 2012 and 2014 (n = 353).

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    <p>Assays were carried out on samples that had been stored in two ways: (A) fresh (unfrozen) from the time of collection until time of testing (n = 146), and (B) frozen immediately after being collected from culled deer (n = 207). For the FEC test, results are recorded in eggs per gram of faeces (epg). For the cELISA, results are expressed in ELISA units (EU). Positive diagnosis by the cELISA was recorded for samples where results fell above a cut off derived using a positive reference standard.</p

    FE and cELISA estimated prevalence of <i>F</i>. <i>hepatica</i> infection (percentage of specific cohorts infected by sex (male, m; female, f) and sample storage method).

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    <p>Cohorts were from nine wild red deer populations during two stalking seasons (2012–13 and 2013–14); cohort sample sizes are shown next to each point. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0162420#pone.0162420.s005" target="_blank">S2 Table</a> for details of sampling sites and seasons to which these data relate.</p

    Characteristics of the eight MRSA isolates found in the survey of conference participants.

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    1<p>Susceptibilities tested: linezolid, rifampicin, kanamycin, norfloxacin, erythromycin, clindamycin, fusidic acid, tetracycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and mupirocin.</p>2<p>Genome screened for <i>tetM</i> M21136, <i>tetK</i> NC_017331_REGION: 69118.70497, <i>msrSA</i> AB013298_487.1953, <i>mphC</i> NC_017351 REGION: 53170.54069, <i>ileS</i> AJJR01000036 REGION: 742.3816, <i>fusC</i> HE980450 REGION: 10019.10657, <i>ermA</i> NC_002745 _N315, <i>dfrG</i> AB205645 REGION: 1013.1510, AB568461 <i>Staphylococcus aureus aacA</i>-<i>aphD</i> gene for bifunctional AAC/APH, <i>gyrA</i> CP000046_COL, <i>rpoB</i> X64172 REGION: 1222.4770, <i>tetL</i> JN970906 REGION: 8454.9830, <i>ermC</i> NC007792 REGION: 7865.8599 <i>ermT</i> NC017673 REGION: 1795197.1795946.</p

    Phylogenetic clustering of MAP isolates among Canadian regions.

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    <p>A) Circularized maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of 182 Canadian MAP isolates, rooted to the Type III isolate. Tips are colored according to province of origin (Alberta = blue, Ontario = light blue, British Colombia = red, Québec = orange, Saskatchewan = yellow, the Atlantic provinces = pink, Manitoba = purple). The branches leading to the nine subtypes are labeled with a square. Dotted lines indicate the threshold for the different subtype definitions used in the rarefaction analysis. B) Map of the 7 Canadian regions in which MAP isolates were obtained. C) The statistics (AI = association index, PS = parsimony score, MC = monophyletic clade size statistic), number of samples from each of the 7 regions, observed mean, null mean, and significance (p-value) are presented. Low AI and PS scores indicate a strong association, whereas high MC scores indicate a strong association.</p

    Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of sequenced MAP isolates.

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    <p>Phylogenetic tree of global (n = 26, labeled with a black dot (•)) and Canadian (n = 182) isolates based on 9,670 variant sites using the TPM1uf nucleotide substitution model. The tree is rooted to the Type I sequence. A magnification of the phylogeny excluding the Type I, III, and B isolates is outlined in dotted lines. The dominant subtype is shaded in grey. Bootstrap values with branch support ≥ 70% are displayed.</p