944 research outputs found

    From Einstein's Physics to Neurophilosophy: On the notions of space, time and field as cognoscitive conditions under Kantian-Husserlian approach in the General Relativity Theory

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    The current technoscientific progress has led to a sectorization in the philosophy of science. Today the philosophy of science isn't is informal interested in studying old problems about the general characteristics of scientific practice. The interest of the philosopher of science is the study of concepts, problems and riddles of particular disciplines. Then, within this progress of philosophy of science, neuroscientific research stands out, because it invades issues traditionally addressed by the humanities, such as the nature of consciousness, action, knowledge, normativity, etc. As a result, the new area of interdisciplinary study of neuroscience and philosophy arises: neurophilosophy. This emerging area applies neuroscientific concepts to traditional philosophical questions, limiting their responses to neuroscientific revelations about nervous systems. Neurophilosophy research focuses on problems related to the indirect nature of mind and brain, computational or representative analysis of brain process, relationships between psychological and neuroscientific research, adequate adaptations of physical and philosophical concepts in neuroscience and the place of cognitive functions. Now, the temporal representation of conscious experience and the types of the neural architecture to represent objects in time have aroused scientific interest. Under these interests, we focus on the studies on the temporary triadic structure of phenomenological consciousness in Dan Lloyd and Rick Grush. From Grush’s studies, the importance of Kantian ideas for cognitive neuroscience emerges, due to the active way in which Kant conceived space and time as forms of intuition, within which the mind interprets its experience. Under this perspective, the theoretical arguments of Dennett-Kinsbourne and Eagleman-Sejnowski represent winks in the direction of Kant-Husserl within the neuroscientific goal while considering that the contents provided by the mind included space, objects and perception of causal relationships. Then, theories of cognitive neuroscience are beginning to suggest that these elements are also, as Kant argued, interpretative elaborations provided by mind / brain, and not only content received from outside. In other words, current cognitive neuroscientific theories try to pass from its Humean phase to a Kantian phase. So, the challenge has been to explain that these elements are provided by the mind and the world itself, and how they have the content they have come from. These are lacking in current studies. Filling this gap helps to involve the analysis of the scientist’s experience in his theoretical attitude. In this sense, an investigation under the Kantian-Husserlian approach that involves pure intuitions a priori with the experience of the scientific and neuroscientific concepts represents a ground-breaking. At present, a neurophilosophical study about this does not exist. In this sense, one feasible proposal for research would be based on the application of neuroscientific results of Moser-Britt to philosophical problems of foundational notions in relativistic physics: space, time, space-time, field, etc., under the Kantian-Husserlian approach, which allows to demonstrate the multidisciplinary link between neurophilosophy and physics. This represents a ground-breaking area in current interests in scientific research, with a positive impact in the field of neuroscience, and contributing to the study of abstraction emphasizing the importance of Kant’s Copernican turn and Husserl’s phenomenological ideas in the construction of physical theories

    From Harmony to Automorphism: The Use of Symmetry as a Term of Metalanguage in Physics

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    For Tarski talk about the truth in a language, and not generate contradictions, it requires doing it from a different language with greater expressive power: the metalanguage. So, a metalanguage is a language that is used to talk about another language. In scientific language this distinction is very important. In physics, the notion of symmetry is shown through the language used within physical theories. In this way, through algebraic language ─automorphism─ we shown the symmetry ─invariancia, order, equilibrium─ finding (within the language of these theories) the use of the notion sometimes as a principle and sometimes as argument. The distinction in use of the notion of symmetry, on the part of physics, allows us to glimpse symmetry as a term of the metalanguage. Through a brief historical reconstruction ─from the Greeks to present time─ we show the notion of symmetry as a metalanguage term distinguishing the use ─principle and argument─ that physics makes of the concept

    “Agustín de la Torre and the beginning of Physics in Venezuela: a historical approach to the beginnings of technical and scientific thought in Venezuela”,

