374 research outputs found

    WO 515 Sacramental Theology: Christ in the Church

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    What the Student Needs for This Course: Required “Texts” and Other Items •A CD set (two CDs) which should already be sent to you. Please contact the ExL office immediately if you do not have these CDs. Contact the ExL office (type that in the address line of an email in First Class) if you have any difficulties running these. If you have trouble running the digitized video on the CDs, make sure you have you have Quicktime 6 or higher installed on your computer. It is available on the CDs. When running the CDs, turn up the sound on your computer’s speakers beforehand. The sound quality on some videos is marginal. CD #1 contains the material for Fellowship Methodist Church, which we will call our Touchstone Church. It also contains the materials for module #1 (Christ, the Sacrament of God’s Presence). This church is a semi-fictitious congregation that we will use for assignments and discussion. See below for more information. CD #2 contains the material for modules #2 (Christ’s fundamental ministries), #3 (Discerning the Presence of Christ), and #4 (Further ministries of Christ). Please note that these CDs are the property of the seminary and must be returned at the end of the semester. Copyrighted materials on the CDs are only for your use as a student in this course. They should not be distributed more widely. Please note, too, that the sound quality on some of the video worship segments is not good. Turn up the sound on your computer’s speakers before playing. For the worship service of the Touchstone Church, a complete transcript of the service can be found in the course center in the class folder in First Class. •A book and a course packet bought from the bookstore: The only book to buy is Holy Communion (Abingdon, 2003). (This is a book of prayers, called Great Thanksgivings, for the Lord’s Supper. Note that Holy Communion need not be bought if the United Methodist Book of Worship is already owned.) You should also buy the course packet with additional readings that will be available from the Cokesbury bookstore. •Something to keep as a journal as you devotionally use Charles Wesley’s Hymns for the Nativity of our Lord (available on the course website) and the book entitled Holy Communion. More information on the assignment is given below. •Materials to practice baptism and Communion or to do the alternative exercises if one is not on a track for ordination as an elder/presbyter. To practice baptism and Communion it would be best to do so with some sort of congregation, if at all possible, and in a space regularly used for worship. Baptism must include the baptism of an adult and a child. These exercises (sacramental or not) are to be tape recorded and sent to the professor by standard mail at this address: Asbury Theological Seminary, SPO 937, 204 N. Lexington Ave., Wilmore, KY 40390. More information on this assignment is given below. If at all possible, please send the tapes as standard VHS tapes. Due dates are given below.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2684/thumbnail.jp

    WO 525 Time and Remembrance in Christian Worship

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    Overview of Readings for the Course There is only two written textbook for the course: Handbook of the Christian Year (module 3) and Celebrating Common Prayer (module 4). In all five modules, students will be expected to review these other “texts” as assigned: --videos of lectures on the CDs --videos of worship on the CDs --class material on the course website www.asburyseminary.edu/classweb/wo525 (The logon name is wo525; the password is anamnesis.) --and the following materials from the course packet (see the class schedule below for a more specific schedule of reading): Module 1 readings Hauerwas, Stanley M. “A Tale of Two Stories.” In Christian Existence Today. Durham: Labyrinth Press, 1988. pp. 25-45. Kallenberg, Brad J. “Fresh Look at Conversion” in Live to Tell. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2002. pp. 31-38, 47-54. Sayers, Dorothy L. “The Greatest Drama Ever Staged.” In Christian Letters to a Post-Christian Worship. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969. pp. 13-17. Green, Joel B. “The Community of Salvation” in Salvation. St. Louis: Chalice, 2003. pp. 119-122, 127- 130, 133-137, 144-145. Pasquarello, Michael. “Narrative Reading, Narrative Preaching: Inhabiting the Story.” In Narrative Reading, Narrative Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003. pp. 177-193. Ruth, Lester. “Worship True to God.” Unpublished essay Module 2 readings Wainwright, Geoffrey. “The Church as a Worshipping Community.” Pro Ecclesia 3, 1 (Winter 1994): 56-67. Schmemann, Alexander. For the Life of the World. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1973. pp. 11-22 Fisch, Thomas, editor. “Liturgy and Eschatology” in Liturgy and Tradition. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990. pp. 89-100. Dawn, Marva J. “How Does Worship Form Us by the Future to Live in the Present?” in How Shall We Worship? Wheaton: Tyndale, 2003. pp. 151-159, 164-170. Taft, Robert. “Toward a Theology of the Christian Feast” in Beyond East and West. Rome, 2001. pp. 15-29. Stookey, Laurence Hull. “The Year of our Risen Lord” in Calendar. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996. pp. 39- 49. Rattenbury, J. Ernest. “The Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice” and “The Sacrament a Pledge of Heaven” in The Eucharistic Hymns of John and Charles Wesley. Akron: OSL Publications, 1996. pp. 130- 144, 183-188.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1372/thumbnail.jp

