WO 525 Time and Remembrance in Christian Worship


Overview of Readings for the Course There is only two written textbook for the course: Handbook of the Christian Year (module 3) and Celebrating Common Prayer (module 4). In all five modules, students will be expected to review these other “texts” as assigned: --videos of lectures on the CDs --videos of worship on the CDs --class material on the course website www.asburyseminary.edu/classweb/wo525 (The logon name is wo525; the password is anamnesis.) --and the following materials from the course packet (see the class schedule below for a more specific schedule of reading): Module 1 readings Hauerwas, Stanley M. “A Tale of Two Stories.” In Christian Existence Today. Durham: Labyrinth Press, 1988. pp. 25-45. Kallenberg, Brad J. “Fresh Look at Conversion” in Live to Tell. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2002. pp. 31-38, 47-54. Sayers, Dorothy L. “The Greatest Drama Ever Staged.” In Christian Letters to a Post-Christian Worship. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969. pp. 13-17. Green, Joel B. “The Community of Salvation” in Salvation. St. Louis: Chalice, 2003. pp. 119-122, 127- 130, 133-137, 144-145. Pasquarello, Michael. “Narrative Reading, Narrative Preaching: Inhabiting the Story.” In Narrative Reading, Narrative Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003. pp. 177-193. Ruth, Lester. “Worship True to God.” Unpublished essay Module 2 readings Wainwright, Geoffrey. “The Church as a Worshipping Community.” Pro Ecclesia 3, 1 (Winter 1994): 56-67. Schmemann, Alexander. For the Life of the World. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1973. pp. 11-22 Fisch, Thomas, editor. “Liturgy and Eschatology” in Liturgy and Tradition. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990. pp. 89-100. Dawn, Marva J. “How Does Worship Form Us by the Future to Live in the Present?” in How Shall We Worship? Wheaton: Tyndale, 2003. pp. 151-159, 164-170. Taft, Robert. “Toward a Theology of the Christian Feast” in Beyond East and West. Rome, 2001. pp. 15-29. Stookey, Laurence Hull. “The Year of our Risen Lord” in Calendar. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996. pp. 39- 49. Rattenbury, J. Ernest. “The Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice” and “The Sacrament a Pledge of Heaven” in The Eucharistic Hymns of John and Charles Wesley. Akron: OSL Publications, 1996. pp. 130- 144, 183-188.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1372/thumbnail.jp

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