104 research outputs found

    Conversation Analysis and genre theory

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    Since its genesis in the 1960s, Conversation Analysis (CA) has noticeably developed further in terms of its subjects and methods. Its analyses, today, not only focus on conversations in the original sense, but also on visual elements such as gazes in interactions and the role of bodies. However, it also analyzes especially larger communicative units, e.g., in institutionalized settings and it addresses larger sequences of action. One of these approaches is the theory and analysis of communicative genres. Communicative genres are to be understood as consolidated forms of communication. The theory of communicative genres understands these forms as solutions to communicative problems. Genre analysis is methodologically grounded in CA; however, it exceeds it conceptually and theoretically, thus anchoring its questions clearly within sociology. The paper starts out by outlining the concepts and theory of communicative genres. The article discusses the empirical contribution of genre analysis using the example of three so-called “families of genres” families. The examples discussed are reconstructive genres (speaking about the past), genres of moral communication (speaking about other people’s behavior), and projective genres (speaking about the future). Using examples from empirical research, it is shown which communicative problems these genres solve. The paper finally considers the insights to be gained from genre analysis for sociology and CA

    Communicative activities during the television reception: General and genre specific structures of recipients’ talk

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    Ayaß R. Communicative activities during the television reception: General and genre specific structures of recipients’ talk. In: Ayaß R, Gerhardt C, eds. The appropriation of media in everyday life. Amsterdam: Benjamins; 2012: 23-46

    Introduction: Media appropriation and everyday life

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    Ayaß R. Introduction: Media appropriation and everyday life. In: Ayaß R, Gerhardt C, eds. The appropriation of media in everyday life. Amsterdam: Benjamins; 2012: 1-15

    Gender Studies

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    Ayaß R. Gender Studies. In: Ayaß R, Bergmann J, eds. Qualitative Methoden der Medienforschung. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt; 2006: 406-422

    Zur Geschichte der qualitativen Methoden in der Medienforschung: Spuren und Klassiker

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    Ayaß R. Zur Geschichte der qualitativen Methoden in der Medienforschung: Spuren und Klassiker. In: Ayaß R, Bergmann J, eds. Qualitative Methoden der Medienforschung. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt; 2006: 42-71

    Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Jürgen H.P. (Hrsg.), Analyse verbaler Daten. Über den Umgang mit qualitativen Daten. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992

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    Ayaß R. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Jürgen H.P. (Hrsg.), Analyse verbaler Daten. Über den Umgang mit qualitativen Daten. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992. Rundfunk und Fernsehen. 1993;41(3):428-431

    „Report“, „rapport“ und andere Mythen: Die These der zwei Kulturen und die linguistische Ontologisierung von Geschlecht

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    Ayaß R. „Report“, „rapport“ und andere Mythen: Die These der zwei Kulturen und die linguistische Ontologisierung von Geschlecht. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik. 2004;(40):37-59

    Hrsgg. von Habscheid, Stephan/Wolfgang Klein

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    Ayaß R. Zur Sozio-Logik der Fernbedienung. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik. Dinge und Maschinen in der Kommunikation. 2012;(168):28-45


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    Ayaß R, Meyer C. Einleitung. In: Ayaß R, Meyer C, eds. Sozialität in Slow Motion. Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS; 2012: 701

    Doing data. The status of transcripts in Conversation Analysis

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    Ayaß R. Doing data. The status of transcripts in Conversation Analysis. Discourse Studies. 2015;17(5):505-528