    WO 611 Models of Evangelistic Worship: Baptism with Integrity

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    Alan Kreider, The Change of Conversion and the Origin of Christendom (Harrisburg: Trinity Press)Daniel T. Benedict, Come to the Waters (Nashville: Discipleship Resources) Lester Ruth, Accompanying the Journey (Nashville: Discipleship Resources) Grant Sperry-White, Echoing the Word (Nashville: Discipleship Resources)https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2703/thumbnail.jp

    CA 660 Song Lyrics and Theology

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    The student should purchase the following books: 1) St. Ephrem the Syrian. Hymns on Paradise. Translated by Sebastian Brock. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2) Lawson, John. A Thousand Tongues: The Wesley Hymns as a Guide to Scriptural Teaching. Atlanta: Paternoster Press, 2007. 3) Wybrew, Hugh. Orthodox Lent, Holy Week and Easter: Liturgical Texts with Commentary. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3619/thumbnail.jp

    WO 520 The History of Christian Worship

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    What the Student Needs for This Course: Required “Texts” and Other Items 1. The course DVD set (to be sent by ExL staff). Contact ExL support (type that in the address line of an email in First Class) if you have any difficulties running these. They will run in DVD players attached to TVs or on computers with the right software. Please note that these DVDs are the property of the seminary and must be returned at the end of the semester. Copyrighted materials on the DVDs (and website) are only for your use as a student in this course. They should not be distributed more widely. 2. These 4 books: 1) Robin Parry, Worshipping Trinity (Paternoster; ISBN 1- 84227-347-7); 2) Alistair Stewart-Sykes, Hippolytus: On the Apostolic Tradition (St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2001; ISBN 0-88141-233-3; 3) John Baldovin, Liturgy in Ancient Jerusalem (Grove Books, 1989; ISBN 1-85174-107-0); 4) James F. White, A Brief History of Christian Worship (Abingdon; ISBN 0-687- 03414-0) 3. A course packet to be purchased from the Cokesbury bookstore on the Wilmore campus. 4. Additional module materials to be found on electronic format either on the course website or in the course center folder in the course’s First Class folder. Please remember that this material is only for your use in this course. 5. Materials to keep a prayer/devotional journal on the Wesley hymns (on the website under the “General & Miscellaneous” link) and historic worship texts (both on the website and in the course packet). See Grading and Assessment: Portfolio Part 3 below for more information. 6. Occasionally materials for practicing Communion and baptism in class as described below in the module situational overviews (modules 3-7).https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3747/thumbnail.jp

    WP 611 Models of Evangelical Worship: Baptism with Integrity

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    Required Textbooks (3): For the historic catechumenate segment of the course: Alan Kreider, The Change of Conversion and the Origin of Christendom (Harrisburg: Trinity Press) For the modern catechumenate segment of the course: Daniel T. Benedict, Come to the Waters (Nashville: Discipleship Resources) Brad J. Kallenberg, Live to Tell (Grand Rapids: Brazos/Baker)https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1373/thumbnail.jp