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    Reconstruying historically the beginning of development scientific thought in Venezuela, particularly in Physics, allow to account imperative need to preserve academic-scientific formation of Venezuelan society in 21st century. The Venezuelan historians Rafael Balza and Yajaira Freites in their respectively studies "Modern Physics in the Caraqueña Society of the late eighteenth century: between Mathematics and technique and "The problem of knowledge between hacendados and illustrated merchants of the province of Caracas-Venezuela (1793-1810)" allow to account efforts of Agustín de la Torre to insert, in Venezuelan society of 18th century, teaching , research, divulgation and application of modern physical sciences initiated in Europe, marking the beginning of development of eighteenth-century Venezuelan technical and scientific thought. It should be noted that historical study of Agustín de la Torre is a complicated due to scarce documentation and cultural complexity of eighteenth-century Venezuela. The contribution of study is to account for risk of loss of Science in Venezuela in XXI century, through historical reconstruction around of Agustín de la Torre and his countless and tireless efforts to develop the study and application of physics experimental in Venezuela. The scope of this research is framed in the need to show the importance in the preservation of scientific talent. Studying the efforts in eighteenth-century Venezuela allows this. The historical study around Agustín de la Torre gives an account of the origin in the studies of physics and the complex situation within the scientific and social context to develop Science in Venezuela

    The Relations of Order and the Identity of the Indiscernible: Leibniz´s Solution to the Problem of the Indistinction between Repose and Uniform Movement

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    Abstract The indistinction between repose and uniform movement exposed in the principle of inertia marks one of the most famous dissertations: the discussion between Newton and Leibniz. Through their respective conceptions of space, both seek to solve the problem of indistinction. The relational space of Leibniz, supported by the principle of sufficient reason and the identity of indiscernibles leads to the kinematic solution of the problem of inertia. The objective of this paper is to show the contribution of Leibniz, in terms of relations of order, by distinguishing between equality by identity and equality by equivalence. Under a philosophical approach we link identity, equivalence and equality as relations of order with the indiscernibility between different states of movement. We expose first the principle of sufficient reason and the identity of indiscernibles. Under Bernoulli's principle of indifference, we argue that we distinguish between equality in abstract and equality in concrete. As a third part, we present the relationship between the identity of the indiscernibles and the predicate of equality under logical analysis. Finally we present the conclusions

    From Harmony to Automorphism: The Use of Symmetry as a Term of Metalanguage in Physics

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    For Tarski talk about the truth in a language, and not generate contradictions, it requires doing it from a different language with greater expressive power: the metalanguage. So, a metalanguage is a language that is used to talk about another language. In scientific language this distinction is very important. In physics, the notion of symmetry is shown through the language used within physical theories. In this way, through algebraic language ─automorphism─ we shown the symmetry ─invariancia, order, equilibrium─ finding (within the language of these theories) the use of the notion sometimes as a principle and sometimes as argument. The distinction in use of the notion of symmetry, on the part of physics, allows us to glimpse symmetry as a term of the metalanguage. Through a brief historical reconstruction ─from the Greeks to present time─ we show the notion of symmetry as a metalanguage term distinguishing the use ─principle and argument─ that physics makes of the concept. Keywords: symmetry, automorphism, principle, argumen

    Significado y uso de la Noción de Simetría en Fisica: Una Reconstrucción Desde el Mundo Griego Hasta la Edad Moderna

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    Under the approach of basic concepts analysis and historical reconstruction, the evolution in meaning and use of symmetry, from the Greek world to the modern age is recognized, classifying it under the schemes of Branding-Castellani, R. Carnap and J. Roche. In this sense, two problems are studied: 1) the existence or not of the term symmetry in antiquity and 2) the Leibnizian position in reference to the understanding of the inertial problem and its repercussions in the evolution of the notion

    Venezuela y el Éxodo Científico y Profesional: Un análisis a los Programas Internacionales de Apoyo a Científicos, Académicos y Profesionales Venezolanos en el Exilio, Refugiados y en Riesgo