    WO 700 Creative Preaching on the Sacraments

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    Textbooks: --Satterlee, Craig and Lester Ruth, Creative Preaching on the Sacraments, Discipleship Resources. --Yarnold, Edward, The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation, The Liturgical Press. Additional reading from materials on reserve might include sections from the following: --Augustine, The First Catechetical Instruction, Homilies on the Gospel of John, Later Works. --Cyril of Jerusalem, The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. --Danielou, Jean, The Bible and the Liturgy, Univ. of ND Press. --Harkins, Paul W., St. John Chrysostom: Baptismal Instructions, Ancient Christian Writers 31. Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press. --Harmless, William, Augustine and the Catechumenate.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3836/thumbnail.jp

    WO 611 Models of Evangelistic Worship: Baptism with Integrity

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    Alan Kreider, The Change of Conversion and the Origin of Christendom (Harrisburg: Trinity Press)Daniel T. Benedict, Come to the Waters (Nashville: Discipleship Resources) Lester Ruth, Accompanying the Journey (Nashville: Discipleship Resources) Grant Sperry-White, Echoing the Word (Nashville: Discipleship Resources)https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2703/thumbnail.jp

    WO 525 Time and Remembrance in Christian Worship

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    •A CD set (three CDs). Contact ExL support (type that in the address line of an email in First Class) if you have any difficulties running these. If you have trouble running the digitized video on the CDs, make sure you have you have Quicktime 6 or higher installed on your computer. It is available on the CDs. When running the CDs, turn up the sound on your computer’s speakers beforehand. The sound quality on some videos is marginal. CD #1 contains the material for the two Touchstone Churches. These churches are semi-fictitious congregations that we will use for assignments and discussion. See below for more information. CD #2 contains the material for modules #1 (Story) and #2 (Week). The materials for module #1 are all short lecture segments. #2 has lectures and a video clip of a worship service. CD #3 contains the material for modules #3 (Year), #4 (Day), and #5 (Pastoral Rites). The first two modules have both lecture and worship videos. The last only has lecture video. •Two books to be purchased. Both are available in the seminary’s bookstore: --Hickman, Hoyt, et al. The New Handbook of the Christian Year. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992. ISBN 0-687-22760-4 --Blain, Susan A. et al., editors. Imaging the Word: An Arts and Lectionary Resource, volume 2. Cleveland: United Church Press, 1995. ISBN 0-8298-1033-1 The Asbury Seminary bookstore will also have available a very nice artistic poster representing the entire Church year. It is called the Year of Grace Poster Calendar 2004. The ISBN is 1-56854-416-2. This is a recommended acquisition, not a required one. •Something to keep as a journal as you devotionally use Charles Wesley’s Charles Wesley’s Hymns for the Great Festivals (available in the course center in the class folder on ExL and on the course website) and the book entitled Imaging the Word. More information is given below. •Clean paper and writings instruments in each class. You will be asked to do quite a few immediate, in-class responses.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3834/thumbnail.jp

    WO 525 Time and Remembrance in Christian Worship

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    --Webber, Robert. Ancient-Future Worship: Proclaiming and Enacting God’s Narrative. Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 2008. ISBN 978-0-8010-6624-5. --Rienstra, Ron. Ten Service Plans for Contemporary Worship. Grand Rapids: Faith Alive Resources, 2002. ISBN 156212868X. --Hickman, Hoyt, et al. The New Handbook of the Christian Year. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992. ISBN 0-687-22760-4 --Blain, Susan A. et al., editors. Imaging the Word: An Arts and Lectionary Resource, volume 2. Cleveland: United Church Press, 1995. ISBN 0-8298-1033-1 --Stancliffe, David. Celebrating Common Prayer. Mowbray or Continuum. ISBN 0-264-67351- 4 or 0826465293 --course packethttps://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2783/thumbnail.jp
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