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    El exilio de académicos y científicos venezolanos, representa un desastre para una colectividad emergente y joven dentro del país. La desatención a la comunidad académica venezolana en el exilio, puede llevar a una desconexión, pérdida y aislamiento de la Ciencia venezolana ─formada antes y durante los primeros años del periodo totalitario─ dentro del contexto nacional e internacional. Actualmente los intentos por mantener la cohesión de la comunidad académica venezolana en el exilio están fragmentados y desvinculados entre sí, lo que se traduce en desaprovechamiento de las distinta iniciativas y perjuicio a la población académica-científica. No existe una adecuada organización que permita cohesionar a los académicos y científicos venezolanos en riesgo. Esta desorganización conlleva la “no integración” del talento venezolano académico-científico en programas internacionales en países de acogida. Y digo “académica” y no “científica”, porque la mayoría de programas e iniciativas internacionales están dirigidas solo ciencias exactas dejando de lado las ciencias humanísticas. Sin embargo, son las investigaciones humanísticas las que muestran el devenir de científicos exiliados. En los países que han sufrido regímenes totalitarios, guerras y/o situaciones de conflicto, el desvanecimiento de la investigación y acción humanística representa uno de los primeros objetivos. Es por esto, que he querido usar el término “Academia” en lugar de “Ciencia” ya que la primera acepción tiene un mayor radio de inclusión, evitándose posibles disertaciones positivistas y neopositivistas —desde el ámbito filosófico—en torno a lo que entendemos o categorizamos por “Cienci

    Intercepting the Intergenerational Trauma of Mass Incarceration Through Art-Based Parent Programs

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    This study discusses the intergenerational impact of mass incarceration on families. The general literature repeatedly described the negative effects of mass incarceration among children who have an incarcerated parent by pointing to the difficulty of educational attainment, social exclusion, stigma, substance abuse, and the exacerbation of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and antisocial behavior (Kjellstrand & Eddy, 2011; Miller & Barnes, 2015; Turney, 2014). Unfortunately, most incarcerated individuals are parents and most incarcerated women are mothers (Scudder, A., et al., 2014, and Miller, et al., 2014). Through the use of art, service providers (artists, clinicians, etc.) that facilitate parent based programs in correctional facilities or re-entry programs can alleviate the trauma caused by incarceration that affect the emotional and mental well-being of families. Two organizations that provide art programs to incarcerated parents participated in a qualitative study about the effective use of art in their programs. Themes from the interviews discussed the value of cultural humility, as well as the role of social justice and restorative justice frameworks when providing art-based programs for parents. The lack of trust, compassion, and empathy were barriers in the process of delivering services to families. Since the creative process is inherently inclusive and actively engages its participants (e.g., therapists, patients, observers), the results of this study point to art creation as a vehicle that promotes trusts and supports family relationship restoration in order to intercept the cycles of intergenerational trauma

    Manifestaciones de capital relacional entre empresarios de los sectores electrónico e informático

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    Con la intención de identificar y fortalecer fuentes de ventaja competitiva sostenibles en el tiempo, algunas empresas optan por el establecimiento de relaciones inter-organizacionales que les permiten complementar y aumentar sus propios recursos y capacidades; como resultado ellas obtienen un tipo de capital inmaterial que puede contribuir significativamente a la creación de valor empresarial. Luego de una conceptualización inicial y de una revisión del trabajo de investigación nacional en el área, en este artículo se presentan las manifestaciones de un conjunto de pequeños empresarios de los sectores electrónico e informático con respecto a su capital relacional. Al final se concluye la actitud positiva de los empresarios de estos sectores hacia el establecimiento de alianzas y otras formas de colaboración inter-empresarial.capital relacional, relaciones inter-organizacionales, ventaja competitiva, colaboración, creación de valor, capital social empresarial.

    A suggested heterodox perspective for the study of family-owned businesses in Colombia

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    ABSTRACT This paper identifies some orthodox trends in national research on this subject and a set of heterodox approaches used by Anglo-Saxon researchers based on the review of secondary sources such as books, articles, and graduation projects for the purpose of encouraging a reflection and an assessment. The results of this review allowed determining that orthodox theories have had a significant dissemination among Colombian researchers and students. Heterodox approaches, on the contrary, are less well-known and less frequently used. It proposes conducting an in-depth review of this set of recent theories and constructs and evaluating their applicability to achieve an understanding of the idiosyncrasy of family-owned businesses in Colombia as an alternative current of national